PokéMon like game on iOS with Location Based Service.

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Games game ios pokemon lbs

iPokeMon (iOS Client: Master)


About Project

iPokeMon is a project that try to implement the PokéMon game on iOS with Location Based Service.

This was my Graduation Project. I tried to submit it to the App Store when the v0.3.2 done, but finally, the binary was rejected on May 16, 2012 with the reason of rejection: "8.5: Use of protected 3rd party material (trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, otherwise proprietary content) requires a documented rights check which must be provided upon request". What a pity! There was a time I wanted to ask some designers to create a set of PokéMon like characters, but I gave up the thought cause it'll lose its meaning then. So after I graduated from university on Jun, 2012, I shelved this project for several months.

Till now, I still hope to have such a game on iOS. With my own limited capacity, iPokeMon is still in beta version. So I open source this whole project in order to let more and more people (both programmer & designer, or even just a player are all welcomed) participate in the development. I look forward to that one day it can be owned by everyone that grown up with PokéMon!

Finally, I would like to say that feel free to transplant this project to any system! And I'll be glad if you send me a mail about your transplanting. ;)

You can follow me for updates on the development: Twitter / Sina Weibo.

About App: Master

Master is the iOS client of iPokeMon project. It is an extensible game template of RPG with Location Based Service.

Characters in game are distributed in the real world. You'll find & catch different characters in different cities, or even countries.

The game template allows you to load the third-party resources (e.g. PokéMon related resource) to define your own characters, including the name, appearance, etc. Make any classic game resources as you can, and don't forget to share it with your friends!


Download on the App Store

Game Play Demo

Refer to the Game Play Manual.

Change Log

Change log is located in Wiki: Change Log. It also includes a TODO list, which shows further plans. If you've any idea about this project, just speak it out and you may receive a special gift from the iPokeMon world! Looking forward to your great idea! ;)


Master requires iOS 5.0 SDK or later.

Apply for Beta Version Testing

The Beta version of Master is hosted on TestFlight, just register a account and join MY TEAM.
Or you can join other developers' teams HERE.

Make Contributions

Project Improvement

If you have some spare time then there is no better way to help an open source project than to get involved at one level or another. Contributions are very much appreciated and needed in any of the following ways:

  • Improve the source code;
  • Help diagnose and report problems;
  • Suggest fixes by sending in patches;
  • Help with unit and end-to-end testing;
  • Provide peer support on our forum or on the Sencha forum;
  • Publish an article on your blog (send the link) to educate others regarding some aspect of the project;
  • Help with missing documentation;
  • Improve the game data.

For programmers, if you want to be a contributor of the source code, just fork this repo as your own and improve the code in your own repo. When you done, send a "Pull Request" to me. I'll merge the commits after checking. And b.t.w, it is better to send "Pull Request" whenever you've modify the source code, even a modification of one word. :) [Configuration Page]

And for designers, feel free to discuss with me on the design work via email: kj#kjuly.com.

I collected the original data of iPokeMon on the internet. Most of them are okay, but of course, the lack is also hard to avoid. So I'm glad that you can help me to improve the data.

Monetary Support

As an independent developer, I need some support with microdonations to continue the project. Your monetary support is greatly appreciated!

Donate with Alipay Flattr this

Spiritual Encouragement

And an another way to support me, you can purchase any of my iOS Apps which are sold on the AppStore, or just share this page to your friends via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.

Thanks in advance! <3


I'd love your feedback.
Email your comments, suggestions and questions to dev#kjuly.com.
Or you can just post a bug report or a feature request HERE.
Thank you! :)


In addition to the MIT LICENSE, I ask that you do not publicly distribute the app as a whole in binary form (e.g. on the App Store). If you do want to, please contact me for the permission first. Thank you! :)

  • Crash at -[UINavigationBar viewCount]

    Crash at -[UINavigationBar viewCount]

    A simple but may not correct fix

    in file CustomNavigationController.m >> initWithRootViewController:

    • replace with all the code in -(id)init
    • add [self pushViewController:rootViewController animated:NO]; at the end of if(self) {

    hope this helps

    opened by ultragtx 11
  • How To Call your viewcontroller from KYCircularMenu and Mantain your look and feel

    How To Call your viewcontroller from KYCircularMenu and Mantain your look and feel

    I downloaded de CirculesMenu and I successfully implement in my app but I am stock in how to show the other ViewControllers in my apps. I can call the other VC with these code

    - (void)runButtonActions:(id)sender {
      [super runButtonActions:sender];
      if ([sender tag] == 1)
        // Configure new view & push it with custom |pushViewController:| method
        MusicViewController *MviewController = [[MusicViewController alloc] init];
        //UIViewController * viewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
        //[viewController.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
        [MviewController setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Música"]];
        // Use KYCircleMenu's |-pushViewController:| to push vc
        [self pushViewController:MviewController];

    My viewDidLoad code

    - (void)viewDidLoad
      [super viewDidLoad];
      // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
      // Setting Up Activity Indicator View
      self.activityIndicatorView = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
      self.activityIndicatorView.hidesWhenStopped = YES;
      self.activityIndicatorView.center = self.view.center;
      [self.view addSubview:self.activityIndicatorView];
      [self.activityIndicatorView startAnimating];
      // Initializing Data Source
      NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:StrJsonURL];
      NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
      AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id getJSON) {
        _JSON = getJSON;
        [self.activityIndicatorView stopAnimating];
        NSLog(@"%@", _JSON);
        [self.tableView reloadData];
      } failure:nil];
      [operation start];
    opened by alexgsolutions 3
  • Give up iOS5.0 ?

    Give up iOS5.0 ?

    I find that almost all of the devices that registered on iPokeMon team are use iOS6.0 or higher system. So I think it's better to give up iOS5.0 and use iOS6.0 features since now, though I can use -respondsToSelector: to support <6.0 ones without iOS6.0 features.

    opened by Kjuly 2
  • Getting

    Getting "_OBJC_CLASS_$_DeviceBlockingViewController", referenced from:

    I have added on the reference control and then build the application then I found issues which I had listed below.

    Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "OBJC_CLASS$_DeviceBlockingViewController", referenced from: objc-class-ref in MainViewController.o "_kDeviceUIDKey", referenced from: -[TrainerController _keyForDeviceUID] in TrainerController.o "_kIAPCurrencyTier1", referenced from: -[PMPurchaseManager init] in PMPurchaseManager.o "_kIAPCurrencyTier2", referenced from: -[PMPurchaseManager init] in PMPurchaseManager.o "_kIAPCurrencyTier3", referenced from: -[PMPurchaseManager init] in PMPurchaseManager.o "_kOAuthClientIdentifier", referenced from: -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o -[ServerAPIClient initWithBaseURL:] in ServerAPIClient.o -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o -[ServerAPIClient initWithBaseURL:] in ServerAPIClient.o "_kOAuthGoogleClientID", referenced from: -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o "_kOAuthGoogleClientSecret", referenced from: -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o "_kOAuthGoogleKeychainItemName", referenced from: -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o "_kOAuthGoogleScope", referenced from: -[OAuthManager init] in OAuthManager.o "_kServerAPIRoot", referenced from: +[ServerAPI root] in ServerAPIClient.o "_kmGLFreeAll", referenced from: _ccGLInvalidateStateCache in ccGLStateCache.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    Please help me which setting I forgot it.

    opened by RamkrishnaClarion 1
  • Compilation error GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h not being found

    Compilation error GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h not being found

    UPDATE: actually, never mind. I just read through your list of dependencies and it appears that I have to add those libs in first. Sorry.


    Very interesting project you got! The project doesn't compile out of the box.

    Class GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch+Custom.h complains that "GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h file not found"

    Hope this helps you

    opened by sogwiz 1
  • v0.4.6 released on App Store now

    v0.4.6 released on App Store now

    Renamed to Master and it is released on App Store successfully.

    For a beta version, I set the price very high in order to limit the amount of users. Hope you can understand. :)

    iTunes Download Link

    opened by Kjuly 0
  • Better to manage all PokeMon related resources separately.

    Better to manage all PokeMon related resources separately.

    Due to copyright issues, it's better to manage all PokeMon related resources separately. I'll try to do it. ;)


    You can maintains all resources including PokeMon package here.

    opened by Kjuly 0
  • Progress (battles)

    Progress (battles)


    I know you listed you have limited time and resources, but was wondering how is progress coming along, specially battle against other trainers (Players aka multiplayers) ? I am pretty sure it should be possible via next peer and I being a iOS dev am still R&Ding on cocos2d else would have tried my hand on it.

    Is there any way I can help you in this ? Particularly I wanted to try and transplant this into a original story or diff franchise (its just that superb) but a player vs player and a few features still missing would be needed in that.

    opened by shubhank008 1
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