A library that adds a throwing unwrap operator in Swift.



A simple package to add a throwing unwrap operator (~!) to Optionals in Swift.


Add this to the package-wide dependencies in Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/allotropeinc/ThrowingUnwrap.git", from: "1.0.0")

And add this to the target-specific dependencies:

.product(name: "ThrowingUnwrap", package: "ThrowingUnwrap")


func test() throws -> String {
  let stringThing: String? = "Hello world!" // Optional string, but not nil...
  let attempt = try stringThing~! // ...therefore, unwrap succeeds...
  return attempt // ...and we can return the value.

Let's look at an example when the value is nil:

func test() throws -> String {
  let stringThing: String? = nil // It's nil this time...
  let attempt = try stringThing~! // ...therefore, unwrap fails...
  return attempt // ...and this never gets called.

The type thrown is defined in the library, and is called UnwrapError, and has exactly one parameter, failedType, which is typed as Any.Type.

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