A small set of utilities to make working with CoreData and Swift a bit easier.



Build Status Carthage compatible CocoaPods


SUPPORTS SWIFT 2.0 from Version >= 1.4 **
SUPPORTS SWIFT 1.2 from Version <= 1.3
Both iOS and WatchOS

A Swift CoreData Framework consisting of several Extensions and Helpers to bring some love and take the hassle out of common CoreData tasks.

Each piece of functionality can be used independently and discreetly, so there is no need for a "buy in" to the whole project. For example, you could use your own NSFetchedResultsController or NSManagedObjectContext with any of the finders or even the SuperFetchedResultsControllerDelegate

I'd like to make a big shout-out to MagicalRecord, which I think lay great foundations for these kind of projects. Although its had its ups and downs, it seems under heavy development. This Swift SuperRecord project was obviously heavily inspired by work done in MagicalRecord.


SuperRecord consists of several Extensions to add MagicalRecord/ActiveRecord style "finders" to your NSManagedObject subclasses, a FetchResultsControllerDelegate class to handle safe batch updates to both UITableView and UICollectionView and an experimental Boilerplate CoreData Stack Singleton.

The project has been built over several versions of Swift so some choices may seem strange at first.

Adding SuperRecord to your project

Method 1 (CocoaPods)

To integrate SuperRecord into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SuperRecord'

or for watch support use the subspec

    pod 'SuperRecord/watch'
  • Build
  • Add import SuperRecord

Method 2 (Carthage)

To integrate SuperRecord into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord"

Method 3 (Submodule)

git submodule add https://github.com/michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord.git SuperRecord
  • Drag the checked out submodule into Xcode
  • Click on your main application target
  • Open "Build Phases"
  • Add SuperRecord.framework under "Target Dependencies"

Method 4 (Manually)

git clone https://github.com/michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord.git

Now add the source files into your project directly.

Core Files

  • NSManagedObjectExtension.swift This extension is responsible for most of the "finder" functionality and has operations such as deleteAll(), findOrCreateWithAttribute() createEntity() and allows you to specify your own NSManagedObjectContext or use the default one (running on the main thread).

  • NSFetchedResultsControllerExtension.swift In constant development, this Extension allows the easy creation of FetchedResultsControllers for use with UICollectionView and UITableView that utilise the SuperFetchedResultsControllerDelegate for safe batch updates.

  • SuperFetchedResultsControllerDelegate.swift heavily inspired by past-projects i've worked on along with other popular open source projects. This handles safe batch updates to UICollectionView and UITableView across iOS 7 and iOS 8. It can be used on its own with your NSFetchedResultsController or alternatively, its automatically used by the NSFetchedResultsControllerExtension methods included in SuperRecord.

  • SuperCoreDataStack.swift a boilerplate experimental main thread CoreData stack. Can be used either as a sqlite store or in memory store. Simply by calling SuperCoreDataStack.defaultStack() for SQLite or SuperCoreDataStack.inMemoryStack() for an in memory store. Of course you have access to your context .context / .saveContext()


Create a new Entity

Assuming you have an NSManagedObject of type "Pokemon" you could do the following

let pokemon = Pokemon.createNewEntity() as Pokemon

Please add @objc(className) above the class name of all your NSManagedObject subclasses (as shown in the demo project) for now. Better support will be coming in the future.

Creating an NSFetchedResultsController

There are many factory methods for your convenience that SuperRecord adds to NSFetchedResultsController to make your life simpler, yet still powerful. As always, you don't have to use these with SuperRecord, however they are there for your convenience. Many of the SuperRecord factory methods will handle safe batch updates for you to your passed collectionView or tableView. No more song and dance.

lazy var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController = self.superFetchedResultsController()

func superFetchedResultsController() -> NSFetchedResultsController {
return NSFetchedResultsController.superFetchedResultsController("Pokemon", tableView: tableView)

Or for some more advanced usage (collectionView with multiple sections and a predicate with automatic batch updates):

let sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "evolutionLevel", ascending: false),NSSortDescriptor(key: "level", ascending: false)]
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "trainer = %@", self.trainer)!
let tempFetchedResultsController = NSFetchedResultsController.superFetchedResultsController("Pokemon", sectionNameKeyPath: "evolutionLevel", sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: predicate, collectionView: self.collectionView, context: context)	

With Pokemon being the entity name of your NSManagedObject.

Delete Entities

I'm planning on adding much more powerful functionality around Delete soon, such as deleteAllWithPredicate() or deleteEntity(), right now all that is available is


Method Listing

This isn't an exhaustive list of all methods and classes, however it includes some of the most useful ones.


  • findAllWithPredicate(predicate: NSPredicate!, context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSArray
  • findAllWithPredicate(predicate: NSPredicate!) -> NSArray
  • deleteAll(context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Void
  • deleteAll() -> Void
  • findAll(context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSArray
  • findAll() -> NSArray
  • findFirstOrCreateWithPredicate(predicate: NSPredicate!) -> NSManagedObject
  • findFirstOrCreateWithPredicate(predicate: NSPredicate!, context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSManagedObject
  • createNewEntity() -> NSManagedObject
  • findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute(attribute: NSString!, value: NSString!, context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSManagedObject
  • findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute(attribute: NSString!, value: NSString!) -> NSManagedObject


NSFetchedResultsControllers created using the below methods will automatically handle safe batch updates to the passed UITableView or UICollectionView

  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, collectionView: UICollectionView) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, tableView: UITableView) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, collectionView: UICollectionView!, context: NSManagedObjectContext!) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, tableView: UITableView!, context: NSManagedObjectContext!) -> NSFetchedResultsController

NSFetchedResultsControllers created using the below methods require you to use your own NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate class

  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortedBy: NSString?, ascending: Bool, tableView: UITableView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortedBy: NSString?, ascending: Bool, collectionView: UICollectionView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, collectionView: UICollectionView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, tableView: UITableView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, collectionView: UICollectionView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, context: NSManagedObjectContext!) -> NSFetchedResultsController
  • superFetchedResultsController(entityName: NSString!, sectionNameKeyPath: NSString?, sortDescriptors: NSArray?, predicate: NSPredicate?, tableView: UITableView!, delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, context: NSManagedObjectContext!) -> NSFetchedResultsController

##Developer Notes

This whole project is a work in progress, a learning exercise and has been released "early" so that it can be built and collaborated on with feedback from the community. I'm using it in a project I work on everyday, so hopefully it'll improve and gain more functionality, thread-safety and error handling over time.

Currently work is in progress to replace the SuperCoreDataStack with a much better, more flexible and cleaner implementation + a wiki is in progress. If you'd like to help out, please get in touch or open a PR.

  • Remove @objc(className)

    Remove @objc(className)

    In the current version of Swift NSStringFromClass(ClassName) returns // ProjectName.Pokemon.

    So we can easily add a new function in NSManagedObject that returns only the ClassName without forcing the user to add @objc(ClassName) to each NSManagedObject.

    What do you think @michaelarmstrong?

    opened by PGLongo 15
  • Add Sample Model with UnitTest

    Add Sample Model with UnitTest


    I have created a sample test that could be a good starting point.


    1. Created sample Model, with two entities: Pokemon and Type.
    2. Created sample test
    3. Changed extensions visibility to public, to allow framework use.
    4. Added completionHandler (default values is nil) in findAllWithPredicate and findFirstOrCreateWithPredicate. The completion handler is necessary to allow async test and it should be added to all the function that call findAllWithPredicate or findFirstOrCreateWithPredicate
    5. Added SuperRecordTestsTestCase : XCTestCase, ovveriding setUp function initializing the test managedObjectContext.
    opened by PGLongo 6
  • Fixed random SQLite error code:522, 'not an error'

    Fixed random SQLite error code:522, 'not an error'

    I've fixed an error that can affect some Simulator (mine for example) running unit-test.

    2015-10-21 17:10:24.579 xctest[703:8687] CoreData: error: (522) I/O error for database at /Users//Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/5E7487DC-2883-45F6-8CC1-FB90A2EB73C1/data/Documents/Pokemon.sqlite. SQLite error code:522, 'not an error' fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=522 "(null)" UserInfo={NSSQLiteErrorDomain=522, NSUnderlyingException=I/O error for database at /Users//Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/5E7487DC-2883-45F6-8CC1-FB90A2EB73C1/data/Documents/Pokemon.sqlite. SQLite error code:522, 'not an error', NSFilePath=/Users/*/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/5E7487DC-2883-45F6-8CC1-FB90A2EB73C1/data/Documents/Pokemon.sqlite}: file /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/swiftlang/swiftlang-700.0.59/src/swift/stdlib/public/core/ErrorType.swift, line 50

    Running multiple tests the database seems to be corrupted, maybe caused by sqlite temporary files.

    I've improved NSPersistentStore deletion in tearDown.


    opened by PGLongo 5
  • Swift 1.2

    Swift 1.2

    SuperRecord doesn't want to compile with the changes in Swift 1.2.

    The major issue is the introduction of the failable cast as! over as, and there are some minor issues with optionality in CoreData and UIKit, and a few type checking issues too. I have to ship something before weekend, so I'll be working on this. Have you started any work on it yet? Or shall I just get stuck into it?


    screen shot 2015-04-15 at 09 12 48

    opened by adamwaite 5
  • cannot build demo

    cannot build demo

    hello, the demo will not build.

    error is SuperRecordDemo.xcodeproj cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file.

    xcode 6.1.1 iOS 8.1

    opened by gaming-hacker 4
  • Implementing magicalrecord style handling of store structure change

    Implementing magicalrecord style handling of store structure change

    So one of the things I liked about magical record is that it if your store changes.. instead of crashing on app launch (and loading of the persistent store from file system).. it attempts to just delete the existing store and create a new one.

    This is useful while your app is in development because currently if you're pushing out builds every day or couple of days to your team of internal test users, you have 3 options for handling database changes.

    1. Do a migration for every build
    2. Tell them if it crashes, to delete and reinstall

    With this implementation.. you can just tell them that they may lose data between installs.

    Discussion areas:

    1. This currently blindly deletes and recreates the store on any error.. would be interested in narrowing that.. and have some ideas for how to do that, but thought I'd ask for ideas on what other errors can come through this.
    2. Might be good to just have this as a feature that can be enabled/disabled. Or available for development only? Interested in thoughts!
    opened by jyaunches 3
  • Removed duplicate functions using optional values

    Removed duplicate functions using optional values


    I have removed all:

    let context = SuperCoreDataStack.defaultStack.managedObjectContext!

    using swift optional values, so functions like

    class func findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute(attribute: NSString!, value: NSString!, context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSManagedObject 


    class func findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute(attribute: NSString!, value: NSString!, context: NSManagedObjectContext = SuperCoreDataStack.defaultStack.managedObjectContext!) -> NSManagedObject 
    opened by PGLongo 3
  • Rromanchuk swift 2.0

    Rromanchuk swift 2.0

    We need to get this finalized and merged in ASAP... Swift 2.0 is out guys. @PGLongo @rromanchuk I've made a couple of small changes, but it needs some attention still.

    opened by michaelarmstrong 2
  • Invalid StackName if target contains space

    Invalid StackName if target contains space

    If the target contains space the model is automatically named with '_' instead of ' ', for example 'Pokemon Ruby Omega' became 'Pokemon_Ruby_Omega'

    let stackName = (infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as NSString

    We could change stackName like this

    let stackName = (infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as NSString).stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "_")

    Maybe we can also change NSString to String.

    opened by PGLongo 2
  • Enable Travis

    Enable Travis

    @michaelarmstrong I have added Travis CI support, but I cannot change the settings of the repo so I can't enable the GitHub Webhook. It's very simple, follow this instructions.


    opened by PGLongo 2
  • Added more complex NSPredicate and predicate builder

    Added more complex NSPredicate and predicate builder

    Added predicateBuilder that create a NSPredicate from 3 parameters:

    1. Attribute name
    2. Attribute value (any object)
    3. NSPredicateOperator
    enum NSPredicateOperator : String {
        case And = "AND"
        case Or = "OR"
        case In = "IN"
        case Equal = "=="
        case NotEqual = "!="
        case GreaterThan = ">"
        case GreaterThanOrEqual = ">="
        case LessThan = "<"
        case LessThanOrEqual = "<="
        class func predicateBuilder(attribute: String!, value: AnyObject, predicateOperator: NSPredicateOperator ) -> NSPredicate? {
            var predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K \(predicateOperator.rawValue) $value", attribute)
            predicate = predicate?.predicateWithSubstitutionVariables(["value" : value]);
            return predicate

    For example:

    NSPredicate.predicateBuilder("level", value: 16, predicateOperator: .LessThan)
    NSPredicate(format: "level < 16")
    NSPredicate.predicateBuilder("name", value: "Charmender", predicateOperator: .Equal)
    NSPredicate(format: "name == \"Charmender\"")

    Using predicateBuilder I have improved findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute, now it works with all value and not only with strings

    class func findFirstOrCreateWithAttribute(attribute: String!, value: AnyObject!, context: NSManagedObjectContext = SuperCoreDataStack.defaultStack.managedObjectContext!, handler: ((NSError!) -> Void)! = nil) -> NSManagedObject {
            var predicate = NSPredicate.predicateBuilder(attribute, value: value, predicateOperator: .Equal)
            return findFirstOrCreateWithPredicate(predicate, context: context, handler)

    I have also added a new init method to allow the creation of more complex NSPredicate (the kind of firstCondition AND ( secondCondition OR thirdCondition)

     convenience init?(firstPredicate : NSPredicate, secondPredicate: NSPredicate, predicateOperator: NSLogicOperator ) {
                self.init(format: "(\(firstPredicate)) \(predicateOperator.rawValue) (\(secondPredicate))")
    opened by PGLongo 2
  • Use Generics in NSManagedObject Extension

    Use Generics in NSManagedObject Extension

    I think that we could change NSManagedObject extension using generics.

    For example:


    func createNewEntity(context:) -> NSManagedObject {}
    let pokemon = Pokemon.createNewEntity() as! Pokemon


    class func createNewEntity <T> (context:) ->  T {}
    let pokemon : Pokemon = Pokemon.createNewEntity()

    In my opinion is more secure because you receive a compile error if the type is not explicit!

    opened by PGLongo 2
  • Nil pointer Exception if target contains a space

    Nil pointer Exception if target contains a space

    If the target as a name with space like "Super Record" iOS replace the space with an "_" so the correct name for the model become "Super_Record.momd"

    I have solved temporarily changing:

    let infoDictionary = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary as NSDictionary?
    let stackName = (infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as! String)
    let storeName = stackName + ".sqlite"


    let infoDictionary = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary as NSDictionary?
    let stackName = (infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as! String).stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "_")
    let storeName = stackName + ".sqlite"

    @michaelarmstrong you should considering it if you are writing the new stack.

    opened by PGLongo 1
  • SuperCoreStack should be 100% decoupled from NSFetchedResultsControllerExtension

    SuperCoreStack should be 100% decoupled from NSFetchedResultsControllerExtension

    This extension is a great class, but it needs to be decoupled. https://github.com/michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord/blob/master/SuperRecord/NSFetchedResultsControllerExtension.swift#L102

    We use a more advanced stack so this line gives us problems. In general it's probably better to force the callee to be responsible for sending the MOC, always. In general calling back up to the delegate for the moc is bad practice, especially when there isn't just a single MOC being used everywhere.

    opened by rromanchuk 3
  • SuperCoreDataStack has no flexibility and doesn't support multi-threading

    SuperCoreDataStack has no flexibility and doesn't support multi-threading

    SuperCoreDataStack assumes your backing store is named the same as your App name. Additionally it uses the Apple boiler-plate and does not support any CoreData configuration other than a single main thread context.

    Calls also require an explicit mention of either defaultStack or inMemoryStack... this pattern needs improving to a single line of setup in the AppDelegate on app launch.

    It should firstly allow the user to specify which stack to use. Something like:

    SuperCoreDataStack.setup(type: SuperRecordStackType, storeURL: NSURL = someDefault)

    So you can do...


    or something like the following.

     //let sharedURLForAppGroup = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier("com.someidentifier")
    let sharedURLForCloud =      NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier("com.someidentifier")
    SuperCoreDataStack.setup(.persistentStore, sharedURLForAppGroup)

    which gives the user much more flexibility.

    This will also make the stack: property in all related calls purely optional and an override of this setting.

    I will begin this part of the work today.

    The threading model i'll open a separate issue for as I have some ideas which i'd like to share and get commentary back on.

    opened by michaelarmstrong 1
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