Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application


Build Status Carthage compatible CocoaPods Platform Language


Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application. It takes care of the safe area in new devices and moving your panel when the keyboard is presented/dismissed.

Updated to Swift 5.1

Sliding Panel demo1 Sliding Panel demo2 Sliding Panel demo3


First, create your own panel, you can use Interface Builder, use as reference the examples provided. Make sure that you conform the protocol Panelable

import UIKit
import Panels

class PanelOptions: UIViewController, Panelable {
    @IBOutlet var headerHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!
    @IBOutlet var headerPanel: UIView!

This protocol defines the interface needed to be able to adjust the sliding panel to the container, expanding and collapsing. It will take care of the safe area

Then in your ViewController, where the panel is presented:

class YourViewController: UIViewController {
    lazy var panelManager = Panels(target: self)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let panel = UIStoryboard.instantiatePanel(identifier: "YourPanelName")
        let panelConfiguration = PanelConfiguration(size: .oneThird)
        // To present the panel panel, config: panelConfiguration)
        // To dismiss the panel

If you want to get notifications when the panel is presented, collapsed or expanded, just conform the protocol PanelNotifications

You can find extra options in the PanelConfiguration object:

    /// Storyboard name, the first Viewcontroller will be instantiated
    public var panelName: String

    /// Panel height
    public var panelSize: PanelDimensions

    /// Panel margins between the header and the next views.
    public var panelMargin: CGFloat

    /// Visible area when the panel is collapsed
    public var panelVisibleArea: CGFloat

    /// Safe area is avoided if this flag is true.
    public var useSafeArea = true

    /// Collapse and expand when tapping the header view.
    public var respondToTap = true

    /// Collapse and expand when dragging the header view.
    public var respondToDrag = true

    /// Collapse when tapping outside the panel
    public var closeOutsideTap = true

    /// Animate the panel when the superview is shown.
    public var animateEntry = false

    /// If parent view is a navigationcontroller child, this flag allow a better calculation when the panelSize is .fullScreen
    public var enclosedNavigationBar = true

You could add an arrow indicator to give more feedback to your panels. The perfect companion for Panels is Arrows

Arrows Example



Add the line pod "Panels" to your Podfile


Add the line github "antoniocasero/Panels" to your Cartfile


dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", from: "2.2.3")


Project created by Antonio Casero (@acaserop on Twitter).


Sketch UI (Elements)

  • Panel reopens after being dismissed

    Panel reopens after being dismissed

    I have created a Panel and when it is called I call the show function on the panel. Everything works fine here.

    lazy var panelManager = Panels(target: self)
    let panel = UIStoryboard.instantiatePanel(identifier: "Timer")
    var panelConfiguration = PanelConfiguration(size: .custom(230))
    panelConfiguration.animateEntry = true
    panelConfiguration.useSafeArea = false
    panelConfiguration.respondToDrag = true
    panelConfiguration.respondToTap = false panel, config: panelConfiguration)

    My issue arrises when I try to dismiss the panel using the panelManager. self.panelManager.dismiss() I'm calling the dismiss function when I Post to NotificationCenter that the timer was stopped. I'm using the PanelNotification to see when it is presented to begin observing when the timer will be stopped.

        func panelDidPresented() {
            isPannelOpen = true
            panelDismissed = false
   .CurrentSession, object: nil, userInfo: ["sessionInterval": sessionInterval,
                                                                                           "sessionClientName": sessionClientName])
            NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(timeLeft(notification:)), name: .TimeLeft, object: nil)
            NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(stopTimer(notification:)), name: .StopTimer, object: nil)
            print("Did present")
        @objc func stopTimer(notification: Notification) {
            self.timer = nil
            NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .TimeLeft, object: nil)
            NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .StopTimer, object: nil)
            NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(TimerViewController(), name: .CurrentSession, object: nil)

    Initially it works and the panel will be dismissed, but when I scroll up or down on the table view... weirdgrandioseghostshrimp-size_restricted

    I can't seem to figure out how to stop it from doing this. Does using NotificationCenter not work well with Panels?

    opened by JordanCoin 7
  • HeaderHeight calculation pushes Header further down with each show

    HeaderHeight calculation pushes Header further down with each show

    The premise is relatively simple, looking at the safeAreaBottom is added to the PanelHeightConstraint every time show is being executed.

    Now in my specific use case, I instantiate the Panelable VC with my parent VC and only show the Panel on didSelect, I dismiss it on didDeselect. With this behavior, the headerHeigh grows every time I execute show which ends up pushing my header further down each time. The examples show the same behavior (although, it's constraints break and recovery recovers the correct constraints).

    opened by caffeineflo 7
  • 2nd time dismiss animation works but panel stay

    2nd time dismiss animation works but panel stay


    1. Show
    2. Dismiss
    3. Show
    4. Dismiss (Here after dismiss animation, panel stay remain on visible position )

    Any help?

    Below is my code, took latest from pods (2.0.3)

                if self.currentPanel != nil {
                    self.currentPanel = nil
                } else {
                    currentPanel = UIStoryboard.instantiatePanel(identifier: "PanelOptions")
                    var panelConfiguration = PanelConfiguration(size: .custom(200))
                    panelConfiguration.panelVisibleArea = 30
                    panelManager?.show(panel: currentPanel as! UIViewController & Panelable, config: panelConfiguration)
    opened by deshan 4
  • crash when running on real device

    crash when running on real device

    Hi, I installed the panels pod and setup all the necessary code, then i launched the app on the simulator and everything works like a charm, but when i try to run on a real device the app crashs with the next error:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Panels.framework/Panels Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4CA47637-BDFB-4473-9305-729F57C14B4A/Metro Sahel Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4CA47637-BDFB-4473-9305-729F57C14B4A/Metro code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4CA47637-BDFB-4473-9305-729F57C14B4A/Metro'

    Capture d’écran 2020-03-05 à 11 24 28 PM

    Xcode version : 11.3.1 Device used: iPhone 7 Plus / iOS 13.3.1

    opened by AmineNac 2
  • Example app crashes if you tap

    Example app crashes if you tap "Close" twice

    The example app crashes while unwrapping an optional if you open the "Material" example, then open the panel and tap Close a few times.


    panelHeightConstraint!.constant = value
    Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
    opened by julianschiavo 2
  • Ensure present/expand/collapse events fire after animation

    Ensure present/expand/collapse events fire after animation

    Thanks for a great and simple library!

    I needed to do some UI work after the animation of collapse/expand completes, but noticed it was not behaving as expected. So I moved the events within the completion handler to make sure those events are passed onto me only after the animation completes.

    opened by basememara 1
  • UITextField will cause the panel to collapse

    UITextField will cause the panel to collapse

    Hi, As the title said when I trying to select the UITextField in the panel. It will collapse to the button. Is there any settings can prevent this situation? Thanks.

    opened by laolarou726 1
  • 'NSInvalidArgumentException


    Followed all the steps and the demo project. But whenever I try call panel view controller, ti gives me the following errors Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIView constant]: unrecognized selector sent to instance.

    opened by jarrarhaider 0
  • Specify a platform for this target in Example Podfile

    Specify a platform for this target in Example Podfile

    $ pod install
    [!] Automatically assigning platform `ios` with version `11.2` on target `Panels_Example` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See ``.
    opened by ykws 0
  • keyboard present and Penel moves up with the keyboard

    keyboard present and Penel moves up with the keyboard

    Hi I am getting this behavior when a panel is present and the keyboard is opened. Penel moves up and fits the keyboard top(below picture). How to stop this behavior? I have tried keyboard observer too but no success yet. conf.keyboardObserver = false Thanks for this nice library.


    opened by deshan 0
  • Drag gesture doesn't follow the movement

    Drag gesture doesn't follow the movement

    Hi, great project to reproduce Android bottom sheets. It would be great to have a drag gesture that follow the movement, not just a toggle up/down. Best.

    opened by appcornerit 2
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