CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier

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Command Line CookCLI


CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier, and enable automation and scripting workflows for the CookLang ecosystem.


Download latest release for your platform from the releases page and add the file to your operating system's PATH.

On Linux (or WSL), this is easy. Simply extract the binary into your binaries folder with sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/ (note: you may need to install the unzip package first).

TODO: Mac install.


cook is a toolkit for command-line interaction with CookLang text files You can find full documentation at and report issues at


    -a, --aisle 
                 Specify an aisle.conf file to override shopping list default settings 
    -u, --units 
                  Specify a units.conf file to override units default settings
    -i, --inflection 
         Specify an inflection.conf file to override default inflection settings
    -h, --help                      Show help information.

    recipe                  Manage recipes and recipe files
    shopping-list           Create a shopping list
    server                  Run a webserver to serve your recipes on the web
    fetch                   Pull recipes from the community recipe repository
    version                 Show the CookCLI version information
    help                    Show the help text for a sub-command



Please open issues for any ideas you may have to contribute to the project.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Alexey Dubovskoy

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • demo server instance + server issue

    demo server instance + server issue

    I was able to find photos from the iOS app, but not the webserver. Did I miss them?

    Update: tried getting it to run myself and am running into issues with server

    My tree after running ./cook seed to generate recipes.

    ├── Baked Potato Soup.cook
    ├── Borsch.cook
    ├── Breakfasts
    │   ├── French Breakfast.cook
    │   ├── Irish Breakfast.cook
    │   ├── Irish Breakfast.jpg
    │   ├── Jamie
    │   │   ├── Easy Pancakes.cook
    │   │   └── Mexican Style Burrito.cook
    │   └── Oats.cook
    ├── cook (binary)
    ├── Lazy Tomato and Cuke Salad.cook
    ├── Neapolitan Pizza.cook
    ├── Olivier Salad.cook
    ├── Potstickers.cook
    ├── Root Vegetable Tray Bake.cook
    ├── Salads
    │   ├── Beetroot, feta & grain salad.cook
    │   └── Caprese Salad.cook
    ├── Sicilian-style Scottadito Lamb Chops.cook
    ├── Snack Basket I.cook
    ├── Snack Basket II.cook
    └── Zharkoe.cook

    OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Browser: FF 93.00

    When serving with ./cook server and browsing to, I am greeted with this

    Thanks for your help, this looks like a really cool project!

    opened by juliangaal 10
  • Feature request: Wrap text for Steps in `recipe read`'s text output

    Feature request: Wrap text for Steps in `recipe read`'s text output

    Hello! Love this tool so far.

    It looks like a recipe's steps are required to be on a single line. When reading the recipe via the cli-tool (eg: cook recipe read Baked\ Potato\ Soup.cook) each step is rendered on a line which takes the full length of the terminal window (see screenshot below).

    Feature request: can this output be wrapped to 80 characters or made configurable what the line width should be?

    IMO, this would make for more readable recipe cards.

    Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 11 01 16 AM
    opened by higgins 6
  • Improve build documentation

    Improve build documentation


    I'm trying to prepare an arch linux package for this but the build documentation is kinda lacking. Right now I got it boiled down to this:

    1. checkout code
    2. run make prepare (this fails on linux because of different sed implementations and I guess you need node and something called rollup.js too?)
    3. run swift build --configuration release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
    4. take binary from .build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/cook
    opened by SebRut 6
  • User customisation of default headers generated from cook-recipe-read

    User customisation of default headers generated from cook-recipe-read

    The default output generated from:

    cook recipe read <recipe-file>

    Generates a structure with four headers: Metadata, Ingredients, Cookware, Steps. Is it possible to change these headings for specific cases where alternate headings are preferred?

    For example, files being shared within a small food manufacturer could be given the corresponding headers: Product, Materials, Equipment, Operations.

    opened by edibotopic 5
  • Suggestion for a Print Layout

    Suggestion for a Print Layout

    Hi, thank you for making Cooklang!

    I have created some CSS adjustments for the Recipe page which makes it easier to print the page.

    Since I don't know anything about Stelve or Swift, I cannot make a real PR, but I feel like it would be a waste to not share it. So if you ever want to incorporate something like this, I invite you to take this as an example.


    And that is the code behind it:

    @media print {
        nav.navbar, .btn {
            display: none;
        ol.breadcrumb li:not(:last-of-type) {
            display: none;
        li.breadcrumb-item {
            font-size: 2em;
        .breadcrumb-item+.breadcrumb-item::before {
            content: '';
        ul.nav {
            display: none;
        .tab-content>.tab-pane {
            display: block;
        .tab-content>.tab-pane:first-of-type {
            width: 20rem;
            border: 1px solid black;
            border-radius: 0px;
            padding: 1.5rem 1rem;
            float: left;
            margin-right: 2rem;
            margin-left: 1rem;
        .tab-content>.tab-pane:nth-of-type(2) {
            display: none;
    opened by jeyemwey 4
  • [Question] Does the arm64 binary work on Android using Termux?

    [Question] Does the arm64 binary work on Android using Termux?

    Hey - in case I haven't mentioned it, I'm absolutely IN LOVE with this project! I've already started converting many of my own recipes into this format, and it's been so immeasurably helpful.

    I often use Termux on my android device, and tried to run the arm64 binary on it, but when I do, I get the error:

    29950 invalid system call cook

    Am I doing something wrong?

    opened by shayaknyc 4
  • Shopping list segmentation fault

    Shopping list segmentation fault

    Started server on, serving cook files from /Users/azlekov/Workspace/cookbook.
    [1]    24627 segmentation fault  cook server

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. cook seed
    2. cook server
    3. Click on Shopping list

    Steps to reproduce 2:

    1. cook seed
    2. cook server
    3. Click on recipe and add to shopping list
    4. Click on Shopping list

    OS: macOS X 12.2.1 Version of the CLI: 0.1.3

    opened by azlekov 3
  • cook server not starting

    cook server not starting

    I'm having an issue with the cook server ; here is the error (Ubuntu 20.04) :

    cook: dl-call-libc-early-init.c:37: _dl_call_libc_early_init: Assertion `sym != NULL' failed.
    [1]    15474 abort (core dumped)  cook server

    It seems to be a compatibility problem old/mordern Linux distribution maybe more here.

    -> but it only happen on v0.1.3 ; v0.1.2 works fine

    opened by Haelle 3
  • CookCLI cannot be opened on a mac

    CookCLI cannot be opened on a mac

    Very possible I just don't know what I'm doing, but trying to run the CLI on a mac runs me into the attached error. I'm using the full file path when I run it.

    Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 3 00 01 PM bug 
    opened by lenniecottrell 3
  • Hardcoded cover image path

    Hardcoded cover image path


    were you able to use images in the web view? According to the docs, I just need to place an image with the same name as the recipe in the directory of the recipe, but nothing is showing.

    @juliangaal From my testing, it somewhat works. This is my directory layout; if I understand the docs correctly, the bottom image (without .2) should be displayed as the recipe cover and the other should be displayed somewhere around step 3.


    The cover image works fine but the one that's supposed to accompany step 3 does not show up. I assume it's just not implemented in CookCLI yet.


    That's all with the local server though. The one on my VPS doesn't show images at all, because it's requesting them from a hardcoded localhost URI instead of a relative path.

    I imagine the fix is simple enough that I could open a PR without knowing Swift at all; I can take a look at it in a bit if @dubadub is alright with that :smile:

    opened by Amolith 3
  • Workflow to work with Javascript

    Workflow to work with Javascript

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to make this work with web browsers, so that a Javascript function can process the parsed results of cooklang.

    Thanks, Nakul

    opened by theslyprofessor 3
  • Adding preperation instructions for ingredients inside `{}` causes undesired output behavior with plural units

    Adding preperation instructions for ingredients inside `{}` causes undesired output behavior with plural units

    I apologize in advance if I am not using cooklang in the intended manner, but I think I have discovered a use case that is not included in the specification or example recipes.

    In most recipes, physical preparation instructions for ingredients (like dicing, chopping, mincing, cutting on bias, etc.) are specified with the ingredient quantities. For example, a recipe calling for 2 cups of finely chopped carrots would have the following entry for carrots in the Ingredients list:


    • 2 cups carrot, finely chopped

    When I'm writing this recipe in cooklang, I want the preparation instructions for carrots to appear in the Ingredients section of the output of $ cook recipe read. I could include the preparation instructions in a comment, but that wouldn't show up in the output. In order to have the preperation instructions appear in the Ingredients section, I included them inside the curly braces {} after the unit when defining the ingredient. Here's an example:

    Add @carrots{2%cup, finely chopped}

    The desired output of $ cook recipe read would be:

        carrots                  2 cups, finely chopped
         1. Add carrots
            [carrots: 2 cups]

    However, the actual output of $ cook recipe read is:

        carrots                  2 cup, finely choppeds
         1. Add carrots
            [carrots: 2 cup, finely choppeds]

    In this example, cooklang thinks that the entire string following the % character inside {} is the unit. When cooklang attempts to use the plural form of the unit (since the recipe requires 2 cups plural of carrots), cooklang appends an "s" to the last word in the string (chopped) instead of the actual unit (cup).

    I think I've accidentally uncovered two issues here:

    1. How should users include preparation instructions for ingredients so they appear in the Ingredients section of the output of $ cook recipe read?
    2. Is the unit parser behaving as intended in this case?

    One option would be to have cooklang consider only the word immediately after the % character to be the unit, and ignore everything else.

    opened by isobering 0
  • Add support for ingredient unit: %

    Add support for ingredient unit: %

    I just tried to write down this recipe from Glen and Friend's Cooking in cooklang when I discovered that there is no way of escaping the % character for ingredient units.

    The recipe in the description of the video calls for 100% chicken bones.

    I tried @chicken bones{100%%} and got 100 chicken bones :laughing: Tested it in the playground.

    opened by D4ntin 1
  • Ingredient Nicknames [suggestion]

    Ingredient Nicknames [suggestion]

    When making some cooklang recipes, I have noticed that there is not a good way to represent certain ingredients. In the real world, you would be given an ingredient list that may include "Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup (10.75oz can)," while in the recipe it references this item only as "the soup." Cooklang only supports one name for each ingredient, so in the recipe, this item would be referred to by its full name (rather encumbering).

    I suggest a "nickname" definition, perhaps like so: Add the @Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup(soup){1%can} or perhaps: Add the @Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup{(soup)1%can} or maybe with [brackets], who knows?

    Either way, I highly recommend these changes to improve the "natural" language of recipes.

    As an aside, this would also allow for much more information to be placed within the actual ingredients section that may not be necessary in the directions.

    opened by AlgebraManiacABC 0
  • Long Ingredient Text Lost (>30 characters)

    Long Ingredient Text Lost (>30 characters)


    The above image shows the issue; when I create an ingredient with more than 30 characters, any extra characters are omitted completely.

    I recommend either shifting the ingredient measurements to the right, or wrapping the ingredient to the next line.

    opened by AlgebraManiacABC 0
  • Produce consistent output

    Produce consistent output

    When running cook recipe file.cook, cookware and ingredients are output in a random order. It would be nicer for readers if they were presented in a consistent fashion.

    For cookware, I'd argue "in the order listed in the recipe" is the most consistent.

    For ingredients, there's a few options (I favour the latter):

    • In order of use in recipe
    • By amount, largest first
    • Alphabetically, or alphabetically grouped by shopping-list category (as long as we have categories available, grouping veggies, spices, etc. in the recipe output is helpful)

    Regardless of order chosen, it should be consistent for all output formats.

    opened by jamie 0
  • Cookware Quantity Bug

    Cookware Quantity Bug

    The cooklang spec states that quantity for cookware is supported. However, when running it, the output shows a warning.

    Actual Output

    $ cook recipe read << EOF
    Warning: expected '}' but got 1
         1. test1}

    Expected Output

    $ cook recipe read << EOF
        test                          1
         1. test


    cookware             = one word cookware | multiword cookware ;
    +one word cookware    = "#", ( word,                     [ "{", [ quantity ], "}" ] ) ;
    multiword cookware   = "#", ( word, { text item - "{" }-, "{", [ quantity ], "}" ) ;
    $ cook version
    v0.1.4 – in food we trust
    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    Release:        22.04
    Codename:       jammy
    opened by nicholaswilde 0
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