GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample

  • Use of GraphQL fragments as the domain model

    Use of GraphQL fragments as the domain model

    My 2c - using GraphQL directly as the domain model is very productive. Code gen works to make new data available where it needs to be, and avoids writing additional data classes + mapping functions for all these extra cases.

    Is there a reason for prefering these data classes?

    data class Film(val id: String, val title: String, val director: String)
    fun FilmFragment.mapToModel() = Film(id, title, director)
    opened by yschimke 3
  • Basic Wear App

    Basic Wear App

    Minimal PR with character list.


    No effort on the UI before seeing if you think it's helpful for this sample. If you don't want a Wear app for this sample as it focuses on GraphQL, then understood. But a GraphQL + KMM example would be good for Wear.

    opened by yschimke 2
  • Use new horologist

    Use new horologist

    Use defaults from Horologist that should remove need to deal with RSB handling, scrollableColumn, haptics.

    To follow up with clean support for Pager in the WearNavScaffold.

    opened by yschimke 1
  • remove AppCompat and Material dependencies + use insets

    remove AppCompat and Material dependencies + use insets

    This PR removes the dependencies on AppCompat and MDC. Since this is a Compose App, there is no need for them. However, it uses WindowInsets to provide the same look as before and takes inspiration from the official Accompanist sample found here:

    opened by itsandreramon 1
  • Fix GitHub Action

    Fix GitHub Action

    The GitHub Action fails because of ExperimentalCoroutinesAPI usages at the build iOS step. This PR resolves this issue by adding the necessary compiler arguments.

    opened by itsandreramon 1
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