📱 Nextcloud iOS app


Nextcloud iOS app Releases

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Check out https://nextcloud.com and follow us on twitter.com/nextclouders or twitter.com/NextcloudiOS

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to Nextcloud, you are very welcome:

Contribution Guidelines & License

GPLv3 with Apple app store exception.

Nextcloud doesn't require a CLA (Contributor License Agreement). The copyright belongs to all the individual contributors. Therefore we recommend that every contributor adds following line to the header of a file, if they changed it substantially:

@copyright Copyright (c) <year>, <your name> (<your email address>)

Please read the Code of Conduct. This document offers some guidance to ensure Nextcloud participants can cooperate effectively in a positive and inspiring atmosphere, and to explain how together we can strengthen and support each other.

More information how to contribute: https://nextcloud.com/contribute/

Start contributing

You can start by forking this repository and creating pull requests on the develop branch. Maybe start working on starter issues.

Easy starting points are also reviewing pull requests

Xcode V 12.5 Project Setup


After forking a repository you have to build the dependencies. Dependencies are managed with Carthage version 0.37.0 or later. Run

carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS --cache-builds

to fetch and compile the dependencies.

In order to build the project in Xcode you will also need a file GoogleService-Info.plist at the root of the repository which contains the Firebase configuration. For development work you can use a mock version found here.

Creating Pull requests

DCO Signoff

Nextcloud enforces the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) on Pull Requests. It requires your commit messages to contain a Signed-off-by line with an email address that matches your GitHub account.

How to Sign off

The DCO is a way for contributors to certify that they wrote or otherwise have the right to submit the code they are contributing by adding a Signed-off-by line to commit messages.

My Commit message

Signed-off-by: Random Contributor <[email protected]>

Git even has a -s | --signoff command line option to append this to your commit messages automatically.


If you need assistance or want to ask a question about the iOS app, you are welcome to ask for support in our forums or the IRC-Channel. If you have found a bug, feel free to open a new Issue on GitHub. Keep in mind, that this repository only manages the iOS app. If you find bugs or have problems with the server/backend, you should ask the Nextcloud server team for help!


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Apple TestFlight

  • 413 error when uploading file from iOS client

    413 error when uploading file from iOS client

    Since upgrading to iOS 11 (11.0.2), I have found that the iOS NextCloud client is unable to upload "large" files - in my example, an 11 MB PDF file is failing to upload, with error "413" reported. I have no problem uploading the same file via the desktop client (Mac).

    I am not seeing any corresponding entries in the server side log (via the NextCloud web-admin console).

    I have experienced this problem on both iPhone 6 plus and iPad Pro (big one, first version). Both are at iOS 11.0.2 and have the latest NextCloud app.

    I am initiating the upload using the "share sheet" in Safari with the PDF loaded in the browser. See screen shots.

    img_1913 img_1914 img_1915

    0. Needs triage 
    opened by ntompson 109
  • Nextcloud on iPad freezes!

    Nextcloud on iPad freezes!

    Hello, Since the last update (3.0.2) for NC for iPad, the app freezes! It seems, this appears, as I want to delete a file directly on the server.

    Best regards Lise https://lise.tauber.fr/

    opened by lisetauber 102
  • Background uploading not working

    Background uploading not working


    It seems like background uploading is not working. I have enabled the following:

    • Upload camera photos/videos
    • Upload camera photos
    • Only use WiiFi connection
    • Upload camera videos
    • Only use Wi-Fi connection
    • Upload images in the background

    I understand the app gets triggered by GPS events since there is no other way. But even when I travel around a lot, photo's do not get scheduled for upload. They only upload once I open the Nextcloud IOS app.

    Is there something I am missing or is this a bug?



    opened by roedie 85
  • Fix used/stored user ID

    Fix used/stored user ID

    We use the username for various things - search, favorites, and stuff like that. Unfortunately internally what you log in with is not what you should use in those queries. To make things simpler, we should always use the "internal" ID. This is to be fixed in the following way, and as soon as possible:

    Two use-cases:

    1. open an app with accounts already in Steps:
    • poke /ocs/v2.php/cloud/user for each of the accounts on startup (show some kind of "Migration" screen, maybe with a simple loader)
    • replace stored username with "id" value found here: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/8L6mFbyc/Bildschirmfoto%202017-08-02%20um%2009.02.00.png

    Make sure if this procedure fails for any account, that it's repeated properly.

    1. open an app with no accounts
    • once you log-in, if success, poke /ocs/v2.php/cloud/user and store "id" as username
    • only then proceed

    @marinofaggiana please treat this as a priority. Thank you.

    Fixing this will fix several other issues mentioned in the bug tracker.

    opened by mario 78
  • nextcloud ios client app

    nextcloud ios client app "invalid certificate" bug

    Expected behaviour

    iOS App should (a) accept the self-signed certificate, when this is (b) still valid and (c) is added as an accepted exeption certificate during the first set-up of the app.

    Actual behaviour

    When accessing the iOS app to see/download documents, every two seconds the message appears: "the certificate for this server is invalid" and "Error: unable to download". This happens even if you click on "connect anyway" -> "yes" for several times. It seems to be limited to the iOS version, as desktop client and web-access is working fine. It also worked before nextcloud 17 and/or before an app update. Somebody reported this problem also here.

    clear cache and reinstall the app and log-in again from scratch does not help.

    Steps to reproduce

    install ios app, connect to server (login), try to access a file.

    iOS version


    App version

    Server configuration

    Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-142-generic)

    Web server: Apache/2.4.39

    Database: mysql 8.0.18

    PHP version: 7.2.18

    TLS TLS 1.3

    Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 17.0.1.

    IMG_0790 IMG_0789

    3. to review 
    opened by Derridaralalala 63
  • Comment if you want to join the iOS beta via Testflight – and then please open issues for any problems you encounter :)

    Comment if you want to join the iOS beta via Testflight – and then please open issues for any problems you encounter :)

    It would be good if all our iOS users can run the Nextcloud beta app through Testflight. :)

    @marinofaggiana can you add @LukasReschke (lukas at nextcloud) @MorrisJobke (morris at nextcloud) @karlitschek (frank at nextcloud)?

    And maybe also others from @nextcloud/ios @nextcloud/mac want to help testing?

    good first issue 
    opened by jancborchardt 60
  • Error 401 in iOS App

    Error 401 in iOS App

    Expected behaviour

    No error message

    Actual behaviour

    after I starting the App the error 401 is shown. In server log the message "bad login for "274782-23134234-45345435345-123213" " (ldap user) is shown

    Steps to reproduce

    start the App and login with the ldap account

    Reasoning or why should it be changed/implemented?

    iOS version


    App version


    Server configuration

    Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04

    Web server: Apache 2.4

    Database: MySQL 5.7

    PHP version: 7.3.14

    Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 17.0.3

    I read the installation guide again and checked all PHP modules, All ok. Maybe a problem with the App? The error message appiers 1 or 2 seconds and then the files are displayed and I can use it...


    opened by Dennis1993 59
  • Version 2.22.0 - TestFlight

    Version 2.22.0 - TestFlight

    First build 0/6

    • Nextcloud iOS and Apple Files App now are totally integrated !! Nextcloud iOS use the same archive of Files.
    schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12 11 41

    Why this is important ?? Read this post :

    schermata 2018-07-11 alle 11 36 22
    • Rewrite the queue for download & upload, now more flexible and integrated in Apple Files App
    • Queue upload : now are visible all new files in "wait to upload" state
    • Improvements UI/UX
    • New button and progress and text for download/upload as Apple Files App
    schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12 46 54
    • New gesture : do you want cancel all transfers ? long press on "Stop button" in a transfer.
    • In Auto Upload if already exists the file, the file is skipped
    • In Copy/Paste if already exists the file the new file is renamed with progressive number
    • Several small improvements & bugfix
    opened by marinofaggiana 57
  • Dowload File Connection Failed (v2.17.6)

    Dowload File Connection Failed (v2.17.6)

    I did the update to the latest version of 2.17.6. The app is able to connect to NextCloud and browse my server. As soon as I try to download a file, I'm getting a new window that ask for credential and I'm getting a connection failed.

    Here is the info from the server when I try to download files.

    Warning | core | Login failed: 'A0CF2E05-00C5-4F12-AFBA-6761B8032BA1' (Remote IP: '172.xx.xx.xx') | 2017-08-31T20:55:59-0400 -- | -- | -- | --

    ** Beta version I tested was working.


    opened by jclgs 55
  • Autoupload not working on iOS 16.1 or 16.0

    Autoupload not working on iOS 16.1 or 16.0

    Steps to reproduce

    1.Upgrade to the latest iOS version 2. Autouploads stop working

    Expected behaviour

    All new photos should auto upload. Also when the app is opened newly taken photos should be listed in the Transfers section

    Actual behaviour

    Newly taken pictures are not being autouploaded. They are also not showing up in the Transfers (More--> Transfers) section. Manual upload works fine.


    If applicable, add a screenshot showing the issue.


    If applicable, you can post the iOS app or server logs (removing any sensitive information).

    Reasoning or why should it be changed/implemented?

    This was working fine on my phone prior the iOS 16 upgrade. I have removed and reinstalled the app but that has made no difference

    Environment data

    iOS version: iOS 16.1

    Nextcloud iOS app version: see More > Settings

    Server operating system: debian

    Web server: nginx

    Database: Ver 10.5.15-MariaDB

    PHP version: 8.0

    Nextcloud version: see Nextcloud admin page 24.0.6

    opened by alfwro13 52
  • Comment if you want to join the iOS beta 2.17.4 via Testflight – and then please open issues for any problems you encounter :)

    Comment if you want to join the iOS beta 2.17.4 via Testflight – and then please open issues for any problems you encounter :)

    The new beta for Nextcloud iOS 2.17.4 is open, write here your email Apple if you want receive the invite for TestFlight :


    This is only for new users.

    Do not write here a issue, open a new ticket.

    End porting migrate Database, test : ... All !!

    (probable several bug and crash, sorry this is alpha version)

    • Improvement Auto Upload
    • New View for Shares on menu "More"


    opened by marinofaggiana 51
  • Allow user to choose granularity of Autoupload subfolders (year/month/day)

    Allow user to choose granularity of Autoupload subfolders (year/month/day)

    Solves #2283 Tested in the simulator without issues, unable to test locally on device however.

    Signed-off-by: Francesco Servida [email protected]

    opened by fservida 2
  • Respect app locale in interface and when creating automatic subfolder / voice memos / scans if system locale not supported

    Respect app locale in interface and when creating automatic subfolder / voice memos / scans if system locale not supported

    Related to #2302

    • Does fix the autoupload subfolders
    • Does not fix the inconsistencies in the interface, not sure where to change...

    Signed-off-by: Francesco Servida [email protected]

    opened by fservida 1
  • [Bug]: MKCOL not allowed

    [Bug]: MKCOL not allowed

    ⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

    • [X] This is a bug, not a question or a configuration/webserver/proxy issue.
    • [X] This issue is not already reported on Github (I've searched it).
    • [X] Nextcloud Server is up to date. See Maintenance and Release Schedule for supported versions.
    • [X] Nextcloud Server is running on 64bit capable CPU, PHP and OS.
    • [X] I agree to follow Nextcloud's Code of Conduct.

    Bug description

    I see an number of requests in my log file where the iOS client is doing requests which are answered by the server with status 405: - ag [31/Dec/2022:08:37:51 +0100] "MKCOL https://*****.****.**/remote.php/dav/files/ag/Photos HTTP/2.0" 405 247 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iOS) Nextcloud-iOS/4.6.0" 0.284

    Looking into detailed log I find a request

    MKCOL /remote.php/dav/files/ag/Photos HTTP/1.1
    accept: application/json
    Content-Length: 0
    authorization: Basic *********
    Host: nc1.0x42.ch
    X-Forwarded-Proto: https
    user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iOS) Nextcloud-iOS/4.6.0
    content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    X-Forwarded-Port: 443
    Forwarded: for=; proto=https; by=
    ocs-apirequest: true
    accept-encoding: br;q=1.0, gzip;q=0.9, deflate;q=0.8
    cookie: oc_sessionPassphrase=*****....
    accept-language: de-CH;q=1.0, en-CH;q=0.9

    with a response:

    HTTP/1.1 405
    Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
    Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none';
    Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
    Connection: keep-alive
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
    Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2022 07:37:51 GMT
    Server: nginx/1.22.1
    X-Download-Options: noopen
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    X-Robots-Tag: none
    X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

    It seems as if this method is forbidden for path /remote.php/dav/files but seems to be allowed for /remote.php/dav/uploads.

    I'm not sure if this is a problem of the server or the iOS client.

    Steps to reproduce


    Expected behavior

    No such errors in log file. Failing function to work.

    Installation method

    Community Docker image

    Operating system


    PHP engine version

    PHP 8.1

    Web server


    Database engine version


    Is this bug present after an update or on a fresh install?

    Updated to a major version (ex. 22.2.3 to 23.0.1)

    Are you using the Nextcloud Server Encryption module?


    What user-backends are you using?

    • [ ] Default user-backend (database)
    • [ ] LDAP/ Active Directory
    • [ ] SSO - SAML
    • [ ] Other

    Configuration report

    No response

    List of activated Apps


    Nextcloud Signing status

    No response

    Nextcloud Logs

    No response

    Additional info

    No response

    0. Needs triage bug 
    opened by ne20002 0
  • Language exception for nextcloud (ios Settings) results in mixed numerals in app

    Language exception for nextcloud (ios Settings) results in mixed numerals in app

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Set phone in Arabic
    2. Set only nextcloud in English via iOS settings
    3. Open nextcloud
    4. (Autoupload some photos with autofolders)

    Expected behaviour

    Nextcloud should be fully localized in English, numerals included (check Google Maps behaviour for an example) There should not be a mix and match of languages.

    Actual behaviour

    Language is english but some numerals are still eastern arabic: image

    When using the autoupload function with autofolders additionally it creates the folders using eastern arabic numerals.


    image image


    If applicable, you can post the iOS app or server logs (removing any sensitive information).

    Reasoning or why should it be changed/implemented?

    The current interface when so set is a mixup of languages, which in addition to being not aestetic is non functional, as for example the autoupload feature behaves unexpectedly (would expect if nextcloud forced in english that folders are created using arabic numerals and not eastern arabic numerals)

    Environment data

    iOS version: 15.7.1

    Nextcloud iOS app version:

    Server operating system: 20.04

    Web server: Apache

    Database: MariaDB

    PHP version: 7.4

    Nextcloud version: 25.0.2

    opened by fservida 0
  • Nextcloud app on iPad fails to upload files.

    Nextcloud app on iPad fails to upload files.

    I am using the AIO docker installation and I am having some problems when uploading some files (photos/videos) from my iPad with both auto upload feature and trying to manually upload files. Auto upload feature simple keeps showing error like "file size too big" or "network timed out" and trying to manually upload files just does nothing keeps waiting forever meaning the upload process won't start all files remains in queue.

    The app on iPhone however worked fine and on android phone also works fine.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Set auto-upload feature to On.
    2. Set auto-upload feature to upload whole camera roll.
    3. Start upload process.

    Expected behaviour

    All files (photos/videos) should upload fine to the server.

    Actual behaviour

    Files won't upload and fails with errors.


    If applicable, add a screenshot showing the issue.


    If applicable, you can post the iOS app or server logs (removing any sensitive information).

    Reasoning or why should it be changed/implemented?

    Environment data

    iOS version iOS 16.2

    Nextcloud iOS app version: see More > Settings Nextcloud Liquid for iOS

    Server operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

    Web server: Apache, nginx Default AIO server.

    Database: Default AIO database.

    PHP version: Whatever the latest AIO has.

    Nextcloud version: see Nextcloud admin page Nextcloud 25.0.2

    I only update my AIO containers yesterday to the latest version.

    BTW I was having this issue before updating AIO as well.

    opened by apoorv569 0
  • add Fido2 / WebAuthn support to iOS App

    add Fido2 / WebAuthn support to iOS App


    can you please add FIDO2 / WebAuthn Support to the Nextcloud iOS App?

    Alternatively, instead of using the in-App Browser, change to the user-preferred Browser i.e. Safari, for the authentication/adding a new Nextcloud.

    Thank you

    opened by BMiZEL 0
  • 4.6.0(Dec 19, 2022)

    • E2EE refactoring
    • Share credentials between Talk and Files
    • Fixed ONLYOFFICE on iOS 16.1
    • Fix share extension
    • Fix PDF password special char
    • Added in Settings the download configuration profile for calendar and contacts
    • Improved Media (detect Live Photo)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.5.7(Nov 28, 2022)

  • 4.5.6(Nov 21, 2022)

  • 4.5.5(Nov 11, 2022)

  • 4.5.4(Nov 3, 2022)

  • 4.5.3(Oct 23, 2022)

  • 4.5.0(Oct 19, 2022)

    • Widgets
    • New NextcloudKit library - https://github.com/nextcloud/NextcloudKit
    • Improved auto upload in background
    • Several new update GUI and fix
    • Xcode 14 - iOS 16 compliant
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.4(Sep 13, 2022)

    Nextcloud iOS 4.4 includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes, including:

    Unified search Improvement on view in grid mode In Files a new shortcut bar for [Upload image/video] [New Folder] [Scan] New information in Transfer view Added color for single folder V 4.4.4 fix play video

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.3(Aug 31, 2022)

    Nextcloud iOS 4.4 includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes, including:

    • Unified search
    • Improvement on view in grid mode
    • In Files a new shortcut bar for [Upload image/video] [New Folder] [Scan]
    • New information in Transfer view
    • Added color for single folder
    • V 4.4.3 minor fix
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.2(Aug 20, 2022)

    Nextcloud iOS 4.4 includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes, including:

    • Unified search
    • Improvement on view in grid mode
    • In Files a new shortcut bar for [Upload image/video] [New Folder] [Scan]
    • New information in Transfer view
    • Added color for single folder
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.1(Aug 17, 2022)

    Nextcloud iOS 4.4.1 includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes, including:

    • Unified search
    • Improvement on view in grid mode
    • In Files a new shortcut bar for [Upload image/video] [New Folder] [Scan]
    • New information in Transfer view
    • Added color for single folder
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.0(May 24, 2022)

    Nextcloud iOS 4.4 includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes, including:

    • A new view for the Sharing files
    • A new view for the PDF documents
    • The Lock file introduced in Nextcloud Hub 24
    • Added Accessibility "Labels"

    For information please visit: https://github.com/nextcloud/ios/milestone/89

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.3.1(Mar 11, 2022)

  • 4.3.0(Mar 9, 2022)

    Scan document rotation button is flakey since 4.1.0 #1821 Media - Title disappears when opening the Media after the Favorites screen. #1795 Media - The text "No photos or videos uploaded yet" does not fit on the screen #1785 Trash - Option „Select“ or „Select all“ in order to restore or delete multiple files is missing #1782 Voice memo - "Add to favorites" does not change to "remove from favorites" #1794 Voice memo - Seconds run twice as fast during recording #1872 Voice memo - In landscape mode the (SAVE) "Upload voice memo" screen is not fully visible, doesn't scroll #1869 Not possible to copy folder info, text flickers #1817 The option for saving a photo to the album is visible for documents #1769 Delete file list do not show the correct file thumbnail icon's #1787

    Enable Print option for more document types #1865, Printable files:

    • PDFs
    • Images (jpg, png, etc.)
    • svg images
    • any text file (txt, md, html)

    Fix Open-In download #1905:

    • show cancelable download indicator
    • download multiple files (but not all) at once
    • don't abort if only one (or a few) files fail to download. Continue with the ones that succeeded
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.2(Feb 21, 2022)

  • 4.2.1(Feb 2, 2022)

  • 4.2.0(Dec 21, 2021)

    • Improvements server trust detection
    • Added in privacy: "Splash screen when app inactive" on Settings
    • Fixed error to login with special chars in the name of device
    • Fixed Internal link (sharing) can no longer be copied
    • Fixed Menu iPad in landscape mode
    • Fixed share email, not asked for password
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.1.0(Nov 28, 2021)

    • Added option automatic delete files older than days
    • Added option PDF View horizontal / vertical
    • Added option PDF View for go to page ...
    • Viewer for Image (improved zoom and speed)
    • Viewer for Video (new)
    • Improved chunk BIG file
    • Improved cache file preview
    • Improved the avatar(s) system caching
    • Coordinate displaying Letters avatars
    • Support selecting multiple files when using upload file option
    • Combined Activity View (Message + Activity)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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