Http Request wrapper written in Swift

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Networking Net


Net is a HttpRequest wrapper written in Swift


  • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE method
  • Powerful request params: nested params, number, string, dic, array, image, data
  • Json, Image, Xml Response
  • Download file: resume, suspend, cancel
  • Upload file, data, params(multi-part)
  • Progress closure
  • Background donwload, upload
  • Authentication
  • Batch of operations
  • BaseURL
  • Customizable header

Demo app



Use one of the following methods to create a Net instance

// without baseURL
let net = Net()

// with baseURL
let net = Net(baseUrlString: "") 


GET Request
let url = "get_path"
let params = ["integerNumber": 1, "doubleNumber": 2.0, "string": "hello"]

net.GET(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
		NSLog("result \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in

// you can also make a request with absolute url
let url = ""
net.GET(absoluteUrl: url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
		NSLog("result \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in

You can also use nested params

// nested params
let params = ["string": "test",
            "integerNumber": 1,
            "floatNumber": 1.5,
            "array": [10, 20, 30],
            "dictionary": ["x": 100.0, "y": 200.0],
            "image": NetData(pngImage: img, filename: "myIcon")]

By using responseData in sucessHandler closure you can quickly

  • get json dictionary
  • get image
  • parse xml

for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request.

// get json dictionary from response data
let jsonDic = responseData.json(error: error)

// get image from response data
let image = responseData.image()

// parse xml with delegate
let result = responseData.parseXml(delegate: self)
POST Request

Net will automatically check your params to send request as a URL-Encoded request or a Multi-Part request. So you can easily post with number, string, image or binary data.

  • URL-Encoded Request
let url = "post_path"
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1, "floatNumber": 1.5]
net.POST(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
		NSLog("result: \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in
  • Multi-Part Request
let url = "post_path"
let img = UIImage(named: "puqiz_icon")
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1,
            "icon": NetData(pngImage: img, filename: "myIcon")]
net.POST(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
		NSLog("result: \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in
PUT Request
let url = "put_path"
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1, "floatNumber": 1.5]
net.PUT(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
		NSLog("result: \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in
DELETE Request
let url = "delete_path"
let params = ["id": 10]
net.DELETE(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
		NSLog("result: \(result)")
	}, failureHandler: { error in


Before using download/upload function you have to call setupSession method to setup the session.

// setup session without backgroundIdentifier

To perform background downloads or uploads, you have to call setupSession method with a background identifier string. Then your download/upload tasks can be run even when the app is suspended, exits or crashes.

// setup session with backgroundIdentifier
net.setupSession(backgroundIdentifier: "")

// you can set eventsForBackgroundHandler closure
// this closure will be invoked when a task is completed in the background
net.eventsForBackgroundHandler = { urlSession in
		urlSession.getDownloadingTasksCount{ downloadingTaskCount in
		if downloadingTaskCount == 0 {
			NSLog("All files have been downloaded!")
let downloadTask = url, progress: { progress in
		NSLog("progress \(progress)")
	}, completionHandler: { fileUrl, error in
		if error != nil {
			NSLog("Download failed")
		else {
			NSLog("Downloaded to  : \(fileUrl)")

// you can control your task
  • Upload with file path
let task = net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, fromFile: file, progressHandler: { progress in
		NSLog("progress \(progress)")
	}, completionHandler: { error in
		if error != nil {
			NSLog("Upload failed : \(error)")
		else {
			NSLog("Upload completed")
  • Upload with data
let yourData = NSData(...)
net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, data: yourData, progressHandler: { progress in
		NSLog("progress: \(progress)")
	}, completionHandler: { error in
		NSLog("Upload completed")
  • Upload with params
let image = UIImage(named: "image_file")
let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)
let params = ["number": 1, "string": "net", "data": imageData]

net.upload(absoluteUrl: imgUrl, params: params, progressHandler: { progress in
		NSLog("progress: \(progress)")
	}, completionHandler: { error in
		NSLog("Upload completed")

By default, the upload task will be performed as POST method and

  • Content-Type = application/octet-stream (upload with file or data)
  • Content-Type = multipart/form-data (upload with params)

But you can configure the upload task before resuming.

// set method

// set header field
yourUploadTask.setValue(value: "your_value", forHttpHeaderField: "header_field")


Just drag Net folder to the project tree

  • I think there is a problem with content-length handling for some servers:

    I think there is a problem with content-length handling for some servers:

    In NetRequestSerialization.swift as a test, I took out the content length, and my php service only THEN parsed the content properly from a POST. Here is the snippit with the line commented out. I can look into this further if you want and make a patch if you want.

    The specification for post bodies is that if there is no formal content length specified, then the behavior is to read until EOF.

    PHP specifically did not parse the payload properly if content length was specified.

    if paramsData != nil { request.setValue(contentType, forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") //request.setValue("(paramsData?.length)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Length") request.HTTPBody = paramsData }

    opened by cryptomail 4
  • support for 192.168.*.*:port address?

    support for 192.168.*.*:port address?

    I can't make it work on my localhost ip address, but on web it works, what is problem?

            let net = Net(baseUrlString: "")
            let url = "entities/tablegroup/"
    opened by mirzadelic 2
  • GET request without parameters

    GET request without parameters

    I don't see a way of sending a get request without parameters. I can set params to a blank NSDictonary but that will still append a ?= to the url which in some REST API's will cause a failure. Is there a way to specify that there are no parameters.

    opened by shaungehring 2
  • Update for Xcode 6.1

    Update for Xcode 6.1

    • Utilize rawValue instead of toRaw() due to method being removed.
    • Fixes various compiler warnings surfacing in Xcode 6.1.

    More information in the Xcode 6.1 [release notes])(

    opened by JonathanPorta 1
  • Update for Xcode 6 Beta 6

    Update for Xcode 6 Beta 6

    All updates are to keep compatible with the language changes in Beta 6.

    Net/NetDownloadTask.swift i commented out "Task == nil" Task does not conform to that and i did not know what to test for.

    opened by shaungehring 1
  • Factor out platform specific bits (UIImage)

    Factor out platform specific bits (UIImage)

    I noticed that there is not much in this library which prevents it from being cross platform, so I took a stab at factoring those things out (which was just UIImage).It now compiles for both iOS and OS X.

    Feel free to push back on this if you see any issues.

    opened by trenton42 0
  • Using session gives deprecation warning

    Using session gives deprecation warning

    When running upload/download tasks as part of a session I get the following notice:

    +backgroundSessionConfiguration: is deprecated. Please use +backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier: instead

    opened by chrisharrison 0
  • how can I show alert message after upload file

    how can I show alert message after upload file

    I want to show a message to tell user that uploading file is finished. But it did not show. The source is following. net.POST(url, params: params, successHandler: {responseData in let localNotification = UILocalNotification() localNotification.alertBody = "finished!" UIApplication.sharedApplication().presentLocalNotificationNow(localNotification) }, failureHandler: { error in // 失敗 let localNotification = UILocalNotification() localNotification.alertBody = "error!" UIApplication.sharedApplication().presentLocalNotificationNow(localNotification)


    opened by luoganghua 0
  • [BC] success/failure callbacks for upload

    [BC] success/failure callbacks for upload


    PR replaces upload completionHandler with success/failure handlers similar to other requests signature. Also made callbacks optional. Due to changed signature of upload method this PR breaks existing code using upload

    opened by mente 0
  • eventsForBackgroundHandler does not receive events

    eventsForBackgroundHandler does not receive events

    I just downloaded your latest release and compile with no changes. I run the app, then select Download at the bottom of the screen. Next I select "Resume All". All 3 files are downloaded, and I see a 'Completion:' message for each of the files emitted by line 125 in startDownload of DownLoadViewController.swift.

    Though I have never see the "Did finish events for background" in on line 38 get printed. Nor do I see the "All files have been downloaded" message on line 41. I set breakpoints on line 36 where the call to urlSession.getDownLoadingTasksCount is invoked, though no break there.

    I noticed in the debug log window the message:

    +backgroundSessionConfiguration: is deprecated. Please use +backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier: instead

    I commented the first call, and use the second call instead - though still no event messages are printed. The project has the 'Background fetch" checkbox set in the target as set in the downloaded project. I noticed the project is compiled using Deployment Target 7.1 which I also changed to 8.1, recompiled and ran - though still no event messages appear.

    Thanks again

    opened by appsird 0
Le Van Nghia
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