iOS Trakt Client - Keep track of your favorite TV shows and movies on your iPhone. (Under development)



Keep track of your favorite movies and tv shows on your iPhone

CircleCI codecov Quality Gate Status Twitter FOSSA Status Tuist Badge

Setup for development

You will need

  • Xcode 11.2.1
  • Swift 5.1.2

Run the following commands

  • git clone [email protected]:pietrocaselani/CouchTracker.git

  • cd CouchTracker && sh

  • tuist generate

  • bundle exec pod install

  • open CouchTracker.xcworkspace

  • This project uses the Trakt API, TMDB API and TVDB API

  • To run the app, please create a file at CouchTrackerApp/Utils/Secrets.swift with yours API keys like this

enum Secrets {
  enum Trakt {
    static let clientId = "API_KEY"
    static let clientSecret = "API_KEY"
    static let redirectURL = "API_KEY"

  enum TMDB {
    static let apiKey = "API_KEY"

  enum TVDB {
    static let apiKey = "API_KEY"

  enum Bugsnag {
    static let apiKey = "API_KEY"

Project structure

The project is split into a few frameworks

  • CouchTrackerCore: It's a macOS framework that has all the code that is not UI (Views, ViewControllers). This framework shouldn't have dependencies that only work on iOS.

  • CouchTrackerCore-iOS: It's the iOS version of CouchTrackerCore. You won't find any files here, all files are on CouchTrackerCore.

  • CouchTrackerCoreTests: The test bundle for CouchTrackerCore. Tests run directly on the macOS, there is no need to use the iOS simulator to run those tests.

  • CouchTrackerPersistence: Here you will find entities and data sources and other things related to the persistence layer of the app. I moved this layer to another framework with the idea of changing the persistence tool in the future. Right now Realm is being used.

  • CouchTrackerApp: Here you will find all the code related to UI and dependent on UIKit, so things like Views, ViewControllers. It's possible to import this framework into CouchTrackerPlayground.playground to see a preview of screens since the use of storyboards is being avoided.

  • CouchTracker: It's the app itself. You will only find the AppDelegate here.


FOSSA Status

  • Episode aired yesterday doesn't appear as

    Episode aired yesterday doesn't appear as "1 remaining"

    Maybe, it's just a date/timezone configuration.


    Here is the API response

    for watched show progress:

        "aired": 43,
        "completed": 42,
        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-27T23:00:15.000Z",
        "seasons": [
                "number": 1,
                "aired": 20,
                "completed": 20,
                "episodes": [
                        "number": 1,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-10-27T18:52:45.000Z"
                        "number": 2,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-11-06T03:56:12.000Z"
                        "number": 3,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-11-12T02:09:24.000Z"
                        "number": 4,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-11-19T16:18:02.000Z"
                        "number": 5,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-11-26T03:39:29.000Z"
                        "number": 6,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-12-02T16:42:56.000Z"
                        "number": 7,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-12-10T01:27:04.000Z"
                        "number": 8,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2015-12-19T17:41:51.000Z"
                        "number": 9,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-01-27T23:00:49.000Z"
                        "number": 10,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-01-27T23:00:55.000Z"
                        "number": 11,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-01-28T22:36:21.000Z"
                        "number": 12,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-02-06T21:13:49.000Z"
                        "number": 13,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-02-13T19:53:58.000Z"
                        "number": 14,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-02-28T18:46:29.000Z"
                        "number": 15,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-03-14T03:56:57.000Z"
                        "number": 16,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-03-26T03:12:17.000Z"
                        "number": 17,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-03-26T20:48:01.000Z"
                        "number": 18,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-05-14T01:49:01.000Z"
                        "number": 19,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-05-20T01:36:35.000Z"
                        "number": 20,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-05-21T19:38:53.000Z"
                "number": 2,
                "aired": 22,
                "completed": 22,
                "episodes": [
                        "number": 1,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-10-30T22:43:40.000Z"
                        "number": 2,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-01T00:59:15.000Z"
                        "number": 3,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-02T01:48:20.000Z"
                        "number": 4,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-06T17:49:08.000Z"
                        "number": 5,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-15T17:04:41.000Z"
                        "number": 6,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-16T23:46:13.000Z"
                        "number": 7,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-27T16:03:17.000Z"
                        "number": 8,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2016-11-29T01:00:00.000Z"
                        "number": 9,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-01-29T02:05:20.000Z"
                        "number": 10,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-02-12T03:33:25.000Z"
                        "number": 11,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-02-12T20:47:46.000Z"
                        "number": 12,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-03-10T00:33:24.000Z"
                        "number": 13,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-03-11T04:46:38.000Z"
                        "number": 14,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-03-11T19:46:20.000Z"
                        "number": 15,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-03-11T21:03:01.000Z"
                        "number": 16,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-03-28T02:12:24.000Z"
                        "number": 17,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-04-03T02:32:17.000Z"
                        "number": 18,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-01T22:52:27.000Z"
                        "number": 19,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-12T01:38:08.000Z"
                        "number": 20,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-13T00:30:06.000Z"
                        "number": 21,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-21T00:33:15.000Z"
                        "number": 22,
                        "completed": true,
                        "last_watched_at": "2017-05-27T23:00:15.000Z"
                "number": 3,
                "aired": 1,
                "completed": 0,
                "episodes": [
                        "number": 1,
                        "completed": false,
                        "last_watched_at": null
        "hidden_seasons": [],
        "next_episode": {
            "season": 3,
            "number": 1,
            "title": "Girl of Steel",
            "ids": {
                "trakt": 2605191,
                "tvdb": 6124745,
                "imdb": "tt6403442",
                "tmdb": 1337377,
                "tvrage": 0
        "last_episode": {
            "season": 2,
            "number": 22,
            "title": "Nevertheless, She Persisted",
            "ids": {
                "trakt": 2492115,
                "tvdb": 6043967,
                "imdb": "tt5827214",
                "tmdb": 1311089,
                "tvrage": 0

    and for episode summary:

        "season": 3,
        "number": 1,
        "title": "Girl of Steel",
        "ids": {
            "trakt": 2605191,
            "tvdb": 6124745,
            "imdb": "tt6403442",
            "tmdb": 1337377,
            "tvrage": 0
        "number_abs": 43,
        "overview": "Kara deals with the loss of Mon-El by focusing all her energy on being Supergirl and the mysterious new threat against National City. Alex confesses a secret to Maggie about their impending nuptials. A citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara, and Lena makes a bold move.",
        "rating": 8.08503,
        "votes": 294,
        "first_aired": "2017-10-10T00:00:00.000Z",
        "updated_at": "2017-10-10T12:09:22.000Z",
        "available_translations": [
        "runtime": 45
    bug Shows | Watched Backlog 
    opened by ghost 3
  • ListMovies networking

    ListMovies networking

    Since we did not decide exactly what movies we want to show, I decide to show trending movies, ok?

    Modules are now separated by folders. All networking is done using moya. Requests are cached on memory level using Carlos (the lib ๐Ÿ˜).

    Yes, I know, the PR is too big, but this is what happen when we commit all the dependencies! @arctouch-brunopinheiro lets change the CI to Jenkins?

    opened by ghost 3
  • Configuring Tuist

    Configuring Tuist

    Tuist is a tool to manage Xcode projects very similar to SPM, but works for iOS projects!

    Since this project has more than a few frameworks, I think Tuist will help avoid conflicts on the CouchTracker.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file and manage the dependencies between the frameworks.

    Now the project configuration lives on the file Project.swift, located at root of the project. It's already a big file, but I will try to figure out a better way to keep things organized.

    Right now, there are still some things that need to be done

    • [x] Add the playground to the project
    • [x] Add missing Build Phases (Swiftlint, swiftformat and maybe more)
    • [x] Check if the "Autobump" still works
    • [ ] Create schemes to group all tests
    • [x] Add Debug flag again
    • [ ] Try to fix the copy of duplicated resources (Skipping duplicate build file in Copy Bundle Resources build phase: /Users/distiller/project/CouchTrackerCore/Resources/en.lproj/CouchTrackerCore.strings (in target 'CouchTrackerCore'))

    About the duplicated strings resources ->

    opened by pietrocaselani 2
  • Configure project, dependencies and app/tests architecture

    Configure project, dependencies and app/tests architecture

    Sorry for the big PR. Please ignore all files on Pods folder and anything related to xcode project and workspace.

    I made a contract just to show how I am thinking to implement the app modules, its a mix on MVP and Viper. I also implement some tests on Interactor and Presenter.

    opened by ghost 2
  • Add Sync framework

    Add Sync framework

    The idea here is to create a separated framework to handle the synchronization between the APIs (Trakt, TMDB, TVDB) and the persistence layer of the app.

    opened by pietrocaselani 1
  • Enum plus plus

    Enum plus plus

    This PR adds Sourcery/Stencil templates to give Swift enum more powers! Now we have the protocol EnumClosures, that when implemented in an enum will create closures for each enum case.

    Using the following enum as example:

    enum ViewState<T> {
        case start(data: T)
        case loading
        case completed(count: Int, message: String)

    you can implement EnumClosures, by doing extension ViewState: EnumClosures, and Sourcery will generate the following code:

    extension ViewState {
        internal func onStart(_ fn: (T) -> Void) {
            guard case let .start(data) = self else { return }
        internal func onLoading(_ fn: () -> Void) {
            guard case .loading = self else { return }
        internal func onCompleted(_ fn: (Int, String) -> Void) {
            guard case let .completed(count, message) = self else { return }
            fn(count, message)

    There is also the EnumProperties that will generate accessors for each case. So using the same enum, ViewState, you can extend ViewState to use EnumProperties by doing extension ViewState: EnumProperties which will generate the following code:

    extension ViewState {
        internal var isStart: Bool {
            guard case .start = self else { return false }
            return true
        internal var isLoading: Bool {
            guard case .loading = self else { return false }
            return true
        internal var isCompleted: Bool {
            guard case .completed = self else { return false }
            return true
        internal var start: T? {
            guard case let .start(data) = self else { return nil }
            return (data)
        internal var completed: (count: Int, message: String)? {
            guard case let .completed(count, message) = self else { return nil }
            return (count, message)

    And by doing that, we are now able to write such code:

    func render(viewState: ViewState<User>) {
        viewState.onLoading {
            // show loading indicator
        viewState.onStart { user in
            // show the user
        viewState.onCompleted { (count, message) in
            // show the cout and message
        // Or
        view.loading = viewState.isLoading
        view.user = viewState.start
        view.countAndMessage = viewState.completed
    opened by pietrocaselani 1
  • Add license scan report and status

    Add license scan report and status

    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

    opened by fossabot 1
  • Bug on Trakt login

    Bug on Trakt login

    Sometimes, after a successful login, the screen to authorize the app never shows e after that, future attempts to log in results on a blank screen in the WebView.

    opened by pietrocaselani 0
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