Theme handling macOS Appkit (Swift/Objective-C)



A class for simplifying macOS appearance values and detecting setting changes (Swift/Objective-C).


If you're performing custom drawing within your macOS app, it's important to obey the user's display and accessibility settings when performing your drawing so you can adapt accordingly.

Secondly, when the user changes their settings (eg. when the system changes automatically light/dark modes) I wanted my app to be notified of the change so I can update the drawing to match the new setting(s).


DSFAppearanceManager has a number of properties to simplify macOS appearance settings

Available properties

These are the static properties available on the DSFAppearanceManager

Properties Description
IsDark Is the UI currently being displayed as dark
IsDarkMenu Are the menu and dock currently being displayed as dark
AccentColor The current accent color
HighlightColor The current highlight color
AquaVariant The current aqua variant
IncreaseContrast The user's 'Increase Contrast' accessibility setting
DifferentiateWithoutColor The user's 'Differentiate without color' accessibility setting
ReduceTransparency The user's 'Reduce transparency' accessibility setting
InvertColors The user's 'Invert colors' accessibility setting
ReduceMotion The user's 'Reduce motion' accessibility setting

So, for example, to get the current macOS highlight color, call DSFAppearanceManager.HighlightColor.

Change detection

You can ask to be notified when appearance settings changes.

Declare a variable of type DSFAppearanceManager.ChangeDetector()

private let appearanceChangeDetector = DSFAppearanceManager.ChangeDetector()

... and set the callback block.

appearanceChangeDetector.appearanceChangeCallback = { [weak self] manager, change in
	// Handle the change here.
	// `change` contains the _types_ of change(s) that occurred. 
	//  This might be theme, accent, contrastOrAccessibility etc
	let newColor = manager.accentColor


Change detection types

The change object will indicate the type of change that occurred.

Change type Description
theme The system appearance (eg. dark/light) changed
accent The user changed the accent color(s) eg. accent/highlight
aquaVariant For older macOS versions, the variant (blue, graphite)
systemColors The user changed the system colors
finderLabelColorsChanged The user changed finder label color(s)
accessibility The accessibility display settings changed

Note that the change detection class debounces changes to reduce the number of callbacks when a change occurs. The change object passed in the callback block contains a set of the changes that occurred.

Objective-C support

@interface ViewController ()
@property(nonatomic, strong) DSFAppearanceManagerChangeDetector* detector;

@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidAppear {
   [super viewDidAppear];
   [self setDetector: [[DSFAppearanceManagerChangeDetector alloc] init]];
   [[self detector] setAppearanceChangeCallback:^(DSFAppearanceManager * _Nonnull manager, DSFAppearanceManagerChange * _Nonnull change) {
      // Change detected! Do something to update display

Additional info

NSView appearance drawing

DSFAppearanceManager provides extensions to NSView as a convenience for automatically handling the view's effective drawing appearance.

func drawRect(_ dirtyRect: CGRect) {
   self.performUsingEffectiveAppearance { appearance in
      // Do your drawing using 'appearance'
      // Requests for dynamic colors etc. will automatically use the correct appearance for the view.

Rolling your own dynamic NSColor

If you can't use the Assets.xcassets to store your dynamic NSColors (or you want to move your app's configuration into code) you'll find that the default NSColor doesn't have much support for automatically handling light/dark mode changes.

Dusk is a small swift framework to aid in supporting Dark Mode on macOS. It provides an NSColor subclass (DynamicColor) that automatically provides light/dark mode variants when required.

lazy var c1 = DynamicColor(name: "uniqueColorName") { (appearance) in 
    // return the color to use for this appearance

let c1 = DynamicColor(name: "uniqueColorName", lightColor: NSColor.white, darkColor:

And because DynamicColor inherits from NSColor, it can be used wherever NSColor can be used.


ChimeHQ for developing the awesome dynamic NSColor subclass.


MIT. Use it and abuse it for anything you want, just attribute my work. Let me know if you do use it somewhere, I'd love to hear about it!

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Darren Ford

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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