A Swift library for swipeable table cells




Using the library

**Note: Use version 1.0.1 for Swift 2.3 support and version 2.0.0 or higher for Swift 3 support **

There are two main classes available - BWSwipeCell and BWSwipeRevealCell

BWSwipeCell - Only contains the pan gesture handling, and is useful mainly for heavy customization through subclassing if all you need is a leg up on swipe interactions

BWSwipeRevealCell - Is an out of the box solution that lets you set images and colors for 1 action on the left and right of the table cell. BWSwipeRevealCell is a subclass of BWSwipeCell.

BWSwipeRevealCell Example

After setting BWSwipeRevealCell as your table cell's type in the storyboard and setting a delegate. Use this code in your controller:

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath) as! BWSwipeRevealCell
        swipeCell.bgViewLeftImage = UIImage(named:"Done")!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
        swipeCell.bgViewLeftColor = UIColor.green
        swipeCell.bgViewRightImage = UIImage(named:"Delete")!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
        swipeCell.bgViewRightColor = UIColor.red
        swipeCell.type = .springRelease
        swipeCell.delegate = self // Or whatever your delegate might be
        return cell

Customizing through the interface

BWSwipeCell Properties

var type:BWSwipeCellType

Can be .springRelease, .swipeThrough or .slidingDoor. Defaults to .springRelease

var revealDirection: BWSwipeCellRevealDirection

Can be .both, .left or .right. Defaults to .both

(readonly) var state: BWSwipeCellState

Can be .normal, .pastThresholdLeft or .pastThresholdRight

var threshold: CGFloat

The point at which pan elasticity starts, and state changes. Defaults to the height of the UITableViewCell (i.e. when it form a perfect square)

(readonly) var progress:CGFloat

A number between 0 and 1 to indicate progress toward reaching threshold in the current swiping direction. Useful for changing UI gradually as the user swipes.

var shouldExceedThreshold: Bool

Control whether or not the cell pans past the threshold point

var panElasticityFactor: CGFloat

Control how much elasticity there is past threshold, if it can be exceeded. Default is 0.7 and 1.0 would mean no elastic resistance

var animationDuration: Double

Animation duration. Defaults to 0.2

weak var delegate: BWSwipeCellDelegate?

Set the delegate on the cell

@objc public protocol BWSwipeCellDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
    optional func swipeCellDidStartSwiping(cell: BWSwipeCell)
    optional func swipeCellDidSwipe(cell: BWSwipeCell)
    optional func swipeCellWillRelease(cell: BWSwipeCell)
    optional func swipeCellDidCompleteRelease(cell: BWSwipeCell)
    optional func swipeCellDidChangeState(cell: BWSwipeCell)

BWSwipeRevealCell Properties

var bgViewInactiveColor: UIColor

var bgViewLeftColor: UIColor

var bgViewRightColor: UIColor

Colors for inactive, and activated states for left and right

var bgViewLeftImage: UIImage?

var bgViewRightImage: UIImage?

Images for the left and right actions

weak var delegate: BWSwipeRevealCellDelegate?

@objc public protocol BWSwipeRevealCellDelegate:BWSwipeCellDelegate {
    optional func swipeCellActivatedAction(cell: BWSwipeCell, isActionLeft: Bool)

Set the delegate on the cell


Some brief ideas on ways to improve this library

v 1.x.0 (Swift 2.x version)

  • Complete
v 2.x.0 (Swift 3.x version)
  • Fix bugs
v 3.0.0
v x.0.0 (a.k.a. Ideas. PRs welcome.)
  • Customizable interaction per side (i.e. left .SwipeThrough, right .SlidingDoor)
  • Possible subclass for allowing .SlidingDoor to convert to .SwipeThrough past a threshold point (see Mail.app)
  • Add Carthage support

    Add Carthage support

    • Share scheme to enable Carthage builds.
    • Remove extra files from build target to fix command-line build errors.


    • tag latest release (Carthage only picks up tagged releases)
    opened by ewerx 4
  • Swift 3.0 support

    Swift 3.0 support

    Make sure that the code is Swift 3.0 ready and adjust the APIs in accordance with rules outlined in the WWDC 2016 Swift API Guidelines


    opened by bitwit 4
  • Expose BWSwipeCell for subclassing

    Expose BWSwipeCell for subclassing

    This framework is pretty useful, but BWSwipeRevealCell doesn't do quite what I'd like. I think it would be useful if you allowed BWSwipeCell to be subclassed in addition to BWSwipeRevealCell.

    feature request 
    opened by emuye 4
  • Help with CustomCell + BWSwipeRevealCell

    Help with CustomCell + BWSwipeRevealCell

    I created a CustomCell that I subclassed from BWSwipeRevealCell. And in the ViewController's cellForRowAtIndexPath I have these lines added:

    let swipeCell:BWSwipeRevealCell = cell as! BWSwipeRevealCell swipeCell.bgViewRightImage = UIImage(named:"delete_icon")!.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate) swipeCell.bgViewRightColor = UIColor.redColor() swipeCell.type = .SlidingDoor swipeCell.delegate = self return swipeCell

    I see the Right View but it is not triggering any action. The swipeCellActivatedAction method is never called. It would be helpful if you can provide any solutions/workarounds.

    opened by AnnieNinaJoyceV 3
  • Preparations for V1.0.0 release

    Preparations for V1.0.0 release

    Related to #4

    • Fixes to example project and print calls in all delegate callbacks
    • Update to the way some properties are used to take advantage of lazy and private(set) keywords
    • Small fix to new threshold delegate callback so that it only fires the moment threshold is passed and state changes
    opened by bitwit 2
  • Support for updating constraint offset rather then animating contentView.frame

    Support for updating constraint offset rather then animating contentView.frame

    I've been able to use this library to achieve the following: example

    However this meant having to override any function that references contentView.frame.

    It would be great to be able to have support for updating the offset using a closure rather than animating the content view frame...

    opened by markst 2
  • make initWithStyle public

    make initWithStyle public

    As I've mention you should consider make method override init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) { public

    The reason people need it that is subclassing your cell to make custom UI. I simply cannot see this method from framework.

    opened by tereks 1
  • (WIP): Refactor for maximizing customization capabilities and cleaner design

    (WIP): Refactor for maximizing customization capabilities and cleaner design

    (Currently incomplete, but...)

    • ~~Swift 3.0 syntax [Closes #8]~~ To be rebase on 2.0.0
    • Swipe logic extracted to a generic swipe handler
    • Support for UICollectionViewCell [Closes #9]
    • Configuration encapsulated in a struct, including settings for all interaction behaviour, including release animations [Related to #7]
    opened by bitwit 0
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