Swipe Left2Right & Right2Left, pure SwiftUI implementation





  • Swipe cell from Left2Right & Right2Left.
  • Destructive swipe


  • Simply add onSwipe(leading, trailing) method to your list item
List {
    HStack {
        Text("Enes Karaosman")
    .onSwipe(leading: [
      .. // here add slots

But what is Slot?
It's just a container that wraps your elements

public struct Slot: Identifiable {
    /// The Icon will be displayed.
    public let image: () -> Image
    /// To allow modification on Text, wrap it with AnyView.
    public let title: () -> AnyView
    /// Tap Action
    public let action: () -> Void
    /// Style
    public let style: SlotStyle

public struct SlotStyle {
    /// Background color of slot.
    public let background: Color
    /// Image tint color
    public let imageColor: Color // default = .white
    /// Individual slot width
    public let slotWidth: CGFloat // default = 60

That's it, here is full working example

struct SwipeCellDemoView: View {
    var slidableContent: some View {
        HStack(spacing: 16) {
            Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle.fill")
            .frame(height: 60)
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                Text("Enes Karaosman")
    var slots = [
        // First item
            image: {
                Image(systemName: "envelope.open.fill")
            title: {
            action: { print("Read Slot tapped") },
            style: .init(background: .orange)
        // Second item
            image: {
                Image(systemName: "hand.raised.fill")
            title: {
            action: { print("Block Slot Tapped") },
            style: .init(background: .blue, imageColor: .red)
    var left2Right: some View {
        .frame(height: 60)
        .onSwipe(leading: slots)
    var right2Left: some View {
        .frame(height: 60)
        .onSwipe(trailing: slots)
    var leftAndRight: some View {
        .frame(height: 60)
        .onSwipe(leading: slots, trailing: slots)
    var items: [AnyView] {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                ForEach(items.indices, id: \.self) { idx in


In demo I used system images, but using local image is allowed as well.

    .onSwipe(leading: [
            image: {
                    // To allow colorifying
            title: {
            action: { print("Slot tapped") },
            style: .init(background: .orange)
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    Love the package, talked to you briefly on slack a while back.

    Unfortunately I had a couple users hard crash my application on their iphone 11 with iOS 13.0-13.1.3

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    import SwipeCell
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        @State var test = [1,2,3,4,5]
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                                                image: {
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                                                title: {
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                                                    // How can I get access to content of every item here?
                                                style: .init(background: .clear)
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