🚀 Elegant Pager View fully written in pure SwiftUI.



build and test Platform iOS Swift 5 compatible Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible License: MIT

Made with ❤️ by Xmartlabs team. XLPagerTabStrip for SwiftUI!


PagerTabStripView is the first pager view built in pure SwiftUI. It provides a component to create interactive pager views which contains child views. It allows the user to switch between your views either by swiping or tapping a tab bar item.

Unlike Apple's TabView it provides:

  1. Flexible way to fully customize pager tab views.
  2. Each pagerTabItem view can be of different type.
  3. Bar that contains pager tab item is placed on top.
  4. Indicator view indicates selected child view.
  5. onPageAppear callback to easily trigger actions when page is selected.
  6. Ability to update pagerTabItem according to highlighted, selected, normal state.

..and we've planned many more functionalities, we have plans to support each one of the XLPagerTabStrip styles.


Creating a page view is super straightforward, you just need to place your custom tab views into a PagerTabStripView view and apply the pagerTabItem( _: ) modifier to each one to specify its navigation bar tab item.

import PagerTabStripView

struct MyPagerView: View {

    var body: some View {

        PagerTabStripView() {
                .pagerTabItem {
                    TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 1")
                .pagerTabItem {
                    TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 2")
            if User.isLoggedIn {
                    .pagerTabItem {
                        TitleNavBarItem(title: "Profile")


To specify the initial selected page you can pass the selection init parameter.

struct MyPagerView: View {

    @State var selection = 1

    var body: some View {
        PagerTabStripView(selection: $selection) {
                .pagerTabItem {
                    TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 1")

As you may've already noticed, everything is SwiftUI code, so you can update the child views according to SwiftUI state objects as shown above with if User.isLoggedIn.

Customize pager style

PagerTabstripView provides 3 different ways to show the views. You have the ability to select it and customize some aspects of each one using the pagerTabStripViewStyle modifier.

Normal style

This is likely the most common pager type. The customizable settings are:

  • Spacing between navigation bar items
  • Navigation bar height
  • Indicator bar height
  • Indicator bar color
struct PagerView: View {

	var body: some View {
		PagerTabStripView(selection: 1) {
				.pagerTabItem {
					TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 1")
				.pagerTabItem {
					TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 2")
			if User.isLoggedIn {
					.pagerTabItem {
						TitleNavBarItem(title: "Profile")
        .pagerTabStripViewStyle(.normal(indicatorBarColor: .gray, tabItemSpacing: 0, tabItemHeight: 50))

In this example, we add some settings like the tab bar height, indicator bar color and indicator bar height. Let's watch how it looks!

Bar style

This style only shows a bar that indicates the current view controller. The customizable settings are:

  • Spacing between navigation bar items
  • Indicator bar height
  • Indicator bar color

Segmented style

This style uses a Segmented Picker to indicate which view is being displayed. You can indicate the selected color, its padding and if you want it setted in the toolbar.

Navigation bar

The navigation bar supports custom tab items. You need to specify its appearance creating a struct that implements View protocol.

For simplicity, we are going to implement a nav bar item with only a title. You can find more examples in the example app.

struct TitleNavBarItem: View {
    let title: String

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

Customize selected and highlighted items

You can define the style of your nav items when they are selected or highlighted by conforming PagerTabViewDelegate protocol in your nav item view.

In the following example we change the text and background color when the tab is highlighted and selected.

private class NavTabViewTheme: ObservableObject {
    @Published var textColor = Color.gray
    @Published var backgroundColor = Color.white

struct TitleNavBarItem: View, PagerTabViewDelegate {
    let title: String
    @ObservedObject fileprivate var theme = NavItemTheme()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

    func setState(state: PagerTabViewState) {
        switch state {
        case .selected:
            self.theme.textColor = .blue
            self.theme.backgroundColor = .lightGray
        case .highlighted:
            self.theme.textColor = .pink
            self.theme.textColor = .gray
            self.theme.backgroundColor = .white

onPageAppear modifier

onPageAppear callback allows you to trigger some action when a page view gets selected, either by scrolling to it or tapping its tab. This modifier is applied only to its associated page view.

struct PagerView: View {

    var body: some View {
        PagerTabStripView(selection: 1) {
            MyView(model: myViewModel)
                .pagerTabItem {
                    TitleNavBarItem(title: "Tab 1")
                .onPageAppear {
        .pagerTabStripViewStyle(.normal(indicatorBarHeight: 2, indicatorBarColor: .gray, tabItemSpacing: 0, tabItemHeight: 50))


Follow these 3 steps to run Example project

  • Clone PagerTabStripView repo.
  • Open PagerTabStripView workspace.
  • Run the Example project.



To install PagerTabStripView using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'PagerTabStripView', '~> 2.0'


To install PagerTabStripView using Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView" ~> 2.0


  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 12.X


Getting involved

  • If you want to contribute please feel free to submit pull requests.
  • If you have a feature request please open an issue.
  • If you found a bug or need help please check older issues and threads on StackOverflow (Tag 'PagerTabStripView') before submitting an issue.

Before contribute check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.

If you use PagerTabStripView in your app We would love to hear about it! Drop us a line on Twitter.

  • Add: Custom case for fully access to indicator and navigationBar customization

    Add: Custom case for fully access to indicator and navigationBar customization

    Add infinite possibilities to customize the Indicator Bar:

    • Circle
    • Image
    • Animated View
    • Async View
    • SF Symbol
    • Text
    • Or any other View the user likes with any customization!


            indicator: {
                        .frame(height: 20)
    opened by MojtabaHs 6
  • Can't find 4.0.0

    Can't find 4.0.0

    -> PagerTabStripView (3.2.0) PagerTabStripView allows navigating through pages using a custom navigation bar in SwiftUI. pod 'PagerTabStripView', '~> 3.2.0'

    • Homepage: https://github.com/xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView
    • Source: https://github.com/xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView.git
    • Versions: 3.2.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.0, 3.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.0 [cocoapods repo]

    pod --version 1.11.3

    Can't find 4.0.0

    opened by GitHubZebra 2
  • Add: Custom pager animation

    Add: Custom pager animation

    Thanks for providing the great library!

    Fixes #issue(s) .

    • no issue

    Changes proposed in this request:

    • Add custom pager animation

    Here's examples.

    1. Transition to page even more slowly
                    tabItemHeight: 48,
                    pagerAnimation: .interactiveSpring(response: 1.5, dampingFraction: 1.00, blendDuration: 0.25)


    1. Make quick transitions ( means no animation )
                    tabItemHeight: 48,
                    pagerAnimation: .none


    I hope to get a good response from you! Thanks!

    opened by coffmark 2
  • Is there a way to customize the indicator bar length?

    Is there a way to customize the indicator bar length?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like way to customize the indicator bar length in a scrollableBarButton

    Describe the solution you'd like In addition to indicatorBarHeight and indicatorBarColor, maybe we can have an indicatorBarLength as well

    Describe alternatives you've considered I tried to use the custom PagerStyle, but wasn't able to figure out how to get both a scrollable bar and indicator height

    Something like this is what I'm looking for. Notice that the indicator goes beyond the title for a bit on both sides. Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro - 2022-03-28 at 00 03 51 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro - 2022-03-28 at 00 04 13

    opened by skywalkerdude 2
  • Add leading and Trailing padding to the scrollable Segment Tab view

    Add leading and Trailing padding to the scrollable Segment Tab view

    I was trying to add the Leading and trailing padding to the scrollable Tab Title view, but if I add it, it gets applied to the entire view and not just the TabStrip Title view. I am not able to modify the code because of the private methods. Can you please fix this?

    opened by harshadkhedekar 2
  • Bug in iOS 15

    Bug in iOS 15

    Hello, I have an issue when using scrollable in iOS 15. That issue is when I move to another view using navlink then back again to the view that have pagertabstripview. the scrollable doesn't show like below. image

    opened by reinaldoriant 2
  • Swipe to other tab view not working

    Swipe to other tab view not working

    Hi, its great package

    i have problem when to tried swipe between tab, i was using ScrollView instead List. thankyou

    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                PagerTabStripView(selection: $selectionIndex) {
    struct ListData: View {
        var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                VStack {
    opened by ghost 2
  • How to make sticky Navigation Title bar in scrollview

    How to make sticky Navigation Title bar in scrollview

    Inside scrollview I Have an image view on the top and below is navigation Pager view . How to make navigation title bar pinned on the top? Can you pleased guide me

    opened by naveedmcs 1
  • iOS 14 scrollableBarButton scroll bar still disappears in a tab view

    iOS 14 scrollableBarButton scroll bar still disappears in a tab view

    Repost of https://github.com/xmartlabs/PagerTabStripView/issues/63 since it looks like it's still happening.

    Describe the bug On iOS14 builds, sometimes the scroll bar disappears

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Replace ContentView in the Example app with:
    import SwiftUI
    import PagerTabStripView
    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            NavigationView {
                TabView {
                    InstagramView().tabItem {Text("InstagramView").maxWidth()}.hideNavigationBar()
                    TwitterView().tabItem {Text("TwitterView").maxWidth()}.hideNavigationBar()
                    YoutubeView().tabItem {Text("YoutubeView").maxWidth()}.hideNavigationBar()
                    SegmentedView().tabItem {Text("SegmentedView").maxWidth()}.hideNavigationBar()
                    BarStyleView().tabItem {Text("BarStyleView").maxWidth()}.hideNavigationBar()
    extension View {
        func hideNavigationBar() -> some View {
                .navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)
        func maxWidth(alignment: Alignment = .center) -> some View {
            self.frame(minWidth: .zero, idealWidth: .infinity, maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: alignment)
    1. Run Example App
    2. Click on "TwitterView"
    3. Click on "Short"
    4. Click on "SegmentedView
    5. Click on "BarStyleView""
    6. Click back to "TwitterView"
    7. Click on "Medium width"
    8. Observe the bar disappear

    Expected behavior Scroll bar should not run away

    Screenshots See video in Additional Context section

    Versions (please complete the following information):

    • Xcode: 13.2.1
    • Device: iPhone 11 Pro Simulator
    • OS: iOS 14.5
    • Library version: 3.0.0

    Additional context Bug is reproducible in this branch: https://github.com/skywalkerdude/PagerTabStripView/blob/tabviewbug/Example/Shared/Additional%20Example%20Source%20Code/ContentView.swift


    opened by skywalkerdude 1
  • Swipe to back animation bug

    Swipe to back animation bug

    Describe the bug When a user makes a swipe gesture instead of a "back" button in the navigation bar, he will see unwanted swipe animations

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to the example app
    2. Click on the first scrollable style button
    3. Try swipe to back gesture
    4. See the bug

    Versions (please complete the following information):

    • Xcode: 13.2
    • Device: iPhone13
    • OS: iOS 15.2
    • Lbrary version 3.1.0


    opened by alinless 1
  • Where is `TitleNavBarItem`? Compilation fails.

    Where is `TitleNavBarItem`? Compilation fails.

    Compilation fails due to lack of symbol TitleNavBarItem.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Run the first code example in README.

    Expected behavior Running.

    Screenshots Compile error.

    Versions (please complete the following information):

    • Xcode: 13.1
    • Device: Simulator
    • OS: iOS15
    • Lbrary version 3.1.0
    opened by hoon-prestolabs 1
  • '.isSelected' accessibility trait on the selected NavBarItem

    '.isSelected' accessibility trait on the selected NavBarItem

    Hello, I am using this package in an app and I realised that the active NavBarItem isn't recognized as selected by VoiceOver. It would be nice to add the .isSelected accessibility trait to the selected NavBarItem.

    I would propose something like this on the NavBarItem button:

    .accessibilityAddTraits(id == selection ? .isSelected : [])

    I don't think it's possible to do it from outside the package, I tried dynamically adding the trait to the pagerTabItem according to the $selection binding, like this:

    .pagerTabItem {
        Text("Any title")
         .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
         .accessibilityAddTraits(currentTab == 0 ? .isSelected: [])

    But I think the view set in here is not redrawn, the PagerTabStripView will only draw the one received on initialisation.

    opened by marco-mattei-mo 0
  • Refactor code, solve several issues

    Refactor code, solve several issues

    Fixes #issue(s) .

    Changes proposed in this request:

    • Selection value now can be any hashable type
    • Layout protocol use to arrange subviews in scrollable and non-scrollable navbar items. No longer need to use geometry reader to get the tab size to position the indicator. Simplifies a lot the base code.
    opened by mtnbarreto 4
  • Is it possible for optional swipe for pagerTabItem?

    Is it possible for optional swipe for pagerTabItem?

    I know that the PagerTabStripView is able to control whether it is scrollable or not. It is possible to control TabItem scrollable? Thank you P.s, I would like to use scrollable PagerStyle and disable the scroll by conditional check.

    opened by lclronald 0
  • cannot swipe if PagerTabStripView in another PagerTabStripView

    cannot swipe if PagerTabStripView in another PagerTabStripView

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. My use case is my page have 2 levels, one for main-categories: A, B, C, and one for sub-categories: B1, B2, B3 something like that: A is some view B is PagerTabStripView with 3 pages: B1, B2, B3 (both are some view) C is some view I can swipe from A to B, but I cant swipe from B1 to A, and I can swipe from C to B, but I cant swipe from B3 to C

    Describe the solution you'd like I can swipe from B1 to A, and I can swipe from B3 to C

    Describe alternatives you've considered none

    Additional context none

    opened by fso-msrl 1
  • Is it easily possible to also animate the [scrollableBarButton - indicatorBar ] as oppose to making it snappy?

    Is it easily possible to also animate the [scrollableBarButton - indicatorBar ] as oppose to making it snappy?

    Hi, thank you for the project.

    Is it easily possible to also animate the indicatorBar for the style scrollableBarButton as the index changes as oppose to making it snappy? iOS 15

    I am refering to the blue bar below each tab.

    Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 11 31 26 am

    Thank you.

    opened by waelsaad 0
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