DSL for UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout



license MIT Platform Swift 5.4

DSL for UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout!


ListKit is DSL for building UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout. You can make UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout easy with ListKit. ListKit is Declarative and Component-Based. Also, ListKit supports diffable data source for UICollectionView!


You can checkout examples for ListKit at here:

renderer.render(of: Array(0..<10)) { index in
    Section(id: index) {
        HGroup(width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .absolute(150)) {
            for _ in 0..<3 {
                ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(0.5), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0))
                VGroup(of: [0, 1], width: .fractionalWidth(0.25), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0)) { _ in
                    ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .fractionalHeight(0.5))
                VGroup(of: [0, 1], width: .fractionalWidth(0.25), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0)) { _ in
                    ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .fractionalHeight(0.5))
    .boundarySupplementaryItem(SectionHeaderComponent(title: "Section \(index + 1)"))

Layout Elements


Section(id: UUID()) {
    HGroup(width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .absolute(150)) {
        for i in 0..<4 {
            ColorBoxComponent(color: colors[i], width: .fractionalWidth(1.0/4), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0))
.contentInsets(top: 16, leading: 16, bottom: 16, trailing: 16)
.boundarySupplementaryItem(SectionHeaderComponent(title: "Section \(index + 1)"))

Section is a group of data items. You can define multiple sections in a layout. In UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, Section has only one root Group.

Group(HGroup and VGroup)

In UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, individual items are grouped into Group. Group has two types which are HGroup and VGroup. HGroup layouts items in horizontaly direction. VGroup layouts items in vertically. Group can have multiple items(components in ListKit) and groups.

Section(id: UUID()) {
    VGroup(of: [0, 1, 2], width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .estimated(30)) { number in
        HGroup(of: [0, 1, 2], width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .absolute(100)) { index in
            ColorBoxComponent(color: colors[(number * 3) + index], width: .fractionalWidth(1.0/3.0), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0))


Component presents UI for the data item. It is the basic unit in ListKit. You can map a data into a component. You can define a component like below:

import UIKit
import ListKit

struct ColorBoxComponent: Component {
    var id: AnyHashable { UUID() }
    let color: UIColor
    let width: NSCollectionLayoutDimension
    let height: NSCollectionLayoutDimension
    public init(color: UIColor, width: NSCollectionLayoutDimension, height: NSCollectionLayoutDimension) {
        self.color = color
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
    func contentView() -> UIView {
        return UIView(frame: .zero)
    func layoutSize() -> NSCollectionLayoutSize {
        return NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: width, heightDimension: height)
    func edgeSpacing() -> NSCollectionLayoutEdgeSpacing? {
        return nil
    func contentInsets() -> NSDirectionalEdgeInsets {
        return .zero
    func render(in content: UIView) {
        content.backgroundColor = color

Component has a content view which is inherited from UIVIew. You can define more complex component with it's content view.

import UIKit
import SnapKit
import ListKit

struct EmojiBoxComponent: Component {
    let id: AnyHashable
    let emoji: String
    init(emoji: String) {
        self.id = emoji
        self.emoji = emoji
    func contentView() -> EmojiBoxComponentContentView {
    func layoutSize() -> NSCollectionLayoutSize {
        return NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .absolute(30), heightDimension: .absolute(30))
    func edgeSpacing() -> NSCollectionLayoutEdgeSpacing? {
        return nil
    func contentInsets() -> NSDirectionalEdgeInsets {
        return .init(top: 2, leading: 2, bottom: 2, trailing: 2)
    func render(in content: EmojiBoxComponentContentView) {
        content.label.text = emoji

final class EmojiBoxComponentContentView: UIView {
    lazy var label: UILabel = {
        let label = UILabel(frame: .zero)
        label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
        label.textColor = .white
        label.textAlignment = .center
        return label
    init() {
        super.init(frame: .zero)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
    func setupView() {
        label.snp.makeConstraints { make in
        self.backgroundColor = .darkGray
        self.layer.borderWidth = 3
        self.layer.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor
        self.layer.cornerRadius = 8.0

Define Layout and Render it


You can define layout in declarative way and render the layout with Renderer. Rederer is defined with DataSource.

var renderer: ComposeRenderer = ComposeRenderer(dataSource: PlainDataSource())

Also, you can set UICollectionViewDelegate and custom collection view cell.

/// Renderer's initializer.
public init(dataSource: DataSource, delegate: UICollectionViewDelegate? = nil, cellClass: AnyClass? = nil) {

Todo example use cellClass for handling swipe actions.

You can define layout and update it like below:

var emojiList: [String] = ["😊"] {
    didSet {

override func render() {
    renderer.render(animated: true) {
        Section(id: Sections.main) {
            HGroup(of: emojiList, width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .estimated(30)) { item in
                EmojiBoxComponent(emoji: item)


ListKit provides PlainDataSource and DiffableDataSource. PlainDataSource is used for UICollectionView that uses UICollectionViewFlowLayout. DiffableDataSource is used for UICollectionView that uses UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource and NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot. The emoji example and Todo example use DiffableDataSource

Customizing DataSource

You can customize data source like below:

import UIKit
import ListKit
import SwipeCellKit

class TodoDataSource: DiffableDataSource, SwipeCollectionViewCellDelegate {
    override func configure(cell: UICollectionViewCell) {
        guard let swipableCell = cell as? SwipeCollectionViewCell else { return }
        swipableCell.delegate = self
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, editActionsForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, for orientation: SwipeActionsOrientation) -> [SwipeAction]? {
        guard orientation == .right else { return nil }
        guard let deletable = component(at: indexPath, to: Deletable.self) else { return nil }
        let deleteAction = SwipeAction(style: .destructive, title: "Delete") { action, indexPath in
            action.fulfill(with: .delete)
        deleteAction.image = UIImage(systemName: "trash")
        return [deleteAction]

TodoDataSource is inherited from DiffableDataSource and customize it to use SwipeCellKit for swipe actions.

Iterable Data

ListKit provides render(of: [T]), HGroup(of: [T]) and VGroup(of: [T]) to handle iterable data and define dynamic layout with that data.

class ComplexLayoutViewController: BaseViewController {
    let colors: [UIColor] = [
    var randomColor: UIColor {
        return colors.randomElement() ?? .cyan
    override func render() {
        renderer.render(of: Array(0..<10)) { index in
            Section(id: index) {
                HGroup(width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .absolute(150)) {
                    for _ in 0..<3 {
                        ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(0.5), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0))
                        VGroup(of: [0, 1], width: .fractionalWidth(0.25), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0)) { _ in
                            ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .fractionalHeight(0.5))
                        VGroup(of: [0, 1], width: .fractionalWidth(0.25), height: .fractionalHeight(1.0)) { _ in
                            ColorBox2Component(color: randomColor, width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .fractionalHeight(0.5))
            .boundarySupplementaryItem(SectionHeaderComponent(title: "Section \(index + 1)"))


ListKit only support Swift Package Manager.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ReactComponentKit/ListKit.git", from: "1.1.1"),


  • Swift 5.4+
    • ListKit uses @resultBuilder which is available after Swift 5.4.
  • iOS 13.0+
  • Xcode 12.+

Inspired by and Respect

  • Carbon
    • Carbon is the awesome library for building user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView. It provides declarative and component-based way to buiild UI much like SwiftUI. I learned many things from Carbon to make ListKt. I want to give huge thanks to Carbon and respect it.

API reference


  • Section(id: Hashable) { // building a group }
    • Section's initializer
  • func orthogonalScrollingBehavior(_ value: UICollectionLayoutSectionOrthogonalScrollingBehavior) -> Section
    • The section's scrolling behavior in relation to the main layout axis.
  • func interGroupSpacing(_ value: CGFloat) -> Section
    • The amount of space between the groups in the section.
  • func contentInsets(top: CGFloat = 0, leading: CGFloat = 0, bottom: CGFloat = 0, trailing: CGFloat = 0) -> Section
    • The amount of space between the content of the section and its boundaries.
  • func contentInsetsReference(_ value: UIContentInsetsReference) -> Section
    • @available(iOS 14.0, *)
    • The boundary to reference when defining content insets.
  • func supplementariesFollowContentInsets(_ value: Bool) -> Section
    • A Boolean value that indicates whether the section's supplementary items follow the specified content insets for the section.
  • func boundarySupplementaryItem<S: SupplementaryComponent>(_ value: S) -> Section
    • A supplementary item that it associated with the boundary edges of the section, such as headers and footers.
    • You can set multiple supplementary items with the chain of function calls.
  • func decorationItem<D: DecorationComponent>(_ value: D) -> Section
    • A decoration item that it anchored to the section, such as background decoration views.
    • You can set multiple supplementary items with the chain of function calls.
  • func visibleItemsInvalidationHandler(_ value: NSCollectionLayoutSectionVisibleItemsInvalidationHandler?) -> Section
    • A closure called before each layout cycle to allow modification of the items in the section immediately before they are displayed.

Group(HGroup and VGroup)

  • [V|H]Group(width: NSCollectionLayoutDimension, height: NSCollectionLayoutDimension) { // builing items }
  • [V|H]Group(of items: [T], width: NSCollectionLayoutDimension, height: NSCollectionLayoutDimension) { // builing items }
    • Group's initializer
  • func interItemSpacing(_ value: NSCollectionLayoutSpacing) -> Group
    • The amount of space between the items in the group.
  • func supplementaryItem<S: SupplementaryComponent>(_ value: S) -> Group
    • The supplementary item that is anchored to the group.
  • func edgeSpacing(top: NSCollectionLayoutSpacing = .fixed(0), leading: NSCollectionLayoutSpacing = .fixed(0), bottom: NSCollectionLayoutSpacing = .fixed(0), trailing: NSCollectionLayoutSpacing = .fixed(0)) -> Group
    • The amount of space added around the boundaries of the item between other items and this item's container.
  • func contentInsets(top: CGFloat = 0, leading: CGFloat = 0, bottom: CGFloat = 0, trailing: CGFloat = 0) -> Group
    • The amount of space added around the content of the item to adjust its final size after its position is computed.


  • var id: AnyHashable { get }
    • Component's unique ID
  • func contentView() -> Content
    • return component's content view instance
  • func layoutSize() -> NSCollectionLayoutSize
    • The component's size expressed in width and height dimensions.
  • func edgeSpacing() -> NSCollectionLayoutEdgeSpacing?
    • The amount of space added around the boundaries of the item between other components and this component's container.
  • func contentInsets() -> NSDirectionalEdgeInsets
    • The amount of space added around the content of the component to adjust its final size after its position is computed.
  • func supplementComponents() -> [AnySupplementaryComponent]
    • An array of the supplementary items attached to the component.
  • func willDisplay(content: Content)
    • Component's content is about to be displayed in the collection view.
  • func didEndDisplay(content: Content)
    • Component's content was removed from the collection view.
  • func render(in content: Content)
    • Render data to component's content view


  • func configure(cell: UICollectionViewCell)
    • Configure UICollectionViewCell if needed
  • func component<T>(at indexPath: IndexPath, to: T.Type) -> T?
    • Query the component at IndexPath and casting it to T type if there is.

MIT License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 ListKit

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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    Hi, thank you very much to simplify the process of defining and updating UICollectionView Compositional Layout 👍 Does ListKit also supports UICollectionView List Layout, which is available since iOS 14? I would be very happy about this because then we can use UIKit APIs for Swipe Actions and don't have to use libraries like SwipeCellKit...

    maybe like this:

    renderer.render {
        Section(id: Sections.main) {
            if todos.isEmpty {
                VGroup(width: .fractionalWidth(1.0), height: .estimated(30)) {
                    EmptyComponent(title: "Add New Todo!")
            } else {
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                    TodoComponent(todo: todo) { [weak self] t in
                        self?.todos.removeAll(where: { $0 == t })

    List is the class to create a new UICollectionViewListLayout with an Anppearance . It would be nice, if List can support both custom cells and default UICollectionViewListCell with content and background configuration.

    The following article is a good starting point: https://swiftsenpai.com/development/uicollectionview-list-basic/

    Let me know what you think about it. Carbon uses UITableView, but since iOS 14, there is no need to do this, because you can do everthing with UICollectionView.

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