VCore is a Swift collection containing objects, functions, and extensions that I use for all my projects



Table of Contents


VCore is a Swift collection containing objects, functions, and extensions that I use for all my projects

Library supports iOS 13.0 and up.

Library Structure

Project files are grouped as:

  • Views and ViewContollers. Reusable non-scene views and viewcontrollers.

  • Services and Managers. Services, managers, controllers, and formatters. For instance, NetworkClient.

  • Helpers. Non-service, non-extension objects and methods. For instance, helper methods for creating GenericStateModel's and StandardNavigable.

  • Global Functions. Global functions. For instance, TODO and operators.

  • Extensions. Global extensions. Methods and properties are grouped by frameworks of origin—Foundation, UIKit, and SwiftUI.

Project incudes folder Extra, which contains:

  • XCode Templates. Templates that can be used for accelerating workflow. Currently, templates cover scenes and gateways.

  • Misc. Objects and methods that cannot be included in a library as they require additional customization or access to AppDelegate/SceneDelegate.


Library includes templates for developing scenes using a VIPER architecture. Architecture is highly-decoupled, follows modular design, obeys the single-responsibility principle, and is built on the interface communication pattern.

To avoid writing boilerplate for every scene, the project includes XCode templates.

Scene Components


A factory and a dependency injector that creates a scene and injects all related objects.

Factory takes a viewModel as parameter if there is a data passed from the previous scene in the navigation. Factory is a non-initializable struct with static factory methods. By default, Factory includes a single method, that creates a default instance of the scene.

Since objects are communicating using protocols, some can be swapped out with a non-default implementation. For instance, we can place Presenter and ViewController in a shared framework, and implement different Interactor's and Router's in two separate apps, subsequently reusing the same scene while only changing endpoints that they connect to and scenes to which we can navigate to. When even just one scene component is replaced, a new method must be added to Factory, as it requires a different dependency injection.


While not technically an object, this file lists all protocols that explain communication within the objects.

Interface has five protocols:

Protocol Conformance Owner Ownership
Viewable ViewController Presenter unowned
Navigable Router Presenter unowned
Presentable Presenter ViewController strong
Routable Router Presenter strong
Interactive Interactor Presenter strong

ViewController (Viewable + Navigable)


View of the scene.


Responsibilities of the ViewController include:

  • Initializing and storing views
  • Adding them to subviews
  • Setting up a layout
  • Reconfiguring self and subviews

Responsibilities of the ViewController do not include:

  • Storing and managing data, as it's entirely taken by a Presenter

Viewable protocol is used by Presenter for configuring and modifying the view during runtime. Some properties and methods used in the protocol may include:

func setContinueButtonState(to isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool)
func setInfoLabelText(to text: String)

Navigable protocol is used by Router to perform navigation and presentation of scenes. By default, Navigable protocol conforms to StandardNavigable protocol—a helper protocol used in all scenes. StandardNavigable has a default implementation for UIViewController, and thus, additional implementation is required. API of StandardNavigable is the following:

protocol StandardNavigable {
    func push(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool)
    func pop(animated: Bool)
    func popToRoot(animated: Bool)
    func present(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?)
    func dismiss(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?)
    func setRoot(to viewController: UIViewController)

Presenter (Presentable) (Optional)


The Central object in the scene that controls the logic and binds everything together.


Responsibilities of the Presenter include:

  • Connecting all scene components
  • Communicating with Router to trigger navigation towards or presentation of scenes, which in turn communicates with ViewController
  • Communicating with Interactor to fetch data
  • Storing the majority of the present in the scene. This includes viewModel passed from the previous scene.

Responsibilities of the Presenter do not include:

  • Importing UIKit and managing UI-specific data, unless absolutely necessary

Presentable protocol is used by ViewController to notify Presenter that an event or an action has occurred. Some properties and methods used in the protocol may include:

func viewDidLoad()
func didTapContinueButton()

Router (Routable) (Optional)


Navigator of the scene that performs navigation towards and presentation of scenes.


Router has access to ViewController view Navigable protocol, which allows it to access the navigation stack. By default, Navigable protocol conforms to StandardNavigable protocol.


Routable protocol is used by Presenter to trigger navigation towards or presentation of scenes. Some methods used in the protocol may include:

func toSomeScene()
func toSomeOtherScene(viewModel: SomeOtherSceneViewModel)

Interactor (Interactive) (Optional)


Performs fetch request to remote or local databases.


Responsibilities of the Interactor include:

  • Calling Gateway's for fetch request. That's why an Interactive has a combined protocol body of all the Gateway's it has access to.

Responsibilities of the Interactor do not include:

  • Performing fetch requests on its own independent of a Gateway.

Interacive protocol is used by Presenter to perform fetch requests. Some methods used in the protocol may include:

func fetchSomeData(with parameters: SomeParameters) async throws -> SomeEntity

ViewModel (Optional)


Data passed to the scene from the previous one.


Owned by Presenter.

Model (Optional)


A non-initalizable static object that contains information needed for laying out a ViewController.


Object breaks down into 5 sub-objects—Layout, Colors, Fonts, Animations, and Misc.


Protocol that defines a method by which a single fetch request is performed to a relational database—either remote or local.

To avoid writing boilerplate for every gateway, the project includes XCode templates.

Gateway Components


Defines an interface by which a fetch request can occur. Gateway should only contain a single method.


Parameters used for the fetch request. A struct, that can conform to Encodable.


Entity that's returned from the fetch request. Also a struct, that can conform to Decodable.

_ Gateway

A specific implementation of a gateway. To differentiate the gateways from one another, a prefix is used. For instance, UpdateUserDataNetworkGateway or UpdateUserDataCoreDataGateway.

Interactor-Gateway Relation

Although an Interactor component in VIPER is part of the scene, Gateways are not bound to specific scenes.

This design choice follows CLEAN architecture. But I am not using UseCase's as their responsibility is entirely covered by Interactor's.

Relation between an Interactor and Gateway is the following:

protocol UpdateUserDataGatewayable {
    func fetch(with parameters: UpdateUserDataParameters) async throws -> UpdateUserDataEntity

struct UpdateUserDataNetworkGateway: UpdateUserDataGatewayable {
    func fetch(with parameters: UpdateUserDataParameters) async throws -> UpdateUserDataEntity {
        // Implementation
protocol HomeInteractive {
    func updateUserData(with parameters: UpdateUserDataParameters) async throws -> UpdateUserDataEntity

struct HomeInteractor: HomeInteractive {
    func updateUserData(with parameters: UpdateUserDataParameters) async throws -> UpdateUserDataEntity {
        try await UpdateUserDataNetworkGateway().fetch(with: parameters)


Project contains demo app, that can be used to test functionality of the library.


Library doesn't support CocoaPods or Carthage.

Swift Package Manager

Add as a Swift Package in Xcode and follow the instructions.



  1. Download VCore.xcframework.

  2. Extract the zip.

  3. Drag VCore.xcframework into your project.


  1. Select "Copy items if needed" and click Finish.


  1. Go to the target settings for your app, under "General" tab, find "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content". Set the VCore.xcframework to “Embed & Sign”.


Building Your Own Target

Since VCore is open-source, you can clone the project and build the framework target yourself.


Major. Major changes, such as big overhauls

Minor. Minor changes, such as new objects, function, and extensions

Patch. Bug fixes and improvements



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  • 4.2.1(Dec 15, 2022)

  • 4.2.0(Oct 29, 2022)

  • 4.1.0(Oct 2, 2022)


    • SecurableTextField now takes Text as placeholder
    • ProgressViewParameters now causes View to ignore interaction, instead of disabling it


    • Underlying type _textLineType in TextLineType is no longer public. Instead, it's being replaced by textAlignment and textLineLimitType.

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • isInteractionDisabled no longer has a default value in ProgressViewParameters
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.1(Sep 15, 2022)

    Services and Managers

    • Issue with Data being empty in NetworkResponseProcessor.response(_:_:) when calling noData(from:) in NetworkClient is fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0(Sep 14, 2022)


    • Errors are now structs, backed by ErrorCode enumerations
    • VCoreLog(_:) is added that logs errors throws by objects, such as NetworkClient, KeychainService, JSONEncoderService, and JSONDecoderService

    Services and Managers

    • status is added to NetworkReachabilityService
    • KeychainService API is changed from Result types to throwing methods
    • SessionManager is now an actor
    • error(_:) is removed from NetworkErrorProcessor
    • JSONEncoderService and JSONDecoderService now have instance-based APIs


    • CapsuleUIView and CapsuleUIImageView will now round corners based on width, if width is less than height


    • ObservableContainer is added
    • AtomicContainer is added
    • AtomicInteger is now an actor
    • AtomicInteger now contains many methods for incrementation and decrementation
    • TextLineType and TextLineLimitType are added
    • horizontalAverage and verticalAverage are added to EdgeInsets
    • horizontal is renamed to horizontalSum in EdgeInsets_LeadingTrailingTopBottom
    • vertical is renamed to verticalSum in EdgeInsets_LeadingTrailingTopBottom

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • CoordinatingNavigationStack is added for SwiftUI
    • AlertPresentable is added for SwiftUI
    • ConfirmationDialogPresentable is added for SwiftUI
    • ProgressViewPresentable is added for SwiftUI
    • SwiftUI VIPER documentation and demo is added
    • UITableViewDequeueable is renamed to ConfigurableUITableViewCell
    • ConfigurableUITableViewCell.dequeueID is renamed to ConfigurableUITableViewCell.reuseID
    • UICollectionViewDequeueable is renamed to ConfigurableUICollectionViewCell
    • ConfigurableUICollectionViewCell.dequeueID is renamed to ConfigurableUICollectionViewCell.reuseID


    • NavigationPath.append(contentsOf:) method is added
    • NavigationPath.removeAll() method is added
    • SwiftUIFirstAppearLifecycleManager is removed
    • CALayerCornerCurve parameter is added to UIView.roundCornersAndApplyShadow(cornerRadius:color:radius:offset)
    • View.fitToAspect(_:contentMode) method is added
    • View.shadow(color:radius:offset) method is added


    • keychainServiceErrorDescription(_:) is added to VCoreLocalizationProvider

    XCode Templates

    • Project now includes templates for SwiftUI
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.20.2(Sep 5, 2022)

  • 3.20.1(Aug 24, 2022)

  • 3.20.0(Aug 18, 2022)

  • 3.19.1(Aug 11, 2022)


    • UIDevice.hasNotch is renamed to UIDevice.hasNoPhysicalHomeButton
    • View.onFirstAppear(perform:) is deprecated in favor of View.onFirstAppear(didAppear:perform)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.19.0(Aug 5, 2022)


    • BasicAnimation.toCAMediaTimingFunction is added
    • BasicAnimation.toUIViewAnimationOptions is added

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • UIActionSheetViewable is added


    • Array.firstIndexAndElement(where:) is expanded to Collection
    • UIView.removeSubviews() is renamed to UIView.removeSubviewsFromSuperview()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.18.4(Jul 26, 2022)

  • 3.18.3(Jul 26, 2022)

  • 3.18.2(Jul 26, 2022)

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • Missing public modifier is added to extension method of pop(count: Int, animated: Bool) in StandardNavigable
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.18.1(Jul 26, 2022)


    • CapsuleImageView is renamed to CapsuleUIImageView

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • Missing public modifier is added to default implementation of pop(count: Int, animated: Bool) method in StandardNavigable
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.18.0(Jul 26, 2022)


    • CapsuleUIView is added
    • CapsuleUIImageView is added

    Network Client

    • NetworkError is renamed to NetworkClientError

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • func pop(count: Int, animated: Bool) is added to StandardNavigable


    • UIStackView.removeArrangedSubviewsFromSuperview() is added
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.17.0(Jul 23, 2022)

    Services and Managers

    • KeychainService is added


    • KeychainStorage PropertyWrapper is added

    Architectural Pattern Helpers

    • UIAlertParameters now builds actions using resultBuilder
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.16.2(Jul 20, 2022)


    • keyboardResponsivenessContainerView property is added in KeyboardResponsiveUIViewControllerOffsettingContainerByObscuredSubviewHeight
    • Issue with KeyboardResponsiveUIViewController offset-based animation, not considering pre-offsetted container is fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.16.1(Jul 19, 2022)


    • Issues with KeyboardResponsiveUIViewController animations are fixed


    • Double.convertDecimalBytes(to:) is renamed to Double.decimalBytesConverted(to:)
    • Double.convertBinaryBytes(to:) is renamed to Double.binaryBytesConverted(to:)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.16.0(Jul 15, 2022)


    • KeyboardResponsiveUIViewControllerOffsettingContainerByObscuredSubviewHeight is added that handles keyboard notifications and calls UIView.animateKeyboardResponsivenessByOffsettingContainerByObscuredSubviewHeight


    • DataUnit protocol is added, alongside with DecimalDataUnit and BinaryDataUnit


    • KeyPath-based UILayoutGuideType case is replaced with closure-based one


    • UIImage.sizeInKilobytes, UIImage.sizeInMegabytes, UIImage.sizeInKibibytes, and UIImage.sizeInMebibytes properties are added


    • Platform-specific compilation errors are fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.15.2(Jul 14, 2022)

  • 3.15.1(Jul 13, 2022)

  • 3.15.0(Jul 13, 2022)


    • InnerShadowUIView is added
    • InteractivePoppingUINavigationController is added
    • nonZeroAnimationDuration is added to SystemKeyboardInfo
    • UIView.childFirstResponder and UIView.childFirstResponderView properties are added
    • Default static properties are exposed to public in SystemKeyboardInfo
    • LeftAlignedCollectionViewFlowLayout is renamed to LeftAlignedUICollectionViewFlowLayout
    • CenterAlignedCollectionViewFlowLayout is renamed to CenterAlignedUICollectionViewFlowLayout
    • RightAlignedCollectionViewFlowLayout is renamed to RightAlignedUICollectionViewFlowLayout
    • KeyboardResponsiveViewController is renamed to KeyboardResponsiveUIViewController
    • InfiniteScrollingTableView is renamed to InfiniteScrollingUITableView
    • InfiniteScrollingTableViewDelegate is renamed to InfiniteScrollingUITableViewDelegate
    • InfiniteScrollingCollectionView is renamed to InfiniteScrollingUICollectionView
    • InfiniteScrollingCollectionViewDelegate is renamed to InfiniteScrollingUICollectionViewDelegate
    • ScrollableView is renamed to ScrollableUIView


    • UIView helper NSLayoutConstraint API has been updated


    • Double.rounded(fractions:) and Double.round(fractions:) methods are added
    • String.diacriticInsensitiveString(locale:) method is added
    • UIViewController.isRootViewController and UIViewController.isNonRootViewController properties are added
    • NSLayoutConstraint.init(item:attribute:relatedBy:toItem:attribute:multiplier:constant:priority) initializer is added
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.14.0(Jul 12, 2022)


    • UIView animation methods are added that support KeyboardResponsiveViewController
    • KeyboardResponsiveViewController.notifiesWhenKeyboardIsAlreadyShownOrHidden is added
    • KeyboardResponsiveViewController.notifiesWhenViewControllerIsNotVisible is added
    • KeyboardResponsiveViewController.keyboardIsShown is exposed to public


    • NSAttributedString.init(attributedStrings:) initializer is added
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.13.2(Jul 11, 2022)

  • 3.13.1(Jul 11, 2022)

  • 3.13.0(Jul 9, 2022)


    • Several members in SwiftUIBaseButtonState and UIKitBaseButtonState are now marked as public


    • UIView.addSubviews(:_) and UIView.removeSubviews() methods are added
    • Issue with UIStackView.addArrangedSubviews(_:) is fixed
    • UIStackView.addArrangedSubviews(_:) method is added that takes variadic UIViews
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.12.1(Jul 7, 2022)


    • Issue with minimumScaleFactor in UILabel.configure(alignment:lineBreakMode:numberOfLines:minimumScaleFactor:color:font:) is fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.12.0(Jul 7, 2022)

  • 3.11.0(Jul 6, 2022)


    • AppKit extensions are added, but only for supporting underlying SwiftUI types
    • Several UIKit extension are expanded to macOS, and are move to Core Frameworks directory
    • Color.blend(_:ratio1:with:ratio2) method is added
    • Color.lighten(by:) and NSColor.darken(by:) methods are added
    • Color.rgbaValues and NSColor.rgbaComponents properties are added
    • Color.isRGBAEqual(to:) method is added
    • NSColor.blend(_:ratio1:with:ratio2) method is added
    • NSColor.lighten(by:) and NSColor.darken(by:) methods are added
    • NSColor.rgbaValues and NSColor.rgbaComponents properties are added
    • NSColor.isRGBAEqual(to:) method is added
    • NSFont.withBoldStyling and NSColor.withItalicStyling properties are added
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.10.3(Jul 4, 2022)

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