A collection of bugs present in the SwiftUI beta.


Gosh Darn Bugs!

GoshDarnBugs is a collection of... you guessed it, bugs.


  • Clone the repository.
  • Open GoshDarnBugs.xcodeproj
  • Click Run.


SwiftUI is an absolutely fantastic framework, a culmination of several years' worth of effort by many, many amazing and talented Apple engineers. Being a radical departure from traditional Cocoa/Touch frameworks, it is quite nascent and (understandably) still finding stability in terms of API design and an overall bug-free experience.

Working with SwiftUI feels like standing on the bleeding edge. It's a new, beautiful, inspired way of writing code - and feels like a clean slate in terms of typical usage and best practices. A lot of us are trying to find our footing within this new framework, and there is certainly a lot confusing. However, it is sometimes frustrating to find that what seems confusing and misunderstood may simply belie a bug in the beta.

While SwiftUIX attempts to fill the gaps of SwiftUI in terms of available APIs, GoshDarnBugs attempts to offer an exhaustive, demonstrable collection of SwiftUI bugs in the latest beta. This is done in the hope of serving as a useful, centralized point of reference for all those experimenting/building with SwiftUI.


GoshDarnBugs as a project is only as useful as its strength in contributors, and thus is designed to be painless to contribute to.

The prerequisites are as follows:

  • A Feedback Assistant number for your bug report (please, please, please file bug reports!).
  • A View demonstrating your bug, that can be initialized simply using .init().

The steps to contribute are as follows:

  • Create a Swift file with your feedback number as the name, and put it in the Bugs folder.
  • Create a View named after your feedback number (in the form of FBXXXXXXX), and add a conformance to BugDemonstrationView .
  • Navigate to ContentView.swift, and add .init(FBXXXXXXX.self) to the demonstrations: [BugDemonstration] property.

That's basically it.

In case you're wondering what BugDemonstrationView and BugDemonstration are:

/// A view that represents the demonstration of some bug.
protocol BugDemonstrationView: View {

/// A type that represents the demonstration of some bug.
final class BugDemonstration: Identifiable {
    public let name: String
    public let makeView: () -> AnyView

    init<View: BugDemonstrationView>(_ viewType: View.Type) {
        self.name = String(describing: viewType)
        self.makeView = { AnyView(View()) }

... they're just simple helpers that allow for ContentView's body, like so:

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(demonstrations) { demonstration in
                NavigationLink(destination: demonstration.makeView()) {
            .navigationBarTitle("Gosh Darn Bugs!")

... thus dynamically creating a navigatable list of all available bug demonstrations.


GoshDarnBugs is licensed under WTFPL, Version 2:

                   Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.




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