List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center.



List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center.

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💡 🏞 Inspired by Kevin Gautier shot

CocoaPods CocoaPods Twitter



  • iOS 12.0+
  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Swift 5.0+


Just add the CircularCarousel directory to your project.

or use CocoaPods with Podfile:

pod 'CircularCarousel'

or just drag and drop the CircularCarousel directory to your project


1 Create a custom view that will be used as a carousel item. In this tutorial we will just use a blank UIView.

2 Create a view controller or container view that handles datasource and delegate responses for the contained Carousel.

final class ContainerView : UITableViewCell, CircularCarouselDataSource, CircularCarouselDelegate {


2.1 Add a reference to the carousel control and the selection of a delegate and datasource to your Carousel control.

private weak var _carousel : CircularCarousel!

@IBOutlet var carousel : CircularCarousel! {
    set {
        _carousel = newValue
        _carousel.delegate = self
        _carousel.dataSource = self
    get {
        return _carousel

3 Implement the DataSource and Delegate functions. Some of the key functions are listed below.

3.1 Datasource

func numberOfItems(inCarousel carousel: CircularCarousel) -> Int {
    return /* Number of carousel items */
func carousel(_: CircularCarousel, viewForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, reuseView view: UIView?) -> UIView {
    var view = view as? UIVIew

    if view == nil {
    	view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50))

    return view
func startingItemIndex(inCarousel carousel: CircularCarousel) -> Int {
    return /* Insert starting item index */

3.2 Delegate

Select how you want the carousel to operate based on the control variables specified below :

func carousel<CGFloat>(_ carousel: CircularCarousel, valueForOption option: CircularCarouselOption, withDefaultValue defaultValue: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
	switch option {
    case .itemWidth:
        return /* Select item width for carousel */
    /*  Insert one of the following handlers :
	case spacing
	case fadeMin
	case fadeMax
	case fadeRange
	case fadeMinAlpha
	case offsetMultiplier
	case itemWidth
	case scaleMultiplier
	case minScale
	case maxScale
        return defaultValue

Handle the selection of a particular carousel item :

func carousel(_ carousel: CircularCarousel, didSelectItemAtIndex index: Int) {
    /* Handle selection of the selected carousel item */

Handle will begin scrolling :

func carousel(_ carousel: CircularCarousel, willBeginScrollingToIndex index: Int) {


To handle spacing between items depending on their offst from the center :

func carousel(_ carousel: CircularCarousel, spacingForOffset offset: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {        
    return /* Based on the offset from center, adjust the spacing of the item */

That's it, the Carousel is good to go!

📄 License

Carousel is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

This library is a part of a selection of our best UI open-source projects.

If you use the open-source library in your project, please make sure to credit and backlink to

📱 Get the Showroom App for iOS to give it a try

Try this UI component and more like this in our iOS app. Contact us if interested.

  • Unable to find a specification for `RACarousel`

    Unable to find a specification for `RACarousel`

    Hi I'm on Xcode 10.2.1 and try to install RACarousel using CocoaPods but I encounter this error while installing. Then I search CocoaPods library but I am not able to find RACarousel

    [!] Unable to find a specification for `RACarousel`
    You have either:
     * out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update` or with `pod install --repo-update`.
     * mistyped the name or version.
     * not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.
    Note: as of CocoaPods 1.0, `pod repo update` does not happen on `pod install` by default.
    opened by thunpisit 5
  • Doesn't work at all!

    Doesn't work at all!

    Falls on:

    numberOfVisibleItems = Int(ceil(width / itemWidthWithSpacing)) + 2

    The following callback method is even not called:

    func carousel<CGFloat>(_ carousel: CircularCarousel, valueForOption option: CircularCarouselOption, withDefaultValue defaultValue: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    	    switch option {

    Maybe it is because I added carousel programmatically and with constraints

    opened by Gargo 4
  • Initial Version with Merged Histories

    Initial Version with Merged Histories

    The initial project has been merged with the history from the original private repository.

    Additional work has included making sure the project is running as a Framework and links to a demo project. The framework is a separate project to the demo workspace.

    opened by realityworks 1
  • Update Readme

    Update Readme


    • Add language syntax
    • Fix space for code
    • Indicate list with bold. Example: 2.1

    P.S. It small update. For best experience need update Usage struct. For example use headers (or other way)

    opened by ivanvorobei 0
  • Items Do Not Appear

    Items Do Not Appear

    I sincerely dont know how this library works. I have looked at the documentation and even started dissecting the example/model project to get if the documentation missed something.

    I use a plain UIView as items, set backgroudcolor to orange to see them (replaced the model's items with the exact same UIViews to make sure that I am doing this correctly).

    I set up a new class that inherits UITableViewCell, CircularCarouselDataSource and CircularCarouselDelegate. I add the references to the carousel like in the documentation and example. And I implemented the DataSource and Delegate again like the documentation and the example but I still dont get to see any of the items. The container/uitablecell that holds the items exists but the items do not. Is there something that I am missing?

    One thing to note that I am doing differently is that I am not utilizing a storyboard and instead implementing the entire project programmatically.

    opened by gonzalj3 0
  • How do you display multiple items on screen at the same time?

    How do you display multiple items on screen at the same time?

    My number of items is 5. visibleItems is 3. Width of the main item is 50%. My expectation is to see the side of the other items on the left and right of the main one but, nope. Any advice here? Thanks

    opened by zackshapiro 1
  • heightForRowAt on main table view issue

    heightForRowAt on main table view issue


    im trying to modify the sample provided.

    in the sample, there is the main table view contains 3 rows 0, 1 the buttons carousel, 2 the scrolling table "tableCarousel".

    the main table heightForRowAt predefined the scrolling table "tableCarousel" row to fit all of the 10 items of tableCarousel.

    now after I load data I changed the tableCarousel items to 5 but the main table heightForRowAt still predefined to 10 items and that's make a large white space.

    i tried many solutions, I can't update the main heightForRowAt to fit my new data in realtime so i need to reload data and its not an option because reload data reset everything, the 5 tableCarousel too. how to achieve a flexible size of the 3rd-row "tableCarousel" so it can fit whatever data i pass to it ???

    please help and if you didn't get my problem please tell me I could explain more.

    opened by mhdjazmati 2
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