A simple GCD based HTTP client and server, written in 'pure' Swift



Note: I'm probably not going to update this any further - If you need a Swift networking toolset for the server side, consider: Macro.swift.

A simple GCD based HTTP library for Swift. This project is 'pure' Swift/C, it does not use any bridged Objective-C classes.

SwiftyHTTP is a demo on how to integrate Swift with raw C APIs. More for stealing Swift coding ideas than for actually using the code in a real project. In most real world Swift apps you have access to Cocoa, use it.

Note: This is just my second Swift project. Any suggestions on how to improve the code are welcome. I expect lots and lots :-)

First things first: Samples


let httpd = HTTPServer()
  .onRequest {
    rq, res, con in
    res.bodyAsString = "<h2>Always Right, Never Wrong!</h2>"

Server using the Node.JS like Connect bonus class:

let httpd = Connect()
  .use { rq, res, _, next in
    print("\(rq.method) \(rq.url) \(res.status)")
  .use("/hello") { rq, res, con, next in
    res.bodyAsString = "Hello!"
  .use("/") { rq, res, con, next in
    res.bodyAsString = "Always, almost sometimes."

Client (do not use this, use NSURLSession!):

  .done {
    print("request  \($0)")
    print("response \($1)")
  .fail {
    print("failed \($0): \($1)")
  .always { print("---") }


Updated to use Swift v0.2.2 (aka Xcode 7.3).

The project includes three targets:

  • SwiftyHTTP
  • SwiftyServer
  • SwiftyClient

I suggest you start out looking at the SwiftyServer.


A framework containing the HTTP classes and relevant extensions. It has a few 'subprojects':

  • Foundation
  • Sockets
  • Parser
  • HTTP

This has just the 'RawByteBuffer' class. Which is kinda like a UInt8 array. I bet there are better ways to implement this! Please suggest some! :-)

Also a few - highly inefficient - extensions to convert between String's and CString's. I would love some suggestions on those as well.

But remember: NSxyz is forbidden for this venture! :-)


Just a local copy of the SwiftSockets project - I wish GIT had proper externals ;-) (https://github.com/AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftSockets)


This uses the C HTTP parser which is also used in Node.JS. It had to modified a tinsy bit - the Swift C bridge doesn't support bitfields. Those had to be removed from the http_parser struct.

It also contains the main request/response classes: HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse, both subclasses of HTTPMessage. And enums for HTTP status values (like πŸ’°Required) and request methods (GET etc).


HTTPConnectionPool is an abstract base class and manages open connections, either incoming or outgoing. The HTTPConnection sits on top of the SwiftSockets and manages one HTTP connection (it connects the socket to the parser).

HTTPServer is the server class. Uses SwiftSockets to listen for incoming connections. See above for a sample.

As a bonus - this also has a tiny Connect class - which is modelled after the Node.JS Connect thingy (which in turn is apparently modelled after RoR Rack). It allows you to hook up a set of blocks for request processing, instead of having just a single entry point. Not sure I like that stuff, but it seems to fit into Swift quite well. Find a sample above.

Finally there is a simple HTTP client. Doesn't do anything fancy. Do not - ever

  • use this. Use NSURLSession and companions.


Great httpd server - great in counting the requests it got sent. This is not actually serving any files ;-) Comes along as a Cocoa app. Compile it, run it, then connect to it in the browser via!


Just a demo on how to do HTTP requests via SwiftyHTTP. No, it doesn't do JSON decoding and such.

Again: You do NOT want to use it in a real iOS/OSX app! Use NSURLSession and companions - it gives you plenty of extra features you want to have for realz.


  • Max line length: 80 characters
  • Great error handling
    • PS style great error handling
    • print() error handling
    • Swift 2 try/throw/catch
      • Real error handling
  • Twisted (no blocking reads or writes)
    • Async reads and writes
      • Never block on reads
      • Never block on listen
    • Async connect()
  • No NS'ism
  • Use as many language features Swift provides
    • Generics
      • Generic function
      • typealias
    • Closures
      • weak self
      • trailing closures
      • implicit parameters
    • Unowned
    • Extensions on structs
    • Extensions to organize classes
    • Protocols on structs
    • Swift 2 protocol extensions
    • Tuples
    • Trailing closures
    • @Lazy
    • Pure Swift weak delegates via @class
    • Optionals
      • Implicitly unwrapped optionals
    • Convenience initializers
    • Failable initializers
    • Class variables on structs
    • CConstPointer, CConstVoidPointer
      • withCString {}
    • UnsafePointer
    • sizeof()
    • Standard Protocols
      • Printable
      • BooleanType (aka LogicValue)
      • OutputStreamType
      • Equatable
        • Equatable on Enums with Associated Values
      • Hashable
      • SequenceType (GeneratorOf)
      • Literal Convertibles
        • StringLiteralConvertible
        • IntegerLiteralConvertible
    • Left shift AND right shift
    • Enums on steroids
      • RawRepresentable
    • Dynamic type system, reflection
    • Operator overloading
    • UCS-4 identifiers ( πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” )
    • RTF source code with images and code sections in different fonts
    • Nested classes/types
    • Patterns
      • Use wildcard pattern to ignore value
    • @autoclosure
    • unsafeBitCast (was reinterpretCast)
    • final
    • Nil coalescing operator
    • dynamic
    • Swift 2
      • availability
      • guard
      • defer
      • C function pointers
      • debugPrint
      • lowercaseString
    • #if os(Linux)
    • #if swift(>=2.2)
  • Swift Package Manager
    • GNUmakefile support
  • Linux support


This is an experiment to get acquainted with Swift. To check whether something real can be implemented in 'pure' Swift. Meaning, without using any Objective-C Cocoa classes (no NS'ism). Or in other words: Can you use Swift without writing all the 'real' code in wrapped Objective-C? :-)


@helje5 | helge@alwaysrightinstitute.com

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