Home / Swift Tab Bar
48 Repositories
Segmentio Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift. Check this project on dribbble. Requirements Xcode 10 iOS 8.x+ Swift 5.0 Installatio
ANIMATED TAB BAR Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons.
FloatingTabBar An aesthetic floating tab bar made with SwiftUI & Combine importabable via Swift Package Manager 📦 Based off BottomBar-SwiftUI Preview
🌟 Features Zero setup Different animations Enable/Disable interactions easily Fluid gestures 📲 Installation Using CocoaPods Edit your Podfile and sp
PolioPager PolioPager is the easiest way to use PagerTabStrip including search tab in iOS. Written in pure swift. (日本語はこちら) Comparison SNKRS ↓↓↓↓ Poil
TabPageViewController Description TabPageViewController is paging view controller and scroll tab view. Screenshot Infinity Mode Limited Mode Customiza
AxisTabView for SwiftUI A library that allows you to easily create various styles of tab views. Supports iOS and macOS. Screenshot Style Style Style A
TabBar SwiftUI standard TabView component is not so flexible and to customize it you have to modify appearance proxy of UITabBar or implement your own
ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController. Why? In real-world developmen
Youtube iOS Template Youtube iOS Template is developed by Haik Aslanyan and written in Swift 3. Purpose of this repo is to show how ViewControllers ca
XLPagerTabStrip Made with ❤️ by XMARTLABS. Android PagerTabStrip for iOS! 👉 Looking for a SwiftUI version? Check out PagerTabStripView, it's fully wr
⭐️ Features Easy to implement page view controller with interactive indicator bars. Highly adaptable and powerful customization. Fully extensible with
SmartTabLayout A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling. This library has been added some features an
AxisSegmentedView for SwiftUI A library that allows you to easily create various styles of segmented views. Supports iOS, macOS and tvOS. Screenshot H
Custom segmented picker for SwiftUI
BATabBarController Overview Recent Versions Language Version Swift 5 2.0.1 Swift 4 1.0.1 Obj C 0.1.6 The standard TabBarController is very limited in
CircleBar Don’t you, sometimes, miss fun user interfaces? Truth is, we do. Sure, you can't use them in enterprise apps for obvious reasons, but if you
LightCardTabBar An expiremental project exploring different types of custom-tabbar styles, screenshots as below. Screenshots Implementation The implem
FoldingTabBar.iOS Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller Inspired by this project on Dribbble Also, read how it was done in our blog Requirements iOS
MiniTabBar A clean simple alternative to the UITabBar. Only shows the title when being tapped on. Gives the app a way cleaner look :) Requirements iOS
A lightweight customized tabbar view. Screenshots Features Installation Setup ToDos Credits Thanks License Screenshots Features Easily Configurable an
Worm Tab Strip Worm Tab Strip is inspired by android SmartTabStrip, android view pager like library for iOS written in swift. Basically it was build u
A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 4.0 Screenshots Installation Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZTabBar' Swift Package Manager: You can use The Sw
SwipeViewController What is SwipeViewController? SwipeViewController enables you to modify the navigation bar and implement 'Swipe Buttons' that can u
ColorMatchTabs Inspired by this project on Dribbble Also, read how it was done in our blog Installation CocoaPods pod 'ColorMatchTabs' Carthage github
BEKCurveTabbar Full Customizable Tabbar with IBInspectables A fun replacement for UITabbar. The Component uses Bézier paths. Demo Example usage: You c
WHTabbar A very simple solution to implement center button in your native UITabbar. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
AppKitFocusOverlay A simple package for displaying the current focus target path
DTPagerController This is a control for iOS written in Swift. DTPagerController is simple to use and easy to customize. Screenshots Default segmented
ADAPTIVE TAB BAR 'Progressive Reduction' module for adding custom states to Native or Custom UI elements. We specialize in the designing and coding of
ExpandedTabBar is a very creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController. It's greate experience to have more comfortable and intuitive UI.
SafariTabBar This is a simplistic recreation of the MobileSafari tab bar on iPad (prior to iPadOS 15). It is also very unfinished, and not intended in
KYWheelTabController KYWheelTabController is a subclass of UITabBarController.It displays the circular menu instead of UITabBar. Installation CocoaPod
ESTabBarController ESTabBarController is a custom tab bar controller for iOS. It has a tab indicator that moves animated along the bar when switching
TabDrawer TabDrawer is a customizable TabBar UI element that allows you to run a block of code upon TabBarItem selection, or display a customizable dr
GGTabBar GGTabBar is a simple UITabBar & UITabBarController replacement that uses Auto Layout for constructing the GUI. I created it for curiosity, bu
SMSwipeableTabView [](https://travis-ci.org/Sahil Mahajan/SM
ScrollPager A scroll pager similar to the one in Flipboard. The control creates a tabbar given a title or an image, and has the option of connecting t
Pager is the simplest and best way to implement sliding view controllers. Installation Drop in the Spring folder to your Xcode project. Or via CocoaPo
SSCustomTabMenu Simple customizable iOS bottom menu works like Tabbar, in Swift. Features Simple and customizable iOS Tab Menu items, in Swift. Requir
iOS-Top-Tab-Navigation Good news for all our users out there! Now there are no boundaries to your convenience, you can pass as much words as you want
CustomUI_in_SwiftUI Full Native Custom SwiftUI NavBar, TabBar, SearchBar, Dark m
CustomTabBar Thanks to Riccardo Cipolleschi for his awesome tutorial. The TabBar
SmoothTab Requirements iOS 11.0+ Swift 5.x Xcode 10+ Installation CocoaPods pod 'SmoothTab' How to use Complete screen To setup and customize the comp
FredKitTabBarSplitView A subclass of UITabBarController that translates UITabBarItems 1:1 into a Sidebar on iPadOS. Simply use FredKitTabBarSplitView
SliderTabBar A prototype of custom tab bar using SwiftUI with techniques of mask
SuperBadges Add emojis and colored dots as badges for your Tab Bar buttons ✨ Usage Add an emoji badge: YourTabBarController.addDotAtTabBarItemIndex(