A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
The VideoPlayer provided by SwiftUI out of the box is great but it's missing one very important feature: full screen presentation mode. AZVideoPlayer behaves pretty much exactly like VideoPlayer, but adds the button that's provided by AVPlayerViewController to go full screen.
A high-level video composition framework build on top of AVFoundation. It's simple to use and easy to extend. Use it and make life easier if you are implementing video composition feature.
Swift developed based on AVPlayer iOS player,support horizontal gestures Fast forward, pause, vertical gestures Support brightness and volume adjustment, support full screen, adaptive screen rotation direction.
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with videos. On macOS, double-clicking a video opens it in a new playback window. Keyboard navigation is fully supported via the UIKit Focus Engine.