🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
Beethoven is an audio processing Swift library that provides an easy-to-use interface to solve an age-old problem of pitch detection of musical signals.
Pitchy provides a simple way to get a music pitch from a frequency. Other than that it has a bunch of useful data structures, calculators and helper functions to work with notes, octaves and acoustic waves.
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium. This repository represents a modern alternative to ti.storekit (iOS) and ti.inappbilling (Android).
This plugin solves the Godot game engine audio recording and playback issue in iOS devices. Please open the Audios Plugin XCode Project and compile the project. You can also use the libaudios_plugin.a binary in your project.
FDWaveformView is an easy way to display an audio waveform in your app. It is a nice visualization to show a playing audio file or to select a position in a file.
This is a mysic detection app that uses ShazamKit to detect music. Once it detects the music, it takes the information about that music to find lyrics for that song using a Lyrics API.