132 Repositories
Swift 开源精选 自 2014年 WWDC 发布 Swift 语言以来,本项目 一直致力于将主流 Swift 中文学习、开发资源汇集于此,并且尽力紧密地跟踪、甄选优秀 Swift 开源项目,以方便开发者快速获得并使用。考虑 Swift 已经正式发布超过四年半(更无力管理维护海量的 Swift
Awesome iOS Developer Feel free to fork this repository and pull requests!! 🔎 Content Coding Convention Swift Lint Design Pattern Adaptor Delegation
Swift Style Guide Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines. Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below. This guid
Conferences.digital is the best way to watch the latest and greatest videos from your favourite developer conferences for free on your Mac. Either sea
日本語 UIPiPView This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS. Using this library, information that is updated in real
Airbnb Swift Style Guide Goals Following this style guide should: Make it easier to read and begin understanding unfamiliar code. Make code easier to
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent
SFSymbols Wrapper of SFSymbols. You choose the icon and what style to draw it in. You can specify the font with which to draw the icon. If the symbol
SwiftUI-Combine-Networking This repository shows how handle Rest API's in SwiftUI and Combine Endpoints enum includes paths which will be added the en
StringBooster StringBooster is a simple Swift package containing a few useful ex
30 Days of Swift Hi Community I am Allen Wang, a product designer and currently learning Swift. This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days
⚠️ This list is no longer being updated. For my latest Swift tips, checkout the "Tips" section on Swift by Sundell. Swift tips & tricks ⚡️ One of the
SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on Swift Style Guide.
CodeEditLanguages A collection of tree-sitter languages for syntax highlighting. Overview This package includes a binary framework CodeLanguagesContai
StepperView SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications Table of Contents Features Documentation Installation CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager
About the app iOS project realized with Swift, UIkit, Anchorage, Clean Architecture, UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource and MVVM + Coordinators patter
About Swift Contents Explanations and samples about: Swift Programming Language Swift Standard Library Target audience Developers familiar with object
Hello Babylon Thank you for taking the time to consider my demo during the recruitment process for the Remote Senior iOS Developer position at your co
XCBBuildServiceProxyKit XCBBuildServiceProxyKit is a framework that enables you to write a proxy for Xcode's XCBBuildService, which enables you to ext
📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
GiTiny is iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending. Written in RxSwift and MVVM-C architecture. Features 🔥 Explore Trending Repositories and Develo
What’s new in Swift 4 An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0. As seen in the What’s New in Swift session at WWDC 2017. Written b
Swift Optional Optimizer A simple Protocol Oriented solution to decrease build time and more cleaner code base. Are you tired of using ?? in your code
FlightUtilities A small app that uses the private FlightUtilities.framework to show information about any flight given the airline code, flight code a
Paste for Safari A browser extension for Safari that makes sure that cut, copy, and paste are enabled. Notes This is pretty rough and does work. The v
OneClick This simple menubar app can give you quick access to some macOS functio
SwiftUI Atom Properties A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency 📔 API Reference Introduction Examples Gett
BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 RxSwift를 이용한 MVVM 패턴 예제 Contents About BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 Concept Contact Me About BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 생소한 RxSwift와 MVVM 개념을 보다 쉽게 이해할
TravelGuideApp Description Articles are pulled from the Article json file and displayed in the collection view on the homepage. When the flight button
NKButton A fully customizable UIButton Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Insta
CombineUnsplash A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API) with detail example. Resource
Abstract SignalKit is a lightweight event and binding framework. The core of SignalKit is the Observable protocol. Each implementation of the Observab
ChidoriMenu 🐦 ⚡️ An easy way to add popover menus visually similar to the Conte
iOSDesignPatternSamples This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns. Application Structure SearchViewController.
SwiftTips The following is a collection of tips I find to be useful when working with the Swift language. More content is available on my Twitter acco
URLCompatibilityKit URLCompatibilityKit is a lightweight Swift package that adds compatible backports of commonly used type properties, type and insta
Movie App shows you collections of TV streaming and other movies. Movie app writ
Braze A Crypto Currency App created using SwiftUI with MVVM architecture. Braze tracks live prices of crypto coins and can create mock portfolio. Usin
About Hi, I'm Max! I made Ponkan to help me study Mandarin. Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Max! Wǒ zhìzuò “Ponkan” yīnwèi wǒ yào xuéxí zhōngwén. (Obviously, I still
Develop Menu for Mobile Safari This is an iOS Safari Extension that adds a "Develop menu" to Safari on iOS to allow you to analyze websites. This is a
functions-swift Swift Client library to interact with Supabase Functions. Usage let client = FunctionsClient( url: URL(string: "https://project-id.s
Flow 🌊 Let your code flow. This library provides a bunch of extension methods for a better fluent syntax in Swift. This style is very useful for some
Install Start Clone this repo & the original repo Open Bonjourr Startpage.xcodep
Blackjack - native iOS application This project is a simple demonstration on how to intergrate swiftUI with MVVM architecture. Although, technically,
Swiftmix is a tool aimed to make better use of Swift scripts. Right now there is no decent way to import source files in scripts without using SPM. Sw
Mojilist 🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis! About Read more about this project at my blog post. License Copyright 2018 (c) Thiago Ricieri Licensed
🎉 XSConfettiDemo ⚠️ Warn This demo uses the CAEmitterBehavior class. CAEmitterB
✈️ Travel Guide App 🏖 A travel guide app that implements MVVM design pattern, using mock API. ✨ Features 🔸 Project Features Written in Swift Impleme
Features Uses Swift Reflection to convert value types to NSManagedObjects iOS and Mac OS X support Use with structs Works fine with let and var based
iOS (Swift 5): Test MVVM avec Combine et UIKit L'architecture MVVM et la programmation réactive fonctionnelle sont très utlisées dans le développement
AppOpenTracker AppOpenTracker provides an observable AppOpenTracker.shared instance that can be used to track the last version that the app was opened
Magnet Links extension Open Magnet Links in Put.io Tired of seeing "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid." alerts when you try t
SmartString A powerful and small library that will allow the creation of complex
SF SFSymbols SwiftUI Enum Example: All lines are equivalent. Image(systemName: "square.fill.and.line.vertical.square.fill") Image(systemName: