Imagine Engine - a fast, high performance Swift 2D game engine for Apple's platforms


Imagine Engine

CocoaPods Carthage Twitter: @johnsundell

Welcome to Imagine Engine, an ongoing project that aims to create a fast, high performance Swift 2D game engine for Apple's platforms that is also a joy to use. You are hereby invited to participate in this new community to build a tool with an ambitious but clear goal - to enable you to easily build any game that you can imagine.

Fast Core Animation-based rendering

Imagine Engine uses Core Animation as its rendering backend - just like Apple's UI frameworks like UIKit and AppKit do. By leveraging the power of Core Animation's hardware accelerated 2D rendering capabilities, Imagine Engine is able to push lots of pixels onto the screen at the same time. That means more objects, more effects and less restrictions when designing your games.

An easy to use API

Besides its goal of being blazingly fast at rendering & updating your games, Imagine Engine aims to provide an easy to use API that anyone can learn - regardless of game development experience.

Start with just a few lines of code...

let scene = Scene(size: UIScreen.main.bounds.size)

let label = Label(text: "Hello world")
label.position =

let window = GameWindow(scene: scene)

...and smoothly scale up as your game grows in complexity on either iOS, macOS or tvOS.

πŸŒƒ Scenes present your game content

A scene can be a level, a menu or a "Game over" screen. You can easily switch the active scene of a game. Here's how you can create a scene with a blue background color:

let scene = Scene(size: Size(width: 500, height: 300))
scene.backgroundColor = .blue
game.scene = scene

🎭 Actors bring your game to life

Actors are what will make up most of the active objects in any game. They are movable, animatable, can handle collisions and much more. Here's an example of how you can create a player that renders a "Running" animation, and constantly moves to the right:

let player = Actor()
player.animation = Animation(name: "Running", frameCount: 5, frameDuration: 0.15)
player.velocity.dx = 50

πŸ“¦ Easily create platforms and tiled textures with Blocks

Using blocks you can easily tile textures together to form objects that can scale nicely to any size, without having to scale any texture. This is done by stitching together up to 9 different textures to form a block of textures rendered side by side. Here's how you can easily create a block from a folder named "Platform" that contains the textures that should be stitched together:

let block = Block(size: Size(width: 300, height: 300), textureCollectionName: "Platform")

πŸ…°οΈ Render text using Labels

Labels let you add text content to your game. They automatically resize to fit your text content (unless you don't want them to) and can be used to implement things like UI, score counters, etc. Here's an example of adding a label to a scene:

let label = Label(text: "Welcome to my game!")
label.position =

⚑️ Use Events to drive your game logic

Events enable you to quickly script your games to drive your own logic. Imagine Engine's various objects contain built in events that can be used to observe whenever an object was moved, collided with something, etc. You can also define your own events that can be used to communicate between various parts of your code. Here's how you can observe whenever two actors collided with each other:

let player = Actor()
let enemy = Actor() enemy).observe {
    // Game over

πŸƒ Create animations and effects using Actions

Actions let you make objects do something over a period of time, for example moving, resizing, fading in and out etc. Imagine Engine contains a suite of built-in actions and also makes it easy for you to define your own. Here's how an actor can be moved over 3 seconds:

let actor = Actor()
actor.move(byX: 200, y: 100, duration: 3)

πŸ”Œ Easily extend Imagine Engine with Plugins

Instead of relying on subclassing and overriding methods, Imagine Engine is designed to be easily extended through plugins. This enables you to share code between different games, and create new open source projects that add new functionality to the engine. You can attach plugins to most of Imagine Engine's objects, here's an example of creating a plugin that creates a new actor every time the scene is clicked or tapped:

class MyPlugin: Plugin {
    func activate(for scene: Scene, in game: Game) { { scene in
            let actor = Actor()
            actor.position =

πŸ• Precise timing using Timelines

Managing time and delayed events can sometimes be tricky in game development. Imagine Engine aims to make this a lot easier through its timeline API, that enables you to schedule single or repeated events in the future without having to worry about screen updates or if the game is paused. Here's how you can add an event to spawn a new enemy every 5 seconds:

scene.timeline.repeat(withInterval: 5) {
    let enemy = Actor()
    enemy.animation = Animation(name: "Enemy", frameCount: 5, frameDuration: 0.15)

Platform support

  • πŸ“± iOS 9 or later
  • πŸ–₯ macOS 10.12 or later
  • πŸ“Ί tvOS 10 or later

Imagine Engine supports all of Apple's platforms except watchOS. The API is also completely cross platform, so that you don't have to scatter #ifs all over your game code.

Xcode templates

Imagine Engine ships with Xcode project templates that makes it super easy to get started with a new project. You can find more information & installation instructions here.

Let's get started!

To get started, check out the tutorials section, which contains tutorials that will walk you through building your first Imagine Engine-powered games with very few lines of code. No previous game developer experience required!

If you need help getting started or have a question about Imagine Engine, feel free to open an issue! We're a friendly community who would love to get more people involved.

Imagine Engine is in active development, with new features being constantly added. Need something new, or want to help out making the engine even more capable? Browse and create new issues or open a PR.

Lets build some awesome games together! πŸš€

  • Adds errorMode to TextureManager for Debug Mode.

    Adds errorMode to TextureManager for Debug Mode.

    Issue number: #61

    @JohnSundell Could you throw some light on how this could be tested? Considering that the scenarios to be tested would be

    • Ensure there is no action when IgnoreError is selected
    • Ensure there is logging when LogError is selected
    • Ensure there is assert when TriggerAssertOnError is selected

    I am not entirely confident of the changes without the tests.

    opened by vijaytholpadi 9
  • Dialogue Plugin

    Dialogue Plugin

    Hey there! I'm trying to create a plugin that handles dialogues. I could use some help :D The final goal is a plugin that can be added on any kinda games. Something simple like a sign in a village or even a complex dialogue with characters.

    I’ve two games (dialogue system or something like that) in mind:

    Fire Emblem Heroes uspiuus

    • Traditional RPG style (character is showed while talking)
    • Character animation (the character usually changes his pose/posture/sprite)

    Undertale screen shot 2018-01-11 at 18 24 13

    • Simple
    • Animated words (single and all the text) (Label supports animation now o/)

    I tried to play with those in mind on a Playground. What I got so far:

    • Reading a local JSON (Text, Character (name), Animation (Character sprite))
    • Update method that call the next item in array (JSON). Everything is working so far.
    screen shot 2018-01-11 at 16 58 23 screen shot 2018-01-11 at 18 49 38(Raven of Fire Emblem. Testing)


    • Multiline (I was using \n on JSON haha) (HIGH PRIORITY!)
    • Simple animations (Label and Actor already got a lot what I need like fade out/in and so on)
    • Typing effect (as an option)
    • Adapt the plugin to be either simple (only a box n text), normal (name + dialogue) and dialogue (character sprite) and for any screen size

    This is it! I’m a beginner and I don’t know if I can create something like that using clean and elegant code or best practices at all (But I’m learning. Reading Imagine Engine is helping me a lot). I could use some direction or tips. Thanks and sorry for all English mistake :D

    opened by Alex88WH 8
  • Add fastlane to ImagineEngine for automated tests

    Add fastlane to ImagineEngine for automated tests

    So much prettier now ❀️

    I'm not 100% sure if we need to specify the macOS destination value, or if it just works on Travis, let's see if the build is πŸ’š

    opened by KrauseFx 7
  • add isInContact API methods for an Actor.

    add isInContact API methods for an Actor.

    This PR adds the API methods requested in for knowing if one Actor is in contact with another actor or a Block.

    opened by pablocarmu 6
  • Strange behaviour when repeating RotateAction with a delta

    Strange behaviour when repeating RotateAction with a delta

    If you try to repeat a RotateAction with a delta the rotation is reset to the original value each time the rotation action repeats. I expected the rotation to continue at a constant rate until cancelled.

    Example code:

    actor.repeat(RotateAction(delta: 3.14, duration: 1))

    I think all that is needed is to add this function to MetricAction:

    public override func start(for object: Object) {
        startMetric = nil

    This is consistent with how MoveAction is implemented.

    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by mattiashagstrand 6
  • CI: Add Danger

    CI: Add Danger

    This change adds Danger to the CI process, to show linting warnings inline and whether a PR is too big or lacks a description.

    For now this uses the standard Ruby version of Danger, but we should totally use Danger-Swift & Marathon in the future.

    opened by JohnSundell 6
  • Add convenience API to add multiple objects to a scene at once

    Add convenience API to add multiple objects to a scene at once

    It would be nice to have a convenience API that lets the user add multiple actors, blocks or labels to a scene at once. So that you can write code like this:

    let actorA = Actor()
    let actorB = Actor()
    let actorC = Actor()
    scene.add(actorA, actorB, actorC)
    let blockA = Block(size: .zero, textureCollectionName: "")
    let blockB = Block(size: .zero, textureCollectionName: "")
    let blockC = Block(size: .zero, textureCollectionName: "")
    scene.add(blockA, blockB, blockC)
    let labelA = Label()
    let labelB = Label()
    let labelC = Label()
    scene.add(labelA, labelB, labelC)

    The convenience API can be added as an extension on Scene πŸ‘

    help wanted good first issue 
    opened by JohnSundell 6
  • [Help] How to use ImagineEngine in native development

    [Help] How to use ImagineEngine in native development

    Hi John, I'm opening this issue after our small twitter ping-pong chat. I'm here to ask for your help on how to incorporate the ImagineEngine in the context of a native app. I started messing around the playground you created, and then I tried to port it to a full fledged app starting a blank application. I went through the code and came up that the GameViewController is a (closed) subclass of UIViewController, and that we have to feed it the Scene class where we describe the state of the components, actors and stuff. However (I didn't spend a lot of time into it yet), I couldn't get it to load the playground code in the app as I wasn't able to figure out how to transition between viewcontrollers (is that even possible?). A full fledged app would have more than one gameviewcontroller? Is the game flow represented only by scenes in one gameviewcontroller?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by pmlbrito 6
  • Issue153 - make Label conform to scalable

    Issue153 - make Label conform to scalable

    I made Label conform to Scalable protocol and supported it with a test function.

    Since it's my first Open Source contribution (apart from some localization PRs), I'm ready for your criticism :)

    opened by ghost 5
  • Removing colliding actor sometimes causes extra collision event

    Removing colliding actor sometimes causes extra collision event

    Here is a test that triggers this bug:

    func testObservingCollisionWhenCollidingActorIsRemoved() {
        actor.size = Size(width: 100, height: 100)
        actor.position = Point(x: 300, y: 300)
        let otherActor = Actor(size: Size(width: 100, height: 100))
        var numberOfCollisions = 0
    otherActor).observe {
            numberOfCollisions += 1
        XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCollisions, 0)
        // Move the actor to trigger collision detection but not so far that it
        // collides with the other actor.
        actor.position = Point(x: 200, y: 0)
        // Move the other actor so that it collides with the actor
        otherActor.position = actor.position
        XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCollisions, 1)

    Note that for this bug to happen the actor that is removed must be the one that triggers the collision.

    Doing the following in Grid fixes the bug:

    private func detectCollisions(between actor: Actor, and otherActors: Set<Actor>) {
        for otherActor in otherActors {
            guard otherActor !== actor else {
            guard otherActor.scene != nil else {
            guard actor.scene != nil else {

    I haven't created a PR yet because even though all tests pass I'm unsure if this can cause other bugs. What do you thing @JohnSundell ?

    opened by mattiashagstrand 5
  • Best approach for implementing gravity in a platformer?

    Best approach for implementing gravity in a platformer?

    I'm trying to make a Mario style platformer with Imagine. Nearly everything has been incredibly easy and intuitive so far, kudos! I would love to get some advice on the best approach to implementing gravity. The two approaches you mentioned on Twitter are:

    1. Use vertical velocity to continuously move the player downwards - pretty straightforward
    2. Create a custom action - curious on the best approach here

    Any code examples or tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    support discussion 
    opened by illyabusigin 5
  • Does this engine still work?

    Does this engine still work?

    I'm very interested in using this engine, but it doesn't look like it's been supported for years. Does anyone know if it still functions well? I'm willing to try once I finish another project I've been working on. I want to use this engine to replace spritekit in one of my games.

    opened by JamesCastrejon 3
  • Tutorials fail with `No such module 'ImagineEngine'`

    Tutorials fail with `No such module 'ImagineEngine'`

    image I've never used xcode or swift before so I assume I must be doing something wrong.. Perhaps I need to import the module alternatively before declaring it? But it is included as part of the source files.

    opened by jnc-nj 2
  • Moving to Swift Package Manager

    Moving to Swift Package Manager

    Made a single Package to englobe all of ImagineEngine, changed Bundle.main to Bundle.module in tests and removed old project and podspec.

    Builds on Mac, iOS and tvOS. Tests passed on Mac, iOS and tvOS.

    opened by Lancelotbronner 0
  • What's the usage of the rootNode in Timeline?

    What's the usage of the rootNode in Timeline?

    Firstly, I'd say sorry to ask question here. I read the Timeline.swift file, there is a private Node class in it. But I didn't see anywhere outside invoking it. So, could you help me to understand the usage of the Node? Many thanks.

    opened by evanxlh 0
  • Add Xcode template for tvOS projects

    Add Xcode template for tvOS projects

    Issue #161

    This change adds an Xcode template for generating Imagine Engine game project for tvOS.

    Just a heads-up; I've never actually created a project template for Xcode before so thought it would be nice to try it out and also contributing a little bit ;)

    opened by markuspersson 1
  • 0.10.0(Apr 20, 2018)

    This version migrates Imagine Engine to Swift 4.1. To use the engine with Swift 4.0, please keep using version 0.9.0 until you are ready to migrate to Swift 4.1.

    New APIs

    • Sprite sheet slicing enables you to use only a select part of a sprite sheet for an animation.
    • You can now set the background color of a Block.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a BAD_ACCESS crash bug when using Xcode 9.3/Swift 4.1.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.9.0(Jan 26, 2018)

    New APIs

    • You can now construct an animation with JPG textures (by passing textureFormat: .jpg).
    • You can now set the horizontal alignment mode on a Label using horizontalAlignment.
    • Label now supports plugins.
    • Label can now support multiple lines of text (by @Alex88WH).
    • Label can now be rotated (by @jussi80).
    • Label can now be scaled (by @Loyolny).
    • You can now observe clicks on a Label using events.clicked.
    • You can now observe clicks on a Camera using events.clicked.
    • Block now has a convenience initializer for a single texture (Block(size:texture:)).
    • You can now observe when a Scene was resized using events.resized.
    • You can now check whether an actor is in contact with a given actor or block (by @pablocarmu).


    • Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect collision detection when an actor was significantly moved (by @mattiashagstrand).
    • Fixed a bug that would cause blocks to render incorrectly on macOS (by @mattiashagstrand).

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.8.0(Dec 9, 2017)

    New APIs

    • You can now set an errorMode on a TextureManager, to have either a log message or an assert being thrown in case a texture is missing in your game. Thanks to @vijaytholpadi for implementing this!
    • Actor's can now have shadows.
    • Camera now has a resized event. Thanks to @Warren-Lamb for implementing this!


    • Multiline sprite sheets now work correctly on macOS. Thanks for the fix @mattiashagstrand!
    • @mattiashagstrand fixed a bug that could cause actors to collide with themselves.
    • @mattiashagstrand fixed a bug that could sometimes cause an extra collision event when an actor was removed while the collision was being handled.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.7.0(Nov 18, 2017)

    Removed APIs

    • You can no longer observe collisions between an actor and any other actor or any block. Instead, either observe collisions with a specific actor, or with an actor/block that is a member of a given group.

    New APIs

    • Multiple objects can now be added to a scene directly using scene.add(a, b, c) (thanks @NSMyself!)
    • Custom events can now have a subject without being tied to a specific one.
    • You can now specify a repeat mode when repeating a closure on a Timeline.
    • You can now observe whenever a camera was moved (thanks @kkapitan!)
    • You can now observe when an actor was added or removed from a scene.


    • Collision detection is now lazily enabled, meaning that you don't take any performance hit when using actors that don't have any collision observations.
    • Timeline is now a lot faster, especially when using many actions at the same time.

    Bug fixes

    • Repeated metric actions (such as fade or rotation) now behave correctly when using a delta (thanks @mattiashagstrand!)

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.6.0(Nov 12, 2017)

    New APIs

    • Animation and Actor can now be initialized with the name of a single texture to render.
    • You can now set a scene-wide name prefix for textures.
    • An action can now be easily repeated by calling repeat(action) on an ActionPerformer.
    • All plugins of a given type can now be retrieved from an object using plugins(ofType:) (thanks @TadeasKriz!)
    • All plugins of a given type can now be removed from an object using removeAllPlugins(ofType:).
    • Actor now has a enteredScene event (thanks @Warren-Lamb!)
    • An object can now be passed to timeline and action closures, and it will be weakly referenced and passed into the closure when triggered.


    • When a Scene is reset, its plugins are now deactivated then reactivated again.
    • A scene now always has a black initial background on all platforms (thanks @z0s!)
    • An actor's rect is now adapted according to its scale.
    • An actor's scale is now taken into account when evaluating scene constraints (thanks @Juanpe!)

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.5.0(Nov 2, 2017)

    New APIs

    • You can now use JPG images for textures, both for blocks & actors (by @dymv).
    • Scene now has a safeAreaInsets property and a safeAreaInsetsChanged event you can observe to handle the safe area insets on iPhone X.


    • Plugin reuse based on type is now optional, and when adding a plugin to either a scene, camera or actor you now get the plugin that is currently active back as a return value.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.4.0(Oct 30, 2017)


    • Imagine Engine now supports tvOS!
    • An actor's scale now affects its collisions (unless a custom hitBoxSize is set), by @aranasaurus.
    • A GameViewController's view is now the same instance as its game's view on all platforms.
    • Texture scale fallbacks are now remembered, leading to fewer disk operations, by @dymv.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS)

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  • 0.3.0(Oct 28, 2017)

    Bug fixes

    • When observing a scene's clicked event, the correct point is now passed to that event on both iOS + macOS, and the camera position is being taken into account.
    • A race condition that could prevent a chained action from being started was fixed.
    • When cancelling a chained action sequence, the entire sequence is now cancelled, instead of just the last action.


    • Lower scaled textures will now automatically be loaded in case a perfect match for the screen's scale can't be found (implemented by @dymv).
    • When observing an actor's moved event, both the old and new position are now passed into the closure as a tuple.

    New APIs

    • You can now use sprite sheets for both blocks and actor animations.
    • Camera now has a rect property, similar to Actor and Block.
    • You can now constrain a camera to its scene by setting the isConstrainedToScene property to true.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS - Debug)

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  • 0.2.0(Oct 22, 2017)

  • 0.1.1(Oct 21, 2017)

    Bug fixes

    • When using the neverOverlapBlockInGroup constraint on an actor, the actor will now be moved to the closest edge when overlapping, instead of being incorrectly snapped to the wrong edge.


    • An actor will now directly be resized according to its first animation frame when added to a scene or when an animation is assigned.

    New APIs

    • You can now initialize an Animation instance with an array of images.

    View build details and download artifacts on buddybuild: ImagineEngine (iOS, ImagineEngine-iOS - Debug)

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  • 0.1.0(Oct 12, 2017)

    The initial release of Imagine Engine πŸš€

    Until we reach version 1.0.0, the project should be considered to be in the pre-release phase. You're more than welcome to use it and start building games with it, but there might be bugs and missing APIs here and there. Whenever you find any issues, you are really encouraged to either submit an issue or a PR that fixes the problem. The goal is to get the project to a stable 1.0.0 release as soon as possible.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
John Sundell
I build apps, games and Swift developer tools! Passionate about open source & developer productivity. You can follow me on Twitter @JohnSundell.
John Sundell
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