Overamped - an iOS app that disables AMP and Yandex Turbo in Safari via a Web Extension⚡️



Overamped is an iOS app that disables AMP and Yandex Turbo in Safari via a Web Extension. More information is available at overamped.app. The app is also available for download on the App Store.

The app is built using SwiftUI, the popup uses Svelte, and the extension logic using TypeScript. I do not claim that any of this code is good.


This repo is provided for auditing purposes only. This means you can read the code to ensure nothing nefarious is being done with your data without only taking my word for it.

Validating Builds

It is almost impossible to prove that the source code in this repo is the same code that is distributed via the App Store. With a jailbroken device and reproducible builds it would be possible, but this is an arduous process and not something I wish to pursue.

GitHub Actions Builds

From version 1.0.1 (build 24) all builds are compiled and submitted using GitHub Actions, which provide public logs. This should make it possible to validate that the app is uploaded to the Yetii Ltd. developer account. Since App Store Connect will not accept multiple builds of the same version or duplicate bundle identifiers you can validate that the uploaded build is the same that has been published.

Note that logs are only available for 90 days; this is a restriction of GitHub Actions and cannot currently be increased.

Repo Security

All commits and tags are signed with my GPG key. If the key is ever compromised it will be revoked and I will publicly announce the new key.


There is nothing stopping others from forking/downloading the repo and making changes, possibly even then uploading it to the App Store. Not only would this be illegal but you should not trust the fork; they could've easily added tracking and data exfiltration without your knowledge. Please contact me if you find such an app or fork.


As this is a commercial app that costs money I will not be accepting contributions. If you have a feature request or have found a bug you are welcome to open an issue or fill out the feedback form on the app.


The Overamped source code is provided for auditing purposes only and may not be used, shared, or copied without prior permission. The project is copyright Yetii Ltd..

If a large enough subset of the app would be useful and could be extracted in to a separate Swift Package with a permissive license I will consider this.

  • Google Images AMP links are not redirected

    Google Images AMP links are not redirected

    Google forces some sort of popup. This will require a more manual fix. Example: https://www.google.ca/search?q=reddit+google+amp&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjf4a7ykZDzAhUYqnIEHU8fAdoQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=reddit+google+amp&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCCMQ7wMQJ1AAWABgzDZoAHAAeACAAYUBiAGFAZIBAzAuMZgBAMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ttlJYd-uKZjUytMPz76E0A0&bih=617&biw=414&client=safari&hl=en#imgrc=33p-58_cNuZZpM

    opened by JosephDuffy 1
  • Automatically redirect AMP pages

    Automatically redirect AMP pages

    Can detect amp or ⚡️ attributes when injected into all pages.

    Would require more general permissions (which could be optional?) e.g. *://* but may be useful.

    opened by JosephDuffy 1
  • Use Svelte for popup

    Use Svelte for popup

    Svelte is the new hotness trying to replace the use of React, although with a similar API. This was a good place to trial it and it proved itself easy to use and good for this use case.

    Closes #8.

    opened by JosephDuffy 0
  • Google Images results are blank

    Google Images results are blank

    The attempt to remove the AMP popover is errornously removing most of the UI.

    I've found a way to more reliably and defensively remove the popover, but overriding the "Visit" button does not seem easy.

    opened by JosephDuffy 0
  • Show replaced links in popover

    Show replaced links in popover

    Rather than only showing the number of replaced links show the links that have been replaced.

    Can use the summary/details UI to allow it to be collapsed by default.

    opened by JosephDuffy 0
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