A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.


Perfect - PostgreSQL Connector

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This project provides a Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not require PerfectLib or any other components.

Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 4.0 tool chain.

macOS Build Notes

This package requires the Home Brew build of PostgreSQL.

To install Home Brew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

To install postgres:

brew install postgres

Linux Build Notes

Ensure that you have installed libpq-dev.

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.

.Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git", majorVersion: 3)


For more information, please visit perfect.org.

  • Added functions for sending COPY data

    Added functions for sending COPY data

    Added copy functions for sending COPY data. These are described here:


    These functions are fantastic for seeding or importing mass data and could not be exposed via an extension due to the fact that conn is internal only.

    opened by dmonagle 1
  • error: could not build Objective-C module 'libpq'

    error: could not build Objective-C module 'libpq'

    I'm having trouble installing Perfect-PostgreSQL. Everything builds fine before adding Perfect-PostgreSQL.

    Most of the output below are warnings, but the last two are errors.

    Command Line Tools: Xcode 8.0 (8S128d) Toolchain: Swift Development Snapshot 06-20-16 (DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a) I am using swiftenv $ swiftenv global is DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a $ swiftenv version is DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a (set by /Users/mrferrucci/.swiftenv/version)

     → [swiftyAPI]  swift build
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect.git
    HEAD is now at b457d53 Fixed bad header name check in addHeader
    Resolved version: 0.42.0
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-Net.git
    HEAD is now at 89c5036 Linux compilation
    Resolved version: 0.13.0
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-OpenSSL.git
    HEAD is now at 7811035 OpenSSL package
    Resolved version: 0.3.0
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-Thread.git
    HEAD is now at 471014f Updated for 6-20 snapshot
    Resolved version: 0.10.0
    Compile Swift Module 'PerfectThread' (2 sources)
    Compile Swift Module 'PerfectNet' (5 sources)
    Compile Swift Module 'PerfectLib' (26 sources)
    Compile Swift Module 'swiftyAPI' (1 sources)
    Linking .build/debug/swiftyAPI
     → [swiftyAPI]  swift package generate-xcodeproj
    generated: ./swiftyAPI.xcodeproj
     → [swiftyAPI]
     → [swiftyAPI] 

    This is where I added .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1) to my Package.swift file.

      [swiftyAPI]  swift build
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git
    HEAD is now at 106e339 Updates for SPM support
    Resolved version: 0.1.0
    Cloning https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-libpq.git
    HEAD is now at 1e7555a Initial commit
    Resolved version: 0.1.0
    Compile Swift Module 'PostgreSQL' (1 sources)
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:136:24: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'index' already has an argument label
            public func fieldName(index index: Int) -> String? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:151:24: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'index' already has an argument label
            public func fieldType(index index: Int) -> Oid? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:162:26: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func fieldIsNull(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Bool {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:167:29: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldString(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> String? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:182:26: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldInt(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:190:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldBool(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Bool? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:198:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldInt8(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int8? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:206:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldInt16(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int16? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:214:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldInt32(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int32? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:222:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldInt64(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int64? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:230:29: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldDouble(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Double? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:238:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldFloat(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Float? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:246:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
            public func getFieldBlob(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> [Int8]? {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:319:19: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'statement' already has an argument label
            public func exec(statement statement: String) -> PGResult {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:325:19: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'statement' already has an argument label
            public func exec(statement statement: String, params: [String]) -> PGResult {
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/libpq-0.1.0/module.modulemap:2:12: error: header '/usr/local/include/libpq-fe.h' not found
        header "/usr/local/include/libpq-fe.h"
    /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:21:8: error: could not build Objective-C module 'libpq'
    import libpq
    <unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
    error: exit(1): /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-build-tool -f /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/.build/debug.yaml
    opened by JoeFerrucci 1
  • Modified PostgresExeDelegate.hasNext() to throw an exception rather than returning empty-iterator

    Modified PostgresExeDelegate.hasNext() to throw an exception rather than returning empty-iterator

    PostgresExeDelegate.hasNext() returned false if a connection error occured. I guess it should throw an exception to identify a connection error and empty-result.

    The logic returning false on connection errors is below:

    • PQexec/PQexecParams returns NULL on connection errors.
    • PGConnection.exec returns PGResult which .res == nil.
    • PGResult.status() returns .unknown.
    • PostgresExeDelegate.hasNext() returns false.

    So I modified PostgresExeDelegate.hasNext() to check PGResult.res is nil or not.

    opened by natsuki14 0
  • ISS 574 Notice Receiver

    ISS 574 Notice Receiver

    1. Adding more ignorable items
    2. Removing old syntax of minor version in Package.swift
    3. Adding setReceiver(handler: (PGResult) -> Void) and setProcessor(handler: (String)->Void)
    4. Adding test scripts.
    opened by RockfordWei 0
  • Allow NULL return for modeled variables stored in Postgres

    Allow NULL return for modeled variables stored in Postgres

    This PR is in preparation for another PR for StORM.

    I did see a PR for this same functionality back in April, but it looks like it will give some conflicts.

    The idea of this PR is not just to fix PerfectPostgresSQL return of an actual null value in the database to correctly reflect in your model, but is also intended for the following updates to StORM & PostgresStORM:

    This will support the following updates to StORM:

    • Embedded mirroring through all the necessary superclasses to pull out the labels/values like StORM implementing through the one level deep mirroring. This includes easier identification of primary keys and subclassing support.
    • Support for optional declared variables.

    This will support the following updates to PostgresStORM:

    • Adds support for subclassing PostgresStORM models.
    • Adds support for optional variables for updating, inserting, creating & setup of database tables.
    • Adds support to automatically create an incrementing sequence for integer primary keys.
    • Adds support for automatic created/modified fields to update on create/save functions.
    • Adds support for automatic created by/modifiedby user_id strings by using a new save function specifying the auditUserId.

    I will plan on giving examples in the README so if PerfectlySoft decides to use these updates, they can take the examples & update the main website that contains most of the documentation.

    Let me know if this would affect the future roadmaps for these frameworks - I would not mind making it comply for any future updates.

    opened by ryancoyne 0
  • Add API to consume notifications

    Add API to consume notifications

    Based on https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/libpq-notify.html

    Doesn't do anything fancy like callbacks or queues. Just a function to read the next notification if any is available.

    opened by hasenj 0
  • Patching Null Parameter binding.

    Patching Null Parameter binding.

    According to @cocoapriest’s null parameter question, now sql statement conn.exec(statement: "INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ($1, $2)", params: ["name", nil]) is allowed and correct in production. Tested both on Linux/Mac with Swift 3.1

    opened by RockfordWei 0
  • create PGResultSet and PGRow classes in the PostgreSQL library

    create PGResultSet and PGRow classes in the PostgreSQL library

    These two classes provide row based access to the results of a query for the PostgreSQL connector. As a starting point, they bring conformance to both Sequence and IteratorProtocol, allowing both for - in loops and subscript behavior. Together they make the Postgres connector more accessible for developers.

    This is a starting point/suggestion and needs further work. For example, the PGRow needs more of the fieldType integers to be handled, but I couldn't find a reference to those type integers.

    With these two classes, it is easier to build data objects that reference the Postgres data records.

    opened by taplin 0
  • Wrong dependency information on GitPage

    Wrong dependency information on GitPage

    Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file. .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git", majorVersion: 3)

    • Package is incorrect as Swift now uses lowerscore Package.
    • majorVersion is incorrect as its now "from"
    • 3 is incorrect as its now "3.0.0"

    So the correct syntax needs to be:

    .package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git", from: "3.0.0"),

    opened by Indribell 0
  • Made PGConnection thread-safe.

    Made PGConnection thread-safe.

    I found PGConnection is not thread-safe. This causes critical errors on multi-threaded applications (e.g. applications based on Perfect-HTTPServer). To make it thread-safe, I introduced a lock to protect libpq connection (PGConnection.conn).

    opened by natsuki14 0
  • update PGResult and create PGRow class in the PostgreSQL library, plus quickstart

    update PGResult and create PGRow class in the PostgreSQL library, plus quickstart

    Updated PGResult to conform to Sequence and IteratorProtocol, created PGRow struct to handle the row based access. Added Tests to cover new functionality.

    Also created quickstart examples to illustrate usage.

    opened by taplin 0
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