I'm having trouble installing Perfect-PostgreSQL.
Everything builds fine before adding Perfect-PostgreSQL.
Most of the output below are warnings, but the last two are errors.
Command Line Tools: Xcode 8.0 (8S128d)
Toolchain: Swift Development Snapshot 06-20-16 (DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a
I am using swiftenv
$ swiftenv global
$ swiftenv version
is DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a (set by /Users/mrferrucci/.swiftenv/version)
→ [swiftyAPI] swift build
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at b457d53 Fixed bad header name check in addHeader
Resolved version: 0.42.0
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at 89c5036 Linux compilation
Resolved version: 0.13.0
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at 7811035 OpenSSL package
Resolved version: 0.3.0
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at 471014f Updated for 6-20 snapshot
Resolved version: 0.10.0
Compile Swift Module 'PerfectThread' (2 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'PerfectNet' (5 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'PerfectLib' (26 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'swiftyAPI' (1 sources)
Linking .build/debug/swiftyAPI
→ [swiftyAPI] swift package generate-xcodeproj
generated: ./swiftyAPI.xcodeproj
→ [swiftyAPI]
→ [swiftyAPI]
This is where I added .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PostgreSQL.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1)
to my Package.swift
→ [swiftyAPI] swift build
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at 106e339 Updates for SPM support
Resolved version: 0.1.0
Cloning https:
HEAD is now at 1e7555a Initial commit
Resolved version: 0.1.0
Compile Swift Module 'PostgreSQL' (1 sources)
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:136:24: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'index' already has an argument label
public func fieldName(index index: Int) -> String? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:151:24: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'index' already has an argument label
public func fieldType(index index: Int) -> Oid? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:162:26: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func fieldIsNull(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Bool {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:167:29: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldString(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> String? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:182:26: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldInt(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:190:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldBool(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Bool? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:198:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldInt8(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int8? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:206:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldInt16(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int16? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:214:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldInt32(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int32? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:222:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldInt64(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Int64? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:230:29: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldDouble(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Double? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:238:28: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldFloat(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> Float? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:246:27: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'tupleIndex' already has an argument label
public func getFieldBlob(tupleIndex tupleIndex: Int, fieldIndex: Int) -> [Int8]? {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:319:19: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'statement' already has an argument label
public func exec(statement statement: String) -> PGResult {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:325:19: warning: extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'statement' already has an argument label
public func exec(statement statement: String, params: [String]) -> PGResult {
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/libpq-0.1.0/module.modulemap:2:12: error: header '/usr/local/include/libpq-fe.h' not found
header "/usr/local/include/libpq-fe.h"
/Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/Packages/PostgreSQL-0.1.0/Sources/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL.swift:21:8: error: could not build Objective-C module 'libpq'
import libpq
<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
error: exit(1): /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-build-tool -f /Users/joe/Developer/swiftyAPI/.build/debug.yaml
→ [swiftyAPI]