Auto Layout In Swift Made Easy

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Layout Swiftstraints


Swiftstraints can turn verbose auto-layout code:

let constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView,
                               attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width,
                               relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
                                  toItem: redView,
                               attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width,
                              multiplier: 1.0,
                                constant: 0.0)

Into one just one line of code:

let constraint = blueView.widthAnchor == redView.widthAnchor

Or transform your less than consise visual format language code:

let constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|[leftView]-10-[rightView]|",
                               options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
                               metrics: nil,
                               views: ["leftView":leftView, "rightView":rightView])

Into the following:

let constraints = NSLayoutConstraints("H:|[\(leftView)]-10-[\(rightView)]|")

That was easy!


Swiftstraints is available through CocoaPods. To install, simply include the following lines in your podfile:

pod 'Swiftstraints'

Be sure to import the module at the top of your .swift files:

import Swiftstraints

Alternatively, clone this repo or download it as a zip and include the classes in your project.


With Swiftstraints you can create constraints that look just Apple's generic constraint definition:

item1.attribute1 = multiplier × item2.attribute2 + constant

Swifstraints utilizes the new layout anchors introduced in iOS 9:

let view = UIView()

Swiftstraints implements operator overloading so that you can easily create custom constraints:

let blueView = UIView()
let redView = UIView()
let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor == redView.heightAnchor

Just as you would expect, you can specify a multiplier:

let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor == 2.0 * redView.heightAnchor

Or add a constant:

let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor == redView.heightAnchor + 10.0

You can specify inequalities:

let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor <= redView.heightAnchor

And you can define constant constraints if you so choose:

let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor == 100.0

Swiftstraints can readily compute relatively complex constraints:

let constraint = blueView.heightAnchor * 1.4 - 5.0 >= redView.heightAnchor / 3.0 + 400

It's really easy.

Visual Format Language

Apple provides an API that lets you create multiple constraints simultaneously with the Visual Format Language. As we saw before it can be a little cumbersome:

let constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|[leftView]-10-[rightView]|",
                               options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
                               metrics: nil,
                               views: ["leftView":leftView, "rightView":rightView])

Swiftstraints uses string interpolation to let you specify the same constraints in one line of code:

let constraints = NSLayoutConstraints("H:|[\(leftView)]-10-[\(rightView)]|")

Swiftstraints also extends UIView so that you can add constraints easily using the interpolated string format:


Super easy, super simple.

Revision History

  • 3.0.1 - Bug fixes and limited iOS 8 support (Thank you catjia1011)
  • 3.0.0 - Updated to Swift 3
  • 2.2.0 - Added support for UILayoutPriority
  • 2.1.0 - Fixed a view reference bug and added a new convenience method for adding constraints
  • 2.0.2 - Added support for tvOS target.
  • 2.0.1 - Updated to include support for axis anchors, increased test coverage and more documentation.
  • 2.0.0 - Updated for Swift 2.0 and iOS 9. Now uses layout anchors for simple constraints and string interpolation for Visual Format Language constraints.
  • 1.1.0 - Minor API tweaks
  • 1.0.0 - Initial Release


Brad Hilton,


Swiftstraints is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Fixed init(H: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = []) and init(V: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = [])

    Fixed init(H: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = []) and init(V: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = [])

    Hello. Thank you for Swiftstraints. In this pull request I fixed the problem with the Array elements type create with init(H: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = []) and init(V: VFLComponent, options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions = []). Currently the following test fails:

    func testVFLComponent2() {
        class MyConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint {
        let superview = UIView()
        let view1 = UIView()
        let view2 = UIView()
        _ = {
            let shorthandConstraints = [MyConstraint](H:|-[view1]-(>=5)-[view2]-3-|)
            let normalConstraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "H:|-[view1]-(>=5)-[view2]-3-|",
                                                                   options: [],
                                                                   metrics: nil,
                                                                   views: ["view1" : view1, "view2" : view2])
            for (lh, rh) in zip(shorthandConstraints, normalConstraints) {
                XCTAssert(lh == rh)
    opened by RomanPodymov 1
  • Carthage Support & Gitignore Additions

    Carthage Support & Gitignore Additions

    This PR adds a shared scheme for the project, making it compatible with Carthage as a result.

    I've also added Github's suggested Gitignore for Swift projects & removed a couple of project related files that would otherwise have been ignore.

    opened by SimonRice 1
  • New vfl experiment

    New vfl experiment

    New awesome experimental sugar,


    Thanks for inspiration from

    opened by catjia1011 1
  • Fix an issue that equal numbers will be discarded in metrics hash table

    Fix an issue that equal numbers will be discarded in metrics hash table

    Sorry I made a mistake when changing the hash table's options. Since the “redundant” (for Swift 3.1) init methods are removed, the numbers are fetched and stored in a different way. "Weak" cannot be used, moreover, numbers of equal values should not be treated as the same, either.

    I've added .objectPointerPersonality to solve this crash.

    Case: H:|-(\(number1))-[\(view)]-(\(number2))-|, in which number1 is equal to number2, e.g. both are 15.

    opened by catjia1011 1
  • Missing parameter names

    Missing parameter names

    There are 4 issues with missing parameter names. In file NSLayoutConstraint+Implementation.swift, there are missing an argument labels, "right:", for the function mergeConstraints. There's another missing argument label, "rawValue:", in LayoutConstraints.swift for NSLayoutFormatOptions.

    NSLayoutConstraint+Implementation.swift line #73, 77, 81. LayoutConstraint.swift line #25

    Another option would be to omit the external parameter name in the function definition if you'd like to keep it that way.

    There is also a remnant of Swift 1 in LayoutConstraint.swift on line #44. The enumerate function no loner takes an array as an argument, instead it is now a function of the object itself.

    for (index, object) in enumerate(array) in should be for (index, object) in array.enumerate()

    Look forward to using your pod. It will clean up my project very nicely.

    opened by galenom 1
  • ==!, >=! and <=!

    ==!, >=! and <=!

    Hello. Thank you for Swiftstraints. In this pull request I added 3 new operators ==!, >=! and <=!. They are similar to ==, >= and <=, but the constraints created with ==!, >=! and <=! are activated by default.

    opened by RomanPodymov 0
  • View count fix for cases like `[view1]-[view2(==view1)]` cases

    View count fix for cases like `[view1]-[view2(==view1)]` cases

    NSHashTable.contains uses its own pointer options when comparing. So also added metrics.contains, just to align with views.contains condition.

    This commit fixes the cases when one same view appears for multiple times in one same VFL string, e.g. [view1]-[view2(==view1)]

    opened by catjia1011 0
  • How to use with `addConstraints()`?

    How to use with `addConstraints()`?

    Swiftstraints helps me a lot because it reduces a lot of codes and I love it. One thing I'm curious is, if there's another way of adding constraints instead of set isActive on each constraint.

    As is:

            let iconView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "Icon"))
            iconView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            (iconView.widthAnchor == 120.0).isActive = true
            (iconView.heightAnchor == 120.0).isActive = true
            (iconView.centerXAnchor == view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
            (iconView.centerYAnchor == view.centerYAnchor - Spacing.large).isActive = true

    To be:

            let iconView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "Icon"))
            iconView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
                    (iconView.widthAnchor == 120.0),
                    (iconView.heightAnchor == 120.0),
                    (iconView.centerXAnchor == view.centerXAnchor),
                    (iconView.centerYAnchor == view.centerYAnchor - Spacing.large)

    But the To be code isn't compiled, it says: Error:(17, 41) binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two 'NSLayoutXAxisAnchor' operands.

    Is there any workaround? Thank you.

    opened by YoonjaeYoo 1
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