Tools and helpers to make building apps faster and safer.

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Utility swift ios


The UBFoundation framework provides a set of useful tools and helpers to make building apps faster and safer.


  • iOS 11.0+ / Mac OS X 10.12+ / tvOS 12.0+ / watchOS 5.0+
  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 4.2+


Use Swift Package Manager


If you want to contribute to the framework, please check the contribution guide.


The framework is fully documented and easy to navigate on your own. You can consult the online documentation. Or build it yourself by checking out the project and running the fastlane command fastlane documentation. You can aslo find plenty of guides under the Documentation folder in the project.


A UBLocationManager facilitates asking for the required authorization level for the desired usage (location, significant updates, visits or heading). The location manager forwards the updates to the client's UBLocationManagerDelegate, similar to the CLLocationManagerDelegate.


class MapViewController: UBLocationManagerDelegate {
    // The location manager is a singleton, because multiple location manager instance
    // might interfere (shared state of GPS hardware)
    var locationManager = UBLocationManager.shared
    // ... implements delegate methods

The monitoring for the desired location services are started and stopped with

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        super.viewWillAppear(animated: animated)
        // The location manager can ask for the required location permission,
        // if it has not been granted yet...
        let usage = [.location, .heading]
        locationManager.startLocationMonitoring(for: usage, delegate: self, canAskForPermission: true)
        // ...or not, where it is assumed that the user has been asked to grant
        // location permissions at some other point in the application.
        locationManager.startLocationMonitoring(for: usage, delegate: self, canAskForPermission: false)
    override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
        super.viewDidDisappear(animated: animated)
        locationManager.stopLocationMonitoring(forDelegate: self)


Handles requesting push permissions and sending the registration to the backend.


To use push notifications, the library UBFoundationPush needs to be imported.

UBPushManager handles requesting push permissions. Clients should customize the following components specific to the client application:

  • pushRegistrationManager, which handles registration of push tokens on our server
  • pushHandler, which handles incoming pushes

The following calls need to be added to the app delegate:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UBPushRegistrationAppDelegate {

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        let pushHandler = SubclassedPushHandler()
        // Only use this initializer if using default registration API, otherwise
        // also subclass UBPushRegistrationManager
        let registrationManager = UBPushRegistrationManager(registrationURL: someUrl)
                                         didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions,
                                         pushHandler: pushHandler,
                                         pushRegistrationManager: pushRegistrationManager)

    func application(_: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {

    func application(_: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
        UBPushManager.shared.didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotifications(with: error)

The UBPushHandler should be subclassed to implement application-specific behaviour for responding to push notifications while the app is running (in showInAppPushAlert(withTitle:proposedMessage:notification:)) and after the app is started when the user responded to a push (in showInAppPushDetails(for:)).

The UBPushRegistrationManager can either be created with a registrationUrl":

let registrationManager = UBPushRegistrationManager(registrationUrl: registrationUrl)

or subclassed, if a custom pushRegistrationRequest is needed.


Copyright (c) 2019-present Ubique Innovation AG

  • fixes user defaults bool decoding

    fixes user defaults bool decoding

    If a UserDefault value is passed via launchArgument for XCUITest it is always passed as a string therefore we try to interpret the string as a fallback.

    opened by stmitt 2
  • SwiftUI Popup

    SwiftUI Popup

    This PR shows a possible implementation of a SwiftUI popup API:

    • The new View modifier .ub_popup() works in the same way as most other presentation modifiers (e.g. .sheet()): it takes a Binding that can be set to true or false to control whether the popup is shown or not. For the modifier to work, the view that it's applied on needs to be wrapped inside a UBPopupWrapper view.
    opened by ubfelix 2
  • Print errorCode from UBCodedError

    Print errorCode from UBCodedError

    If an error happens within the UBNetworking machinery (e.g. adding request modifiers) we can throw any errors, specifically UBCodedError which provides an error description.

    Currently, this error description was discarded in favour of NSError.code which makes it impossible to propagate multiple inner errors.

    In this PR the otherNSUrlError is renamed to otherError. Further, in errorCode getter, the NSError is checked for conformance to the UBCodedError protocol. If so, the inner error is displayed.

    opened by ubamrein 2
  • Add region monitoring to UBLocationManager

    Add region monitoring to UBLocationManager

    This PR adds the option to monitor regions to UBLocationManager. It wraps the existing region monitoring functionality of CLLocationManager (

    Since this is the first type of usage that requires passing arguments (a set of CLRegion objects), I refactored the LocationMonitoringUsage type from an OptionSet to an enum. The downside of this is that now some methods need two versions (one with a single LocationMonitoringUsage and one with an array) in order not to break existing code. Apart from that, the change should not be breaking (unless someone used the LocationMonitoringUsage OptionSet type somewhere in an unexpected fashion).

    opened by ubfelix 2
  • TOPO-1959: Expose UBURLDataTask.countOfBytesReceived

    TOPO-1959: Expose UBURLDataTask.countOfBytesReceived

    Use case:

    We would like to guard against files that are too large. We first check the content-length using a head request. Because this content length might not be set or wrong, we want to check the countOfReceivedBytes in a progress observer:

    downloadTask?.addProgressObserver { [weak self] task, _ in
              if task.countOfBytesReceived > Self.maxFileSizeBytes {
                  self?.showError(error: TourDownloadError.fileSizeTooLarge, message: "Datei zu gross")
    opened by zenokoller 1
  • Implement Cache-Reset if Language Accept Header changes

    Implement Cache-Reset if Language Accept Header changes

    Test fails: userInfo-Dictionary doens’t seem to be cached.

    See also:

    Fixes #17

    opened by maerki 1
  • New SPM product: UBQRScanner

    New SPM product: UBQRScanner

    This PR adds a new product UBQRScanner to the UBKit library. The core of this product is a class QRScannerView, a UIView subclass that provides functionality related to the scanning of QR codes and other supported formats. Internally, it uses an AVCaptureSession.

    Successfully scanned codes (as Strings) and errors are received via the QRScannerViewDelegate methods.

    opened by ubfelix 1
  • Cached response is not invalidated when issuing a request with a different HTTP method

    Cached response is not invalidated when issuing a request with a different HTTP method

    Example: Sending a head request and a subsequent GET request to the same URL yields an empty response body for the GET request, because the cached contents of the HEAD request are returned.

    opened by zenokoller 0
  • CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() on mainThread

    CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() on mainThread

    This method can cause UI unresponsiveness if invoked on the main thread. Instead, consider waiting for the -locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization: callback and checking authorizationStatus first.

    → Used by UBLocation.startLocationMonitoring.

    opened by maerki 0
  • WIP: UBSecureStorage

    WIP: UBSecureStorage

    UBSecureStorage is a drop in replacement for the iOS Keychain. Instead of saving each value individually on the keychain only the key is stored there. The actual encrypted data is stored in the documents directory

    opened by stmitt 3
  • delete nullability for data-parsers

    delete nullability for data-parsers

    We currently have a quite a few networking special cases because we distinguish between null-Data and empty-Data for successful requests. Even though both cases might exist, I argue that the have pretty much the same semantics. Therefore I suggest we just replace a (success) null-Data response with an empty-Data instance.

    opened by maerki 2
  • 1.6.1(Oct 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix NavBar appearance by @ubfelix in
    • fixes user defaults bool decoding by @stmitt in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.6.0(Oct 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add region monitoring to UBLocationManager by @ubfelix in
    • Print errorCode from UBCodedError by @ubamrein in
    • Add DevTools by @stmitt in

    New Contributors

    • @ubamrein made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.0(Aug 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • UBKit: Adds the possibility to set query parameters as percent-encoded query parameters by @choli in
    • Evaluate all QR codes not only the first one (changed API) by @stmitt in

    New Contributors

    • @choli made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.1(May 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • UBPushRegistrationManager: Add possibility to modify data task by @ubfelix in
    • TOPO-1959: Expose UBURLDataTask.countOfBytesReceived by @zenokoller in
    • TOPO-1958: Update label type by @zenokoller in
    • TOPO-1959: Don't return cached response if http method is different by @zenokoller in
    • Implement Cache-Reset if Language Accept Header changes by @maerki in
    • Add ub_setHidden by @zenokoller in

    New Contributors

    • @zenokoller made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.0(Feb 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • GitHub actions by @stmitt in
    • adds UBLoggerListener by @stmitt in
    • New SPM product: UBQRScanner by @ubfelix in

    New Contributors

    • @ubfelix made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.2(Dec 20, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Streamline keychain implementations by @stmitt in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.1(Dec 7, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • fix request interceptor on watchOS by @maerki in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.0(Dec 3, 2021)

  • 1.1.1(Nov 9, 2021)

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