To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
CustomPod_Example_Axon is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CustomPod_Example_Axon'
How to make you're own custom cocoa pod and publish it
- Set up new project
XCode -> File -> New -> Project -> FrameWork/Library
- include unit tests also
- implement functionality
- cover with unit tests
- if you want to make a pod from the framework in you're existing project
- Create folder in "Documents" specifically for you're pod
- Run Terminal and follow this path
cd <folder>
pod lib create <name of the pod> (make sure the name is free by visiting
- answer questions:
What platform do you want to use?? [ iOS / macOS ]
> iOS
What language do you want to use?? [ Swift / ObjC ]
> Swift
Would you like to include a demo application with your library? [ Yes / No ]
> Yes
Which testing frameworks will you use? [ Quick / None ]
> None
Would you like to do view based testing? [ Yes / No ]
> No
- Set up Pod target with all the files you need for you're pod - just drag and drop them to the folder you want to have you're files to locate, "DevelopmentPods -> create new folder or drag files in"
- Set up basic implementation in example View Controller, so users can see how to use you're pod
- Drag and drop you're unit test file to File "Tests"
- Set up project on github
- Run Terminal and follow this steps
cd <project root folder>
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "commit description"
git remote add origin <RemoteUrl.git>
git push -u origin master
- Navigate back to you're project in XCode or open ProjectName.xcworkspace
- find a a file ".podspec" and set up it by this example or read comments for each section do |s| = 'CustomPod_Example_Axon'
s.version = '1.0.1'
s.summary = 'Simple class to perform basic math methods.'
s.description = 'Practicing with implementation of custom cocoa pod'
s.homepage = ''
s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } = { 'Zhenya-Petrovskyi-Axon' => '' }
s.source = { :git => '', :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.ios.deployment_target = '12.0'
s.swift_version = '5.0'
s.platforms = {
"ios": "12.0"
s.source_files = 'Source/**/*.swift'
// MARK: - you can set up dependencies here, commented code will be included
- push to remote
Source Controll -> "commit" or option+command+c -> "commit"
- open terminal and check if file is ok and fix it if needed
cd <project root folder>
pod spec lint <name>.podspec
- if everything is π
- go to remote git project and navigate to "Publish you're first release"
- make a tag that is the same version as .podspec -> s.version
- publish
- open terminal and follow nest steps
cd <project root folder>
pod trunk register <you're e-mail address>
pod lib lint
pod trunk push <podspec file name>.podspec
- you should see following message saying that you're pod is ready for use
π Congrats
π <you're pod name> (1.0.1) successfully published
November 2nd, 12:13
re pod name>
π Tell your friends!
CustomPod_Example_Axon is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.