Welcome to VitoKit...
A framework that enhances HealthKit and the Fitbit API for iOS
- Wonderfully crafted animations
- Speedy setup and computations
- More efficient and powerful way to build health apps
Getting Started
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
import VitoKit
Request Permission
Depending on which category of health data you would like to query, within toggle data, add your requested category...
Vitals - heart rate, respiration rate, heart rate variability
Activity - steps, stand hours, workouts
Mobility - double support time, walking asymmetry, step length
DataTypesListView(toggleData: [.Vitals], title: "Health Data", caption: "Why we need this data...")
Data Querying
VitoKit has various ways to query and process health data...
State Machine
A level based algorithm that detects outliers
for type in HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.Activity {
vito.outliers(for: type, unit: type.unit, with: Date().addingTimeInterval(.month * 4), to: Date(), filterToActivity: .active)
Machine Learning
Random Forest Classifier
do {
let ml = ML()
let correlation = try ml.classifier(vito.healthData)
} catch {
Deep Learning