A framework that enhances HealthKit and the Fitbit API for iOS



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😀 Welcome to VitoKit...

A framework that enhances HealthKit and the Fitbit API for iOS


  • Wonderfully crafted animations
  • Speedy setup and computations
  • More efficient and powerful way to build health apps

🚀 Getting Started

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "git@github.com:Vito-Research/VitoKit.git")

import VitoKit

Request Permission

Depending on which category of health data you would like to query, within toggle data, add your requested category...

Vitals - heart rate, respiration rate, heart rate variability

Activity - steps, stand hours, workouts

Mobility - double support time, walking asymmetry, step length

DataTypesListView(toggleData: [.Vitals], title: "Health Data", caption: "Why we need this data...")

Data Querying

VitoKit has various ways to query and process health data...

State Machine

A level based algorithm that detects outliers

for type in HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.Activity {
                            vito.outliers(for: type, unit: type.unit, with: Date().addingTimeInterval(.month * 4), to: Date(), filterToActivity: .active)

Machine Learning

Random Forest Classifier

  do {
                        let ml = ML()
                        let correlation = try ml.classifier(vito.healthData)
                        } catch {

Deep Learning


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  • Data Export as CSV

    Data Export as CSV

    Create an export function similar to this... https://github.com/Vito-Research/Vito/blob/main/Vito/Data/ML/ML.swift

    • Can redo the code or copy and paste from above and clean it up
    • Make the function easier and more declarative to use
    opened by AndreasInk 2
  • Machine Learning Support

    Machine Learning Support

    • Add a context struct with variables that may be helpful for contextualizing health data point
    • Add a context variable to HealthDataPoint and HealthData (https://github.com/Vito-Research/VitoKit/blob/main/Sources/VitoKit/HealthData.swift)
    • Create a new class with CoreML and CreateML to convert health data into a DataFrame (make sure to import TabularData)
    • Have the option to run various machine learning models within a function with the DataFrame from above
    opened by AndreasInk 1
  • New Health Categories

    New Health Categories

    • Let's expand to more health categories, such as activity and mobility!
    • Here's the file to add new categories to... https://github.com/Vito-Research/VitoKit/blob/main/Sources/VitoKit/HKQuanityExtension.swift
    enhancement good first issue 
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