A super simple library for state management with unidirectional data flow.



Swift release CI license

🚧 OneWay is still experimental. As such, expect things to break and change in the coming months.

OneWay is a super simple library for state management with unidirectional data flow. The original inspiration came from Flux, The Composable Architecture, ReactorKit and many state management libraries. There are no dependencies on third parties like RxSwift, so you can use OneWay purely. It can not only be used in the presentation layer (e.g. with View or ViewController), but can also be used to simplify complex business logic (e.g. while app launching).

Data Flow



Implementing a Way

It is easy to think of a Way as a path through which data passes. You can inherit a Way and should implement as below. It is also freely customizable and encapsulatable, since Way is a class.

final class CounterWay: Way<CounterWay.Action, CounterWay.State> {

    enum Action {
        case increment
        case decrement
        case twice

    struct State: Hashable {
        var number: Int

    override func reduce(state: inout State, action: Action) -> SideWay<Action, Never> {
        switch action {
        case .increment:
            state.number += 1
            return .none
        case .decrement:
            state.number -= 1
            return .none
        case .twice:
            return .concat(

Sending Actions

Sending an action to a Way causes changes in the state via reduce().

let way = CounterWay(initialState: .init(number: 0))


print(way.currentState.number) // 2

Subscribing a Way

When a value changes, it can receive a new value. It guarantees that the same value does not come down consecutively. In general, you don't need to add removeDuplicates().

    .sink { number in
    .store(in: &cancellables)

Global States

You can easily subscribe to global states by overriding bind().

let globalTextSubject = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let globalNumberSubject = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()

final class CustomWay: Way<CustomWay.Action, CustomWay.State> {
// ...
    override func bind() -> SideWay<Action, Never> {
        return .merge(
                .map({ Action.saveText($0) })
                .map({ Action.saveNumber($0) })
// ...

Thread Safe or Not

Way has a ThreadOption to consider the multithreaded environment. This option can be passed as an argument to the initializer. Once set, it cannot be changed. In a general environment, it is better to use the default option(current) for better performance. But, if it is initialized with the current option, all interactions (i.e. sending actions) with an instance of Way must be done on the same thread.

let way = TestWay(initialState: initialState, threadOption: .current)
let threadSafeWay = TestWay(initialState: initialState, threadOption: .threadSafe)


Minimum Version
Swift 5.5
Xcode 13.0
iOS 13.0


OneWay is only supported by Swift Package Manager.

To integrate OneWay into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/DevYeom/OneWay", from: "0.1.0"),


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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  • 1.0.0



    • Add async operators in SideWay for async/await
    • Add unit tests for SideWay


    • Way adopt ObservableObject
    • Way's State should conform Equatable
    • Rename currentState to state in Way
    opened by DevYeom 0
  • 0.5.0



    • A reset() function
      • Reset some properties and subscriptions. This is useful when you need to call bind() again.
    • Benchmark and examples in README.md
    opened by DevYeom 0
SeungYeop Yeom
iOS Developer 🍏
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