30 Days of Swift
Hi Community
I am Allen Wang, a product designer and currently learning Swift.
This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days of Swift project, after read his Medium post I made a decision to put my every single day to write Swift, this's the final code of 30 tiny Swift projects.
Thank You to My Sponsor
30 Dasy of Swift is being sponsored by the following tool, please help to support me by taking a look and signing up to a free trial.
Project Index & GIF Showcase
Project 01 - SimpleStopWatch
Project 02 - CustomFont
Project 03 - PlayLocalVideo
Project 04 - SnapChatMenu
Project 05 - CarouselEffect
Project 06 - FindMyLocation
Project 07 - PullToRefresh
Project 08 - RandomGradientColorMusic
Project 09 - ImageScroller
Project 10 - VideoBackground
Project 11 - ClearTableViewCell
Project 12 - LoginAnimation
Project 13 - AnimateTableViewCell
Project 14 - EmojiSlotMachine
Project 15 - AnimatedSplash
Project 16 - SlideMenu
Project 17 - TumblrMenu
Project 18 - LimitCharacters
Project 19 - CustomPullToRefresh
Project 20 - CollectionViewAnimation
Project 21 - SwipeableCell
Project 22 - 3DTouchQuickAction
Project 23 - SlideOutMenu
Project 24 - MosaicLayout
Project 25 - UIViewBasicAnimation
Project 26 - CoreDataApp
Project 27 - TabbarApp
Project 28 - SpotlightSearch
Project 29 - iMessageImagePicker
Project 30 - WikiFace
Where I learn from?
Design + Code 现在可以通过Price Tag 正版数字商店购买 Design Code 2.0 一年订阅仅需 256 元,2018 年 7 月份将首次更新中文版本。
iOS With Girlfriend - Kevinzhow
30 Days of Swift is under the MIT license.
Reach me
Twitter: @creativewang
Dribbble: Allen Wang
Weibo: @Allen朝辉