A self-taught project to learn Swift.

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30 Days of Swift

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Hi Community

I am Allen Wang, a product designer and currently learning Swift.

This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days of Swift project, after read his Medium post I made a decision to put my every single day to write Swift, this's the final code of 30 tiny Swift projects.

Thank You to My Sponsor

30 Dasy of Swift is being sponsored by the following tool, please help to support me by taking a look and signing up to a free trial.


Project Index & GIF Showcase

Project 01 - SimpleStopWatch

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Project 02 - CustomFont

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Project 03 - PlayLocalVideo

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Project 04 - SnapChatMenu

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Project 05 - CarouselEffect

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Project 06 - FindMyLocation

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Project 07 - PullToRefresh

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Project 08 - RandomGradientColorMusic

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Project 09 - ImageScroller

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Project 10 - VideoBackground

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Project 11 - ClearTableViewCell

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Project 12 - LoginAnimation

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Project 13 - AnimateTableViewCell

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Project 14 - EmojiSlotMachine

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Project 15 - AnimatedSplash

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Project 16 - SlideMenu

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Project 17 - TumblrMenu

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Project 18 - LimitCharacters

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Project 19 - CustomPullToRefresh

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Project 20 - CollectionViewAnimation

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Project 21 - SwipeableCell

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Project 22 - 3DTouchQuickAction

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Project 23 - SlideOutMenu

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Project 24 - MosaicLayout

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Project 25 - UIViewBasicAnimation

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Project 26 - CoreDataApp

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Project 27 - TabbarApp

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Project 28 - SpotlightSearch

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Project 29 - iMessageImagePicker

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Project 30 - WikiFace

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Where I learn from?

Design + Code 现在可以通过Price Tag 正版数字商店购买 Design Code 2.0 一年订阅仅需 256 元,2018 年 7 月份将首次更新中文版本。






iOS With Girlfriend - Kevinzhow

Youtube - Jared Davidson

Youtube - Geeky Lemon

Youtube - Brian Advent

Youtube - CodeWithChris


30 Days of Swift is under the MIT license.

Reach me

Twitter: @creativewang

Dribbble: Allen Wang

Weibo: @Allen朝辉

  • Project 06: Ambiguous reference to member '+'

    Project 06: Ambiguous reference to member '+'

    Hello, I get the error: Ambiguous reference to member '+' at this: self.locationLabel.text = locality! + postalCode! + administrativeArea! + country! any way to fix it? I am just getting started with swift so I am not sure what the problem here is :/

    EDIT: The problem seems to be with the + administrativeArea! + country!, part I converted to swift 3.

    opened by DRiNVAD3R 2
  • Swift 3

    Swift 3

    This code should be merged to a new branch named swift-3. @allenwong Please create a new branch and I will create the PR again.

    This should not be merged in master as of now, since Xcode 8 is still in beta mode.

    opened by RishabhTayal 2
  • Your article write very well, May I get your contact information

    Your article write very well, May I get your contact information

    If inscribe!!

    Is my contact way: QQ: 742955968 Attention :Attach your name Email : [[email protected]] OR [email protected] Tel : China By The iPhone 010-15210075149 Address : I live in Beijing haidian district Thank you very much for your support ths!

    opened by guodongZhao 2
  • [Question] How to integrate SlideOutMenu into an existing app

    [Question] How to integrate SlideOutMenu into an existing app

    Hi there, excellent repository! :clap:

    I would love to add your slide out menu in my app, but I've struggled with it so far. The app consists of a storyboard with a navigation controller and 3 views and I want to add your slide out menu in order to point to these three views. Would you like to give me a few pointers on how to do it?

    Keep up the good work! :clap:

    Best, :panos

    opened by le4ker 2
  • Project10,show segue to

    Project10,show segue to "View Controller" not work

    When login button is pressed, nothing happens, which is expected to show another welcome view controller. Hope you could fix it some time.

    PS: I recommend you to group source files from https://github.com/movielala/VideoSplashKit into a folder or so, to show that it's a bundle, instead of files created by your own. Just a suggestion. :)

    opened by CaliosD 2
  • Project01: PlayBtn and PauseBtn Invalidate functionality added.

    Project01: PlayBtn and PauseBtn Invalidate functionality added.

    In Project 01 When the Stop Watch is in "running state" then the play button should not be interactive. And when the Stop Watch is in "paused state" then the pause button should not be interactive.

    opened by manas15 1
  • Creating Tests for UIlabel

    Creating Tests for UIlabel

    I am trying to do a test for the updateCounter() Method however it keeps returning nil and crashing

    func UpdateTimer() { Counter = Counter + 0.1 timeLabel.text = String(format: "%.1f", Counter) }

    Here is the code I used to generate the test, and tried to use a fake UIlabel to capture the update method.

    class StopWatchTests: XCTestCase { var sut:ViewController!

    override func setUp() {
        sut = ViewController()
        let testingUIlabelFrame = CGRectMake(5, 5, 100, 100)
        sut.timeLabel = UILabel(frame: testingUIlabelFrame)
        sut.timeLabel.text = "test"
    override func tearDown() {
        sut = nil
    func testUpdateTimere() {
        //Test that counter is incremented by one
       sut.Counter = 10
        XCTAssertEqual(sut.Counter, 11)
        let timelabel = sut.timeLabel.text

    Besides refactoring the logic to move the ui update to a different method - is there any way to make above work as is?

    opened by grantkemp 0
Allen Wang
Founder @ floating Island, LLC ☁️🏔☁️
Allen Wang
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