Sample project to reproduce Xcode 13 indexing problems


Xcode 13 indexing regression for Swift static libraries


Currently if you have a project that links a pre-compiled Swift static library (with or without .xcframework), when you try and jump to definition, Xcode fails and shows the question mark pop-up. Syntax highlighting also doesn't work for symbols from the pre-compiled library.

It's a regression from Xcode 13 because everything works as expected in Xcode 12.5.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Pre-compile a Swift static library in a project
  2. Create a new project, copy the pre-compiled library into the root of the new project
  3. Add the library path to SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS and LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS
  4. Reference a symbol from the library
  5. Build (this should be successful)
  6. Jump to definition on either the import declaration or the symbol. Also check syntax highlighting

Expected Results:

You see the generated interface of the Swift module and syntax highlighting

Actual Results:

Xcode shows the question mark modal and syntax highlighting doesn't work


Xcode 13.0 (13A233) Xcode 13.1 RC (13A1030d)

Tested with macOS Big Sur 11.6 and Intel MacBook Pro.

Sample projects:

There are 3 sample projects in this repository:

  • One to build the Swift static library (named StaticAnimals);

  • One iOS app integrating the static library as .xcframework;

  • One iOS app integrating the static library .a directly, without .xcframework.

  • Run make setup to build de Swift static library (StaticAnimals) for iOS Simulator.

  • Open XCFrameworkRegressionProject/XCFrameworkRegression.xcodeproj with Xcode 13

  • Go to Here.swift

  • Build for simulator (should be succesful)

  • Check syntax highlighting and jump to definition

  • Open SwiftStaticRegressionProject/SwiftStaticRegression.xcodeproj with Xcode 13

  • Go to Here.swift

  • Build for simulator (should be succesful)

  • Check syntax highlighting and jump to definition

  • Note: for this project, only .swiftmodule and .swiftdoc was provided, because AFAIK .swiftinterface and .swiftsourceinfo are optional

Both projects can also be tested with Xcode 12.5 for comparison.

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  • Thanks for providing this

    Thanks for providing this

    Hey @andre-alves Thanks for providing this! I've also found this issue and it drives me crazy Cool that you also found it and created this sample project. Do you know, is there anything that we could do so Apple would know and fix the issue?

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