Bither - a simple and secure Bitcoin wallet!



Bither is a simple and secure Bitcoin wallet! You can find Bither on App Store.

There is also an android version.


  • HOT and COLD wallet modes to ensure private key safety
  • Communication between hot and cold wallet via QR Codes
  • SPV bitcoin p2p client
  • Both android and iOS are supported
  • Nice designed UI

Demo video




Donate : 1BitherUnNvB2NsfxMnbS35kS3DTPr7PW5


  • Keyboards


    First, a minor thing: I noticed that with my optional keyboard [ TouchPal ] it remembered and suggested one word after another of the 12 words I had entered previously. The input should switch to a simple keyboard without any suggestions/predictive features.

    Preferences / Advance Options, should be Advance>d< Options.

    Then I have a problem understanding usage:

    I generate a mnemonic phrase which should help me recover my keys. Bither generates word1-word2-.-.-word12 separated using dashes. Most other programs use spaces for the phrase. This is confusing at the time of recovery. Then I reinstalled Bither (now there's no wallet in it) to simulate phone loss and tried to recover my wallet with the phrase created earlier. I Assume it should be at Advance;) Options and try HDM recover, but it's not there since I havent created a wallet yet. So where should I enter my passphrase to recover my key sequence? Tried Import Private Key from text (but think to myself: it isn't a key it's a wallet!) still try and it doesn't work. What's the sequence to recover a wallet from the written mnemonic word sequence?

    I hope I can understand it before I commit to it. Thank you for such nice software!

    opened by zzaappedd 9
  • Questions about encryption

    Questions about encryption

    How exactly are the cold storage keys encrypted? What does "Check private keys" do?

    I would only trust bigger amounts to a cold wallet if I knew how the keys are treated and if I could export my private keys.

    opened by chrismarquardt 6
  • Allow sweeping of private keys

    Allow sweeping of private keys

    I found out how to import private keys into Bither, but I don't see a possibility to sweep private keys (e.g. emptying it by transferring its btc to a different address). Especially in dealing with paper wallets, sweeping a private key is the safer option.

    opened by chrismarquardt 4
  • Add explanation to initial selection screen

    Add explanation to initial selection screen

    Users who are familiar with cold/hot wallet solutions will have no issues using this wallet. Users who are new to the concept might need a bit of explanation. I suggest to add something like the following to the very first screen where you make the initial mode selection:

    If you want to use Bither as a simple wallet, choose hot mode. To use Bither in hot/cold mode, you need two separate iOS devices with the device that holds your savings running in cold mode. The choice you make here is final for this device.

    opened by chrismarquardt 4
  • Add more currencies

    Add more currencies

    I just discovered the iOS version of Bither. Hooray! Finally a cold/hot wallet solution for iOS. Thanks for making it!

    Bither shows CNY and USD. International users will probably also expect EUR, GBP, CAD and a few more currencies to select from.

    opened by chrismarquardt 4
  • 比太钱包获取BTG用冷钱包签名交易时退出!


    热钱包是ANDROID手机,冷钱包是IOS。获取BTG时,用冷钱包签名BTG发送交易时,扫描完成后直接退出,无任何提示!原以为需要升级冷钱包,把冷钱包里的面私钥全部作废,删除冷钱包,然后联网重新安装冷钱包,又重新逐笔导入新的私钥,他妈的折腾了一个小时。重新在热钱包获取BTG,冷钱包扫描完交易后还是直接退出!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 比太包钱包究竟在搞什么?!难道不知道用户用你的钱包很大程度上是看中冷、热存储功能吗?连一个领取BTG的功能都做不完善,还让用户怎么放心用!而且最可气的是发送BTG地址只能发到比特派钱包地址,强迫用户使用比特派钱包,增加用户的转账成本,我看你们也是快了!反正我以后是不会用了,去你妈的!

    opened by dujbo 3
  • Bither Windows 64bit crashed, wallet lost

    Bither Windows 64bit crashed, wallet lost

    Bither crashed after receiving bitcoins

    Steps to reproduce

    Open new installation of Bither. Add HD Account Copy Address Send bitcoins to Address

    Result - full system freeze, Bither does not start anymore. Wallet lost.

    See log file

    [2017-10-05 08:23:53,171] DEBUG [NioClientManager] n.b.b.m.BitcoinSerializer - Sending pong message: F9BEB4D9706F6E67000000000000000008000000427ED300D307C9E974E837F6 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:49,436] DEBUG [JWTransmuteMain] n.bither.Bither - Initialising JVM... 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:49,454] DEBUG [JWTransmuteMain] n.bither.Bither - Initialising JVM... 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:49,627] INFO  [JWTransmuteMain] n.b.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = 'C:\Users\censs\AppData\Roaming\Bither' 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:49,640] INFO  [JWTransmuteMain] n.b.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = 'C:\Users\censs\AppData\Roaming\Bither' 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,241] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - Port is already taken.  Notifying first instance. 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,244] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - Successfully notified first instance. 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,266] DEBUG [Thread-4] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - Message prefix matched - new application instance found 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,266] DEBUG [Thread-4] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - rawURI extracted from message as '' 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,273] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.v.b.ColorAndFontConstants - labelBackground = 214 217 223 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,274] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.v.b.ColorAndFontConstants - labelForeground = 0 0 0 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,913] INFO  [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.b.c.PeerManager - peer manager call stop, but it does not running 
    [2017-10-05 08:25:50,913] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - Making request to shut down socket ... 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,205] DEBUG [JWTransmuteMain] n.bither.Bither - Initialising JVM... 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,230] INFO  [JWTransmuteMain] n.b.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = 'C:\Users\censs\AppData\Roaming\Bither' 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,373] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.v.b.ColorAndFontConstants - labelBackground = 214 217 223 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,373] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.v.b.ColorAndFontConstants - labelForeground = 0 0 0 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,574] INFO  [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.b.c.PeerManager - peer manager call stop, but it does not running 
    [2017-10-05 08:28:30,574] DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] n.b.ApplicationInstanceManager - Making request to shut down socket ... 
    opened by ChristianEn 3
  • Bither doesn´t accept my password

    Bither doesn´t accept my password

    Hi, I didn´t forget my password but when I want to transfer Bitcoin Bither says "wrong password". I can use the password when opening "Export" e.g. but when I want to transfer it says worng password. What can I do? I am 100% sure it is my password especially it works at other situations.

    opened by Thomas0000001 3
  • Allow export of individual private keys

    Allow export of individual private keys

    I believe I don't have access to my private keys in Bither. I would expect to be able to export individual private keys, maybe not in clear text, but in BIP38 encrypted form.

    opened by chrismarquardt 3
  • ios14.3 无法进入冷钱包模式,在线等,挺急的。

    ios14.3 无法进入冷钱包模式,在线等,挺急的。


    在选择冷热钱包的地方一闪而过,不给我选择的机会。然后就进入了热钱包模式。 热钱包模式下面,进入设置,也没有网上经常出现的“切换至冷钱包“的选项。

    iPhone7 , iOS 14.3 好像不能降级了。 在线等,挺急的。

    opened by lurengeng 2
  • How can I delete addresses?

    How can I delete addresses?

    From testing I have several cold wallet addresses in Bither-iOS that I now want to delete or hide because I will never use them again. How can I do this?

    opened by chrismarquardt 2
  • sync blocks very slow

    sync blocks very slow

    bither ios client, sync blocks very slow, is there any way that I can speed this process?

    Another question, I using HD account to receive transactions, but every time I send transactions to HD account, I have to reset the transation data in the settings then I can get my balances update. It kind of annoying.


    opened by xiaod-dev 0
  • Whether to support custom synchronization nodes

    Whether to support custom synchronization nodes

    I am running bitcoin full node on my PC, but there is no way to select a synchronous node in Bither, I want to use my full node to speed up the synchronization

    opened by kirito41dd 0
  • Apple Silicon | Xcode 12.3 构建失败

    Apple Silicon | Xcode 12.3 构建失败

    我在新电脑上构建 Xcode 12.3 构建时失败,怀疑与我本地的 oepnssl 构建方式有关?

    Terminal 在 Open using Rosetta 方式打开,安装 homebrew 后安装的 openssl

    In /Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios/Pods/OpenSSL/lib-ios/libcrypto.a(cryptlib.o), 
    building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, 
    file '/Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios/Pods/OpenSSL/lib-ios/libcrypto.a' for architecture arm64


    Showing Recent Messages
    Ld /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal (in target 'bither-ios' from project 'bither-ios')
        cd /Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios
        /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-ios9.0-simulator -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/AFNetworking -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Bitheri -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/CocoaLumberjack -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FMDB -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FXBlurView -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/KSCrash -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Reachability -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/RegexKitLite -L/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SimpleKeychain -L/Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios/Pods/OpenSSL/lib-ios -F/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios -filelist /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -ObjC -lAFNetworking -lBitheri -lCocoaLumberjack -lFMDB -lFXBlurView -lKSCrash -lReachability -lRegexKitLite -lSimpleKeychain -lc++ -lcrypto -licucore -lsqlite3 -lssl -lz -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework MessageUI -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -Xlinker -sectcreate -Xlinker __TEXT -Xlinker __entitlements -Xlinker /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -framework LocalAuthentication -framework AudioToolbox -framework QuartzCore -framework CoreGraphics -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -lPods-bither-ios -Xlinker -no_adhoc_codesign -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bither-ios-bfmzoztdyonedsevujanqsbdwheh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    ld: in /Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios/Pods/OpenSSL/lib-ios/libcrypto.a(cryptlib.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '/Users/user/Desktop/bither-ios/Pods/OpenSSL/lib-ios/libcrypto.a' for architecture arm64
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    opened by hpyhacking 6
  • Fiat-crypto onramp

    Fiat-crypto onramp

    I noticed you don't currently have a way for users to buy Bitcoin in bither with fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP etc.) I'm Thijs Maas from, where we've made a widget that can be integrate to instantly integrate multiple fiat gateways in once. Perhaps we can help out. With our widget you would also be able to set a commission per transaction to start earning on every fiat-to-bitcoin transaction. Let me know if this sounds interesting! (feel free to contact me at

    opened by ThijsMaasLaw 0
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