Build 1 scene, let AutoLayoutMagic generate the constraints for you!


Auto Layout Magic

Create 1 scene, let Auto Layout Magic generate the constraints for you

Hello friends,

We've all been there. You have an app supporting iOS 8, and can't use stack views. Therefore you have to make hundreds of constraints to make your view presentable across multiple iOS devices. A very tedious task taking up hours of your time. So why not hire a magician to do it for you?

This is my first open source project, which I am excited to share with you!

Auto Layout Magic will enable you to design on one screen, and the tool will generate constraints for you!

Swift 2 and 3 support!

There is full support for Swift 3, thanks to the open source community! There is also legacy support for Swift 2 by using the Swift_2 branch!

Usage example

Check out this video, for an overview of how to use the tool!

Target Screen

Before Auto Layout Magic, your view will look like this across different devices

After Auto Layout Magic, your constraints will be created for you, and your view looks great across all iOS devices!


OS X - Requires XCode

Fork or clone the repository, open the project in XCode, build and run the tool. Once it has been built you can run it at any time as an app. This app will eventually be uploaded to the app store as a Developer Tool.

Release History

  • 1.1
    • Added support for Swift 3. Made a Swift_2 branch for legacy support
  • 1.0
    • Released Auto Layout Magic to the open source community


Akorda –

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

Hope you enjoy, looking forward to working with the community to make this tool great for everyone!

<3 Akorda

Check the Wiki for more info!

  • Better


    As I mentioned on Awesome-iOS' #820 issue, your project needs an improvement on the The repo On/Off Button had the same problem, so you can follow their fix and see how to improve the

    Let me know if you need any help! 😃

    opened by lfarah 6
  • Make a beta release of app for swift 3.0 support

    Make a beta release of app for swift 3.0 support

    Please make a beta release of this app with swift 3.0 support like You can pick up thebuild app from here.

    People generally don't want to compile and build the tool and then use.

    Another good suggestion that in XCode 8 we could make an xcode plugin for adding constrain in storyboard. before XCode 8 there is Alcatraz but that is history, just we could make an xcode plugin and publish to app store.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by gauravds 2
  • Crash on currentView.rect!.width

    Crash on currentView.rect!.width

    This line is causing crash when using storyboard to apply autolayouts attributeData["multiplier"] = "(currentView.rect!.width)/(currentView.parentView!.rect!.width)"

    Method Name: private func generateConstraints(currentView: View, constraintParentNode: NSXMLElement)

    it causes crash in both cases when using aspect ratio or not.

    opened by aliakber945 2
  • Xcode unable to open the project after placing the contrains using AutoLayout Magic.

    Xcode unable to open the project after placing the contrains using AutoLayout Magic.

    I placed the constrains by giving the storyboard path , but after placing the constrains xcode is unable to open the project, xcode is keep crashing. I am lucky because i have backup , please let me know how can i resolve that.

    opened by mahesh576 0
  • Build support for an XCode plugin

    Build support for an XCode plugin

    Suggested by @gauravds commented on Dec 14, 2016 ..... "Another good suggestion that in XCode 8 we could make an xcode plugin for adding constrain in storyboard. before XCode 8 there is Alcatraz but that is history, just we could make an xcode plugin and publish to app store." ....

    opened by akordadev 2
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