SimpleAuth is designed to do the hard work of social account login on iOS



SimpleAuth is designed to do the hard work of social account login on iOS. It has a small set of public APIs backed by a set of "providers" that implement the functionality needed to communicate with various social services.

SimpleAuth currently has the following providers:


Install SimpleAuth with CocoaPods. For example, to use Facebook and Twitter authentication, add

pod 'SimpleAuth/Facebook'
pod 'SimpleAuth/Twitter'

to your Podfile.


Configuring and using SimpleAuth is easy:

// Somewhere in your app boot process
SimpleAuth.configuration()["twitter"] = [
    "consumer_key": "KEY",
    "consumer_secret": "SECRET"
// Authorize
func loginWithTwitter() {
    SimpleAuth.authorize("twitter", completion: { responseObject, error in
        println("Twitter login response: \(responseObject)")

Implementing a Provider

The API for creating providers is pretty simple. Be sure to look at SimpleAuthProvider and SimpleAuthWebLoginViewController. These classes will help you simplify your authentiction process. Providers should be stored in Pod/Providers/ and have an appropriately named folder and sub spec. All providers are automatically registered with the framework. There are a handful of methods you'll need to implement:

Let SimpleAuth know what type of provider you are registering:

+ (NSString *)type {
    return @"facebook";

Optionally, you may return a set of default options for all authorization options to use:

+ (NSDictionary *)defaultOptions {
    return @{
        @"permissions" : @[ @"email" ]

Finally, provide a method for handling authorization:

- (void)authorizeWithCompletion:(SimpleAuthRequestHandler)completion {
	// Use values in self.options to customize behavior
	// Perform authentication
	// Call the completion

The rest is up to you! I welcome contributions to SimpleAuth, both improvements to the library itself and new providers.


SimpleAuth is released under the MIT license.


Special thanks to my friend @soffes for advising on the SimpleAuth API design.


  • Facebook Login in ios application

    Facebook Login in ios application

    Hi, I implemented Instagram Login in my app , that worked like charm !! Thanks for it :) Now I'm implementing facebook login , I'm copying this code in my appdelegate( am I doing it right ?). SimpleAuth.configuration()["facebook"] = [ "app_id" : "" ] It is saying " Called Object type NSMutableDictionary is not a function or a function pointer " I'm going to test it on simulator , will it work ?

    opened by yugalkishoregoyal 23
  • Box


    Hey Caleb, would love for you to take a look

    I tested this successfully with the example app although setting up Box to work in an app requires a special redirect URI in the format boxsdk-YOUR_CLIENT_ID://boxsdkoauth2redirect (source)

    As you can see, we can get the redirect URI from the CLIENT_ID but I couldn't get this to work so for now, you have to set

        NSString *boxClientId = @"CLIENT_ID";
        SimpleAuth.configuration[@"box-web"] = @{
                                                 @"redirect_uri" : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"boxsdk-%@://boxsdkoauth2redirect", boxClientId],
    opened by dkhamsing 20
  • There is no class registered to handle Instagram requests. - Swift

    There is no class registered to handle Instagram requests. - Swift

    Hey Caleb,

    I am getting the following error when launching in Swift.

    Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'There is no class registered to handle Instagram requests."

    I understand (from reading one of your answers on teamtreehouse) that SimpleAuth cannot find the files associated with handling IG authentication. I have the authorisation command in my initial view controller class but I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that I may not have called the following right in my AppDelegate.swift

    SimpleAuth.configuration[@"instagram"] = @{
        @"client_id" : @"CLIENT_ID",
        SimpleAuthRedirectURIKey : @""

    I couldn't figure out a way to write that in swift so I attempted to call it in a .m and .h files and bridge those into my project like so. Forgive me for the horrible coding I've never done Obj-C in my life as I am new to coding and attempted to copy off a tutorial.

    #ifndef Photo_Bombers_PhotoBombersHeader_h
    #define Photo_Bombers_PhotoBombersHeader_h
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    @interface  simpAuthConfiguration : NSObject
    @property (strong, nonatomic) id someProperty;
    - (void) someMethod;
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import <SimpleAuth/SimpleAuth.h>
    @implementation simpAuthConfiguration : NSObject
    // This method is the one we will use to
    - (void) someMethod {
        SimpleAuth.configuration[@"instagram"] = @{
            @"client_id" : @"*******",
            SimpleAuthRedirectURIKey : @""

    And i would then call simpAuthConfiguration in my AppDelegate.swift after bridging PhotoBombersHeader.h so the methods could be used in my Swift project.

    TL;DR - Basically couldn't figure out a way to translate language and tried to do it a different way and it isn't really working, any chance you could help me out?

    Cheers, Jack

    opened by chahooo 12
  • Error on adding SimpleAuth

    Error on adding SimpleAuth

    On including SimpleAuth via Cocoapods, I am getting following error in Pods-Contakt-LlamaKit :

    error: /Applications/ unknown option character `X' in: -Xlinker

    opened by gsrivast31 11
  • How to debug response null for facebook-web?

    How to debug response null for facebook-web?

    for in SimpleAuthFacebookWebLoginViewController.h. I try to debug the generated facebok oauth url string.

    What is the best way to debug so I know if the problem in SimpleAuthFacebookWebLoginViewController.h or in facebook setting? some facebok setting like redirect_uri? site_url? etc.


    opened by steve21124 10
  • Some strange Major bug occuring

    Some strange Major bug occuring

    Hi @calebd

    Came back to SimpleAuth after long time. You have done major progress by the time for SimpleAuth. There's one strange bug happening though. Here's the scenario:

    1. Installed 2 application using SimpleAuth facebook
    2. Connected First application with facebook successfully
    3. In Second application If I disallow access or any other error occurs while connecting to facebook.
    4. The first application start returning NULL as response object. No matter what.

    I tried uninstalling both application. And installed first application again, but still the response object is NULL.

    Created completely 2 fresh application but the problem didn't resolve. The namespace are different, both facebook applications are also different.

    I deleted my account from Settings and installed the first application and then it starts working.

    Not sure why this is happening, have to look into code. But can you confirm this is happening or not?

    opened by akashkamboj 9
  • Adding logout mechanism

    Adding logout mechanism

    Superb and really nice framework, I wish I would have find out this earlier, by the way can anyone enlighten me about which is the best way to implement logout mechanism ?

    opened by iamabhiee 9
  • Would be a lot better if you create a SimpleAuthUser

    Would be a lot better if you create a SimpleAuthUser

    @calebd Also it would be a lot better that you create a NSObject for SimpleAuthUser and fill the necessary properties in that. So in case someone requires a Facebook Access Token, expires at etc. it can be filled in the SimpleAuthUser class. What do you think?

    opened by akashkamboj 9
  • OneDrive


    Hey Caleb, here's the OneDrive provider which has OAuth through Microsoft Live with a specific scope for storage permissions

    - isTargetRedirectURL: seems a bit fragile but it works in the example app

    I left out the Podfile.lock, I'm not sure how that thing is generated :smile:

    opened by dkhamsing 8
  • Twitter-web login is failed with

    Twitter-web login is failed with "NSErrorFailingURLKey="

    I tried to login with Twitter and return responseObject nil then gives this error:

    Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -999.)" UserInfo=0x15f8dd60 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=}

    opened by Elmundo 7
  • Swift Rewrite

    Swift Rewrite

    I have the following goals for a new version of SimpleAuth that solves many of the issues we see today:

    • Swift
    • Strongly typed provider configurations
    • Make SimpleAuthProvider a subclass of NSOperation
    • The SimpleAuth class will maintain an instance of NSOperationQueue to ensure serial operations
    • Favor direct provider interaction over the indirection that is used today
    • Keep existing API (deprecated)
    opened by calebd 7
  • setup web view through constraints in order to seamless support iPhone X

    setup web view through constraints in order to seamless support iPhone X

    Setup instagram authorizing controller web view via constraints in order to support iPhone X. Tested on simulators iPhone X iOS 11, iPhone 6 iOS 10/11.

    opened by gralexey 0
  • "facebook" error 102

    Error Domain=SimpleAuthErrorDomain Code=102 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x174049d50 {Error Code=6 "(null)"}}

    Why i have this error?

    opened by serk87 1
  • bug using swift 3

    bug using swift 3

    please have a look at this thread

    the compiler in xcode 8, using swift 3 throws an error, if you want to use the following func:

    open class func authorize(_ provider: String!, completion: SimpleAuth.SimpleAuthRequestHandler!)

    problem is the following function:

    open class func authorize(_ provider: String!, options: [AnyHashable : Any]! = [:], completion: SimpleAuth.SimpleAuthRequestHandler!)

    because of = [:]

    opened by davidseek 2
  • Instagram App instead of webView

    Instagram App instead of webView

    I have just implemented SimpleAuth for Instagram, had to login and needed about 10 minutes to reset my PW since I didn't knew it anymore... I don't want to lose customers with the same issue...

    Is it possible to check, if the Instagram App is installed and make the auth request with the app? In Swift please.

    Help is very appreciated.

    opened by davidseek 0
  • SimpleAuthFoursquareWebLoginViewController#initialRequest method isn't loading parameters correctly

    SimpleAuthFoursquareWebLoginViewController#initialRequest method isn't loading parameters correctly

    So the parameters dictionary in the initialRequest method of SimpleAuthFoursquareWebLoginViewController keeps throwing the following error:

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]'

    When I hardcode the values of parameters with my own client_id and redirect_uri everything works as expected. So it looks like the problem lies in retrieving the dictionary that is passed to SimpleAuth.configuration[@"foursquare-web"]; that is, self.options[@"client_id"] and self.options[SimpleAuthRedirectURIKey] are both returning nil values.


    opened by ghost 0
  • v0.3.2(Jan 28, 2014)

    Provider changes:

    • Instagram provider now accepts scope

    Internal changes:

    • Fix bug where tapping "Cancel" in any of the web view controllers would not result in appropriate errors being reported to the caller
    • Make system providers (Twitter and Facebook) behave more like other providers
    • Remove SimpleAuthSystemProvider class
    • Add category on ACAccountStore to assist with fetching system accounts
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.1(Jan 24, 2014)

    SimpleAuth 0.3.1 brings a set of new providers and minor changes to the internal API.

    New providers:

    • Meetup
    • Foursquare
    • Dropbox
    • Facebook web
    • Tumblr

    API Changes:

    • New class loader. Providers no longer need to register themselves with SimpleAuth. This is all done automatically.
    • Replace query string serialization with CMDQueryStringSerialization. Removes dependency on SAMCategories.
    • Internalize some logic for web view controllers to make that API easier to work with.
    • Bug fixes in providers.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Jan 21, 2014)

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