SwiftEventBus - A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS



Language Language Language Language

Allows publish-subscribe-style communication between components without requiring the components to explicitly be aware of each other


  • simplifies the communication between components
  • decouples event senders and receivers
  • avoids complex and error-prone dependencies and life cycle issues
  • makes your code simpler
  • is fast
  • is tiny
  • Thread-safe



pod 'SwiftEventBus', :tag => '5.1.0', :git => 'https://github.com/cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus.git'


github "cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus" == 5.1.0


  • 5.+ for swift 5
  • 3.+ for swift 4.2
  • 2.+ for swift 3
  • 1.1.0 for swift 2.2


1 - Prepare subscribers

Subscribers implement event handling methods that will be called when an event is received.

SwiftEventBus.onMainThread(target, name: "someEventName") { result in
    // UI thread

// or

SwiftEventBus.onBackgroundThread(target, name:"someEventName") { result in
    // API Access

2 - Post events

Post an event from any part of your code. All subscribers matching the event type will receive it.



Eventbus with parameters

Post event

SwiftEventBus.post("personFetchEvent", sender: Person(name:"john doe"))

Expecting parameters

SwiftEventBus.onMainThread(target, name:"personFetchEvent") { result in
    let person : Person = result.object as Person
    println(person.name) // will output "john doe"

Posting events from the BackgroundThread to the MainThread

Quoting the official Apple documentation:

Regular notification centers deliver notifications on the thread in which the notification was posted

Regarding this limitation, @nunogoncalves implemented the feature and provided a working example:

@IBAction func clicked(sender: AnyObject) {

 @IBOutlet weak var textField: UITextField!

 var count = 0

 override func viewDidLoad() {

     SwiftEventBus.onBackgroundThread(self, name: "doStuffOnBackground") { notification in
         println("doing stuff in background thread")

     SwiftEventBus.onMainThread(self, name: "updateText") { notification in
         self.textField.text = "\(self.count)"

//Perhaps on viewDidDisappear depending on your needs
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {




Remove all the observers from the target


Remove observers of the same name from the target

SwiftEventBus.unregister(target, "someEventName")
  • Added @discardableResult

    Added @discardableResult

    Adding @discardableResult notation will remove the following warning:

    Result of call to 'onMainThread(_:name:handler:)' is unused

    And other similar.

    opened by shshalom 9
  • onMainThread not fired

    onMainThread not fired


    I use "SwiftEventBus.post" when user clicks on the notification and open the app. but in another side "onMainThread" not fired.

    is there an issue or I miss up some thing.

    can you help me?


    opened by malkabani 7
  • SwiftEventBus 2.0.0 only available for ios 10

    SwiftEventBus 2.0.0 only available for ios 10

    when I use cocoapods ,set ios plaform 9.0, then the log:Specs satisfying the SwiftEventBus (fromhttps://github.com/cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus.git, tag2.0.1), SwiftEventBus (= 2.0.0) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target. I try to set plaform 10.0 ,it's ok

    opened by owen19891030 5
  • [Cococapods][SwiftEventBus 2.0.0] A dependency with an external source may not specify version requirements

    [Cococapods][SwiftEventBus 2.0.0] A dependency with an external source may not specify version requirements

    I want to install SwiftEventBus 2.0.0 by cocoapods, So I input Podfile below and execute pod install.

    pod 'SwiftEventBus', '~> 2.0.0', :git => 'https://github.com/cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus.git'

    But error is occured.

    [!] A dependency with an external source may not specify version requirements (SwiftEventBus).

    please help me.

    opened by imagepit 5
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    @heckfer and I added Carthage support to SwiftEventBus, we just had to share the scheme. We also had to create a new tag, to make it work you need to create a new tag manually in your project repository as well.


    opened by migore 5
  • Module compiled with Swift 5.1.3 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler:

    Module compiled with Swift 5.1.3 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler:

    I have installed SwiftEventBus in my project using Carthage and it shows me this error while running my project. I am using Xcode 11.1, also check this in 11.3. Can someone please help how I can resolve this ?

    opened by ioskunal 3
  • Sometime event seems to be sent multiple times.

    Sometime event seems to be sent multiple times.

    Even if I only send it once, my registered closure is called multiple times. So today i have to unregister when receiving the event for the first time.

    Note that I'm certain that the posting of the event happens only once, I added a breakpoint and it only stopped once.

    Sending: SwiftEventBus.post(BUS_EVENT_1_DETECTED, sender: myData)

    Event listener in my view controller viewDidLoad() function :

        SwiftEventBus.onBackgroundThread(self, name:BUS_EVENT_1_DETECTED) { result in
            //listen only once as this event may be casted multiple times.
            SwiftEventBus.unregister(self, name:BUS_EVENT_1_DETECTED)
            let data:MyData = result.object as! MyData
            // then do stuff here with my data.

    Any ideas ? Thanks.

    opened by nmDejamobile 3
  • issue with updating UI with a SwiftEventBus.post fired on a background thread

    issue with updating UI with a SwiftEventBus.post fired on a background thread

    I'm having an issue with updating UI with a SwiftEventBus.post fired on a background thread. The issue happens when i'm making a network request for authenticating a user.

    We have an event for when the user is authenticated. When the user is authenticated, we fire off a SwiftEventBus event(which looks to be done on a background thread).

    The completion handler for the subscriber to the authentication event also publishes an event to notify the UI to update, but the event never gets caught by it's subscriber. The view controller that subscribes to the "navigate" event set's the subscription handler's "onMainThread" to true, but method never seems to get called.

    Am I supposed to ensure that events relate to updating UI need to be fired on the main thread, or is this a known issue?

    opened by ChristopherRyanCruz 3
  • Swift 1.2 Support

    Swift 1.2 Support

    Seeing build errors when compiling with XCode 6.3 beta 3 / Swift 1.2:

    /Users/ragrait/ios/Rdio/Pods/SwiftEventBus/SwiftEventBus/SwiftEventBus.swift:48:43: Invalid use of '()' to call a value of non-function type 'UInt'

    This is happening in 3 different places, but they're all variants on this:

    let id = ObjectIdentifier(target).uintValue()

    Looks like the trailing parens cause a syntax error in Swift 1.2

    opened by raulagrait 3
  • Conflicting overloading functions

    Conflicting overloading functions

    These two functions conflicting

    open class func post(_ name: String, sender: AnyObject?)
    open class func post(_ name: String, sender: NSObject?)

    Swift 4.2 by calling

    SwiftEventBus.post("notification", sender: 1) // not working
    SwiftEventBus.post("notification", sender: 1 as AnyObject) // working
    opened by chanonly123 2
  • Add missing shared scheme for carthage

    Add missing shared scheme for carthage

    I run carthage update and I get "Project has no shared schemes" error. I think you accidentally deleted it by e4e8d93 so I share it again. Please have a look.

    opened by ykn-mst 2
  • Module compiled with Swift 5.3.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.4.2 compiler

    Module compiled with Swift 5.3.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.4.2 compiler

    I have installed SwiftEventBus in my project using Carthage and it shows me this error while running my project. I used Xcode 12.5.1 and 13 beta.

    • Xcode 12.5.1: Module compiled with Swift 5.3.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.4.2 compiler
    • Xcode 13 beta: Module compiled with Swift 5.3.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.5 compiler

    Can someone please help how I can resolve this?

    opened by bbiguduk 2
  • Cocoapods downloads 5.0.0 instead of the latest

    Cocoapods downloads 5.0.0 instead of the latest


    I'm on Xcode 12 + Swift 5 Adding this line to my Podfile

    pod 'SwiftEventBus', :tag => '5.1.0', :git => 'https://github.com/cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus.git'

    downloads 5.0.0 instead of 5.1.0.

    Update all pods
    Updating local specs repositories
    Analyzing dependencies
    Pre-downloading: `SwiftEventBus` from `https://github.com/cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus.git`, tag `5.1.0`
    Downloading dependencies
    Installing SwiftEventBus 5.0.0

    I see the Podspec is set to 5.0.0. Would that be the reason it pulls 5.0.0? Sorry I'm new to iOS development.

    opened by kmspop 0
  • 5.1.0(Mar 17, 2021)

    • a30ff35 bumped to 5.1.0
    • 4b4fbcf Merge pull request #54 from driivz/master
    • 8fdb6e8 Merge branch 'master' into master
    • 3d0540f Update project for SPM 5.3
    • c904a84 Merge pull request #51 from robertogvieira/fix/Xcode_12_warnings
    • 1ab88a1 Fix Xcode 12 warnings.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.1(Dec 4, 2019)

    • e34a15d Swift Package (#47)
    • b0cce49 updated swift package
    • 6c6191e added swift package updated example to 5.0
    • 7cc44cd Update README.md
    • 5f214c8 Merge pull request #46 from satishVekariya/master
    • a2b1d3d Update README.md


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
César Ferreira
Senior Android Developer, currently working as a Tech Lead @GlueHome
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