Cloud Jumpers is a competitive 1-4 player platformer game for iPadOS, jumping through clouds and be the winner!


Cloud Jumpers


Cloud Jumpers is a competitive 1-4 player iOS platformer game. There are power-ups, different game modes, kill mechanics, and more!

Race against the clock in single-player mode, and compete against the rest of the world on the high scores. Alternatively, create a lobby with up to three others and compete for the top ranking in two unique multiplayer modes.

Every round you play is randomly generated and different from previous encounters. However, if you wish to relive a particular experience, you can always specify a level seed.

We can't wait to race against you on Cloud Jumpers!


You can view our final report here.

Cloud Jumpers was awarded Best Project Award (First Winner) in The 20th NUS School of Computing Term Project Showcase (STePS) on 13 April 2022. You may view our project page at The 20th STePS here.


Multiplayer: King of the Hill

Reach the top and be a Cloud God, giving you the power to scroll the entire world and get random power-ups for free to maintain your throne within two minutes!


Single Player: Time Trials

Practice your cloud jumping and beat your own best trial with a shadow player!



  • Install CocoaPods (
  • From repository root, run pod install
    • This is to be run everytime you switch branches
  • Set up a Firebase project and replace the GoogleService-Info.plist in CloudJumpers/ with yours
  • Work on the project using File > Open > CloudJumpers.xcworkspace
  • Levels API

    Levels API

    ~~❗ Potential breaking changes~~

    • ~~GameEngine protocol is now deprecated~~
    • ~~SinglePlayerGameEngine is now GameEngine, closes #69~~
    • ~~GameEngine.setUpGame() is now GameEngine.setUpGame(with:)~~

    Introducing the Levels API (closes #18)

    The Levels API allows for procedural content generation of Entitys in the game world. It consists of 3 constructs:

    • Blueprint is a Codable struct that defines the parameters for LevelGenerator.
    • LevelGenerator is a singleton class, with .from(_:seed:) that returns a list of CGPoints for each of the entities to be created. This list can be mapped to a concrete entity constructor.
    • SeedGenerator is a seed-based RandomNumberGenerator that uses srand48(_:) and drand48(). It is fileprivate in LevelGenerator.swift and should not be exposed.

    To use SeedGenerator, only use Float.random(in:using:). Using Double.random(in:using:) or CGFloat.random(in:using:) will lead to same numbers generated every time.


    The following levels were generated with the following snippet with seeds 69420 and 119081 respectively.

    let blueprint = Blueprint(
        worldSize: scene.size,
        platformSize: Constants.cloudNodeSize,
        tolerance: CGVector(dx: 150, dy: Constants.jumpImpulse.dy),
        xToleranceRange: 0.2...0.8,
        yToleranceRange: 0.2...0.8,
        firstPlatformPosition: Constants.playerInitialPosition)
    let clouds = LevelGenerator.from(blueprint, seed: <insert_seed_here>).map { Cloud(at: $0) }
    gameEngine?.setUpGame(with: clouds)

    Ignore the codes in the pictures. The xToleranceRange and yToleranceRange were mismatched. Ideally, we should be using 0.4...1.0 because 0.4 * 150 = 60, which is Constants.playerSize.width, to ensure that there is no gap that the player cannot jump through. I condensed these examples to 0.2...0.8 so you can see more clouds in the screenshot.

    | 69420 | 119081 | |----|----| | IMG_0049 | IMG_0048 |

    opened by purfectliterature 6
  • Power-ups (Beta)

    Power-ups (Beta)

    • player can now get power-up by hitting the power-up nodes on the gameArea, storing it in a queue (currently queue not shown yet)
    • dequeue and activate power up in the queue
    • powerUp effects disappear after a few seconds
    • show queues of powerUps

    definitely need some inputs here

    Currently spriteSystem is the only one in charge of adding / removing node to/from scene during gameplay. Some events (such as obtainEvent and activatePowerUpEvent) require removal of nodes from scene. So how I handled this currently is that there is a boolean variable shouldBeRemoved inside SpriteComponent that will be set by these two events to true. Then on every update, spriteSystem will check every entity see whether this flag is set to true, then it will removeNodeFromScene and then remove node from entityManager

    What do yall think?

    enhancement high-priority 
    opened by EricBryann 5
  • (Major) Refactor rendering system

    (Major) Refactor rendering system

    WIP: Attempt to remove all current rendering abstraction from game engine

    Request @EricBryann assistance to fix the touchable components

    Request @purfectliterature and @rssujay review on general structure

    opened by jushg 5
  • Sounds and Sounds API

    Sounds and Sounds API

    Introducing the Sounds API (partially closes #93)

    The Sounds API uses AVFoundation to manage sounds in the entire app's lifecycle. It is a singleton class that initialises and stores its own instance. The Sounds API consists of 2 constructs:

    • Sounds is an enum that stores the sound file name in Resources/Sounds. It also allows for the creation of a sound's respective AVAudioPlayer.
    • SoundManager is a singleton class that manages sounds globally. Every method is to be used on the SoundManager.i object. It memoises all AVAudioPlayers in a dictionary to prevent overinitialisation of AVAudioPlayers with the same sound.

    i was used for short of "instance" and a reference to "me" or "this." If you feel this name should change, you may propose one that is (a) short, and (b) semantically descriptive (e.g.,


    To play the .background BGM, simply execute the following command from anywhere:

    To play with loop, supply the loopsBy: parameter. To loop forever, set loopsBy: to -1., loopsBy: 10)

    Known bug on FPS drops (opened #98)

    Every time a sound is played (especially in the game scene), the FPS drops from 60 to 50-53. This results in a noticeable stuttering and jerking when moving or jumping the player around.

    Possible fix is to instead use SKAudioNode, but this means that sound management can longer be done globally, and some sounds can only be controlled from the GameScene. Open to suggestions on how to fix this issue.

    opened by purfectliterature 4
  • Events API (Beta)

    Events API (Beta)

    The Events API provides a global modifier access to entities and components. It is resolved by GameEngine at every GameEngine.update(within:).

    There are 3 new constructs introduced in this PR:

    1. Event is a Codable protocol that stores a timestamp, execute(in:) executable, and serialisable payload customisable by its conformers (see MoveEvent and JumpEvent for reference implementations).
    2. EventManager is the global access point for adding and executing Events. It stores and executes Events with a priority queue based on Event.timestamp.
    3. Events is an enum that stores all the types of supported Events.

    So, now it is clear that EventManager should be the only interface to directly mutate anything ECS-related. Anyone who wishes to mutate entities and components should fire an Event and not directly talk to EntityManager.

    EventManager.timestamp generates a new timestamp based on epoch time. You may use this to initialise a new Event.

    Use Events.type(of:) to check for the type of an Event. Remember that for every new Event you create, extend this enum appropriately.

    @jushg, In Events, you may wish to see that I have created .animateIdle, .animateWalking, and .animateJumping. If this makes sense, we would need to create AnimateIdleEvent.swift, AnimateWalkingEvent.swift, and AnimateJumpingEvent.swift accordingly to change the entity's AnimationComponent.kind. I thought your ContactResolver can fire these events.

    @rssujay, For the network queues, I was thinking of something like this in EventManager:

    // * indicates line that currently does not exist in EventManager.swift
    class EventManager {
    *   typealias UnsubscriptionAction = () -> Void
        private var events: EventQueue
    *   private var subscribedEvents: EventQueue?
    *   private var publisher: SomeNetworkPublisher?
        func executeAll(in entityManager: EntityManager) {
            while let event = events.dequeue() {
                event.execute(in: entityManager)
    *       while let subscribedEvent = subscribedEvents?.dequeue() {
    *           subscribedEvent?.execute(in: entityManager)
    *       }
        func publish(_ event: Event) {
    *       publisher?.publish(event)
        func subscribe(to subscriber: SomeNetworkSubscriber) -> UnsubscriptionAction {
    *       subscribedEvents = EventQueue()
    *       return subscriber.subscribe { fetchedEvents in
    *           fetchedEvents.forEach(subscribedEvents?.enqueue)
    *       }

    Would this be possible? At first, I thought why not enqueue subscribedEvents into events, but that would probably cause our "internal" Events be blocked by subscribedEvents. So, I thought we can handle subscribedEvents on a separate queue.

    I am still nervous about delay, since we are handling the queues separately and synchronously. Maybe we should experiment with handling queues asynchronously? Maybe not per-event, but per-queue. I suspect async per-event may cause issues, e.g., power-up obtained by later timestamp gets executed first before earlier ones. But this means that it is still sync among events, but the "internal" queue (events) and subscribed queue (subscribedEvents) get resolved asynchronously.

    enhancement high-priority 
    opened by purfectliterature 4
  • Achievements


    Closes #181

    • [x] Achievement, which has title, description, currentProgress: String, requiredProgress: String
    • [x] AchievementDataDelegate, which handles fetch (within achievements page) and updates (from game)
    • [x] AchievementManager, which uses observer pattern to update any Achievement associated with a given key
    • [x] AchievementFactory, which instantiates all concrete Achievement objects
    • [x] JumpAchievement, a concrete implementation
    • [x] UI page to view user achievements
    • [x] Periodic poll of GameWorld.getMetrics() to get latest achievement statuses
    • [x] Changes to GameWorld to support periodic poll
    • [x] MetricsSystem that accumulates <metric: value> until GameWorld calls in to retrieve KV pairs
    opened by rssujay 3
  • Dynamic hostID on gameEngine

    Dynamic hostID on gameEngine

    Not sure if this is a good way. I passed in a function for gameEngine to call everytime gameEngine needs to check who's the current hostId (Closes #162)

    EDIT: now the gameEngine will ask the lobby directly whether it is a host, instead of asking lobby for who is the current Host and compare it with its own playerId

    opened by EricBryann 3
  • player displacement cannot be determined by touchLocation

    player displacement cannot be determined by touchLocation

    @purfectliterature player displacement cannot be determined by touchLocation... should be by innerJoyStick displacement reason being if touchLocation is too far, player move too fast, there is a possibility that player go through the side wall... collision with side walls not detected and player go out of your ipad...

    My code make it worse coz currently I check if a node is out of scene, I remove the node (for meteors, but player is affected by this as well and app will crash)

    opened by EricBryann 3
  • Synchronize power ups inventory/removed across devices

    Synchronize power ups inventory/removed across devices

    Ideally, the guest should not touch any object inside the player machine, so the power up removal should be fired by the guest's local device, then sent through network

    opened by jushg 2
  • Generalize `TimedSystem` and `TimedComponent` to support various time functions

    Generalize `TimedSystem` and `TimedComponent` to support various time functions

    Some examples of usage:

    • Count down instead of count up
    • Event after finish count down

    @purfectliterature if generalize correctly we can use this to count an effect's active time

    opened by jushg 2
  • Visual desync issue with other players falling

    Visual desync issue with other players falling

    Sometimes, when a non-device (networked) player is falling, they appear to be falling in slow-motion and teleporting back up.

    1. Determined to not be an issue with network updates (yellow = expected behaviour, red = issue noticed) image

    2. explored @jushg's theory, that differences in screen sizes causes foreign player entity to collide with local entities, such as clouds, which may be in different positions under absolute (x, y) positioning.

    Switching to relative positioning can mitigate the issue, unlikely to solve due to loss of accuracy during conversion, as well as current plans to only resolve via scaling width. If this is something we can live with, that's okay.

    Considered other possibilities:

    • Should player entities from other devices be affected by local device non-player entities?
    • Should player entities from other devices be affected by local device gravity?

    An approach that looks like this also appears to fix the issue: image

    opened by rssujay 2
The Cloud Jumpers Development Team
Cloud Jumpers is a competitive 1-4 player platformer game for iPadOS, jumping through clouds and be the winner!
The Cloud Jumpers Development Team
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