Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps


Lockdown Privacy (iOS)

Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps. Product details at lockdownprivacy.com.

Feature Requests + Bugs

Create an issue on Github for feature requests and bug reports.

Openly Operated

Lockdown achieves the highest level of transparency for both client and server via the Openly Operated standard. It has also been audited multiple times, the latest audit in July 2020. See the full reports here: Audit Kits


Pull requests are welcome - please document any changes and potential bugs.

Build Instructions

  1. pod install

  2. carthage update --no-use-binaries --platform iOS or for XCode 12 ./wcarthage update --no-use-binaries --platform iOS (workaround for this Carthage issue)

  3. Open LockdowniOS.xcworkspace

To sign the app for devices, you will need an Apple Developer account.

Limitations to Building Locally

If you build Lockdown locally, you will not be able to access Secure Tunnel, because that requires a Production app store receipt. We will soon enable a DEV environment for Secure Tunnel with limited capacity and regions, designed only for testing.

To use Secure Tunnel, you must download Lockdown from the App Store.




This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

  • Does it block Sensor Tower, App Annie, Flurry?

    Does it block Sensor Tower, App Annie, Flurry?

    I tried checking the lists briefly but didn't see anything. If it doesn't block it already can you add support for all the various app analytics SDKs that are being used?

    There's a lot of tracker companies out there. Check out this site: https://whotracks.me/trackers.html

    I don't think the blocking lists block enough of them.

    opened by msft013 8
  • Last commit 4 months ago (update: repo is now newer or matching App Store iOS version)

    Last commit 4 months ago (update: repo is now newer or matching App Store iOS version)

    You can probably understand how this looks rather sketchy from an open source perspective. It really does seem like you’re not really working off of this repo and are instead posting really infrequent updates to to this one.

    opened by gabesean 6
  • (Community Question) - Has anyone complied and got this code working?

    (Community Question) - Has anyone complied and got this code working?

    I have managed to get the code running on an iOS device, but it's not working as expected.

    As far as I can see I have all the dependencies (after al it compiles) but and I have updated all the Bundle Identifiers and changed them in the code.

    When I run the app, it all looks like its working, the VPN is created and it connects, however no URLs that I test are blocked.

    The logs are copious and the warnings and errors may not be relevant.

    Just looking to see if anyone has this running?

    opened by mikegchambers 6
  • New Lists (Easylist, EasyPrivacy, Peter Lowe’s ad/tracking/malware servers)

    New Lists (Easylist, EasyPrivacy, Peter Lowe’s ad/tracking/malware servers)

    please add these lists to the app by default

    EasyList - https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt

    Easy Privacy - https://easylist.to/easylist/easyprivacy.txt

    Website - https://easylist.to/#easylist

    Peter Lowe’s ad/tracking/malware servers - https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/policy.php

    opened by ghost 6
  • Facebook app ignores firewall rules

    Facebook app ignores firewall rules

    Enabling the Facebook rules in the firewall doesn't prevent the Facebook App from working. i.e The Facebook app request following domains at login:

    • graph.facebook.com
    • b-graph.facebook.com I've added the latter as custom rule cause is not present in standard lists

    If using Safari the block is effective and the sites are denied, using the App it is not. Are you aware of this? There are also other apps that can escape the VPN block?

    opened by lubbo 5
  • LOCALIZATION/UI: Deduplicate identical strings that have different casing

    LOCALIZATION/UI: Deduplicate identical strings that have different casing

    As per suggestion by @Natelegreat1 here: https://github.com/confirmedcode/Lockdown-iOS/pull/67#discussion_r510440307

    There are some strings that are the same except for casing - we should just apply casing changes in the code rather than translating the same words twice.

    good first issue 
    opened by hijohnnylin 4
  • Apps not connecting 0.1.4

    Apps not connecting 0.1.4

    You know if I had the updated source here on GitHub I would be able to tell you guys the problem but you guys never update but anyway many users are reporting apps not connecting to the internet and I myself YouTube is not connecting to the internet and no I am not blocking the domain in the block lists

    opened by ghost 4
  • Open source licence question...

    Open source licence question...

    This code seems to include GCDProxyServer which seems to come from here: https://github.com/zhuhaow/NEKit

    This code appears to have a license that would seem to state that there should be acknowledgment for that developer within the app.


    opened by mikegchambers 4
  • New Block List (Google)

    New Block List (Google)

    Make a block list for google with these ads/trackers -

    ad.doubleclick.net ad.click.g.doubleclick.net adservices.google.com googleads.g.doubclick.net googleadservicepixel.com googleadservices.com googlesyndication.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com pubads.g.doubleclick.net advgoogle.com blaaaa12.googlecode.com salefile.googlecode.com imgpop.googlecode.com googleadapis.l.google.com gstaticadssl.l.google.com googleapi.club doubleclickbygoogle.com googlerank.info video-stats.video.google.com video-ad-stats.googlesyndication.com trakksocial.googlecode.com myscoop-tracking.googlecode.com attributiontrackingga.googlecode.com google-pr7.de google-rank.org googleanalytcs.com

    opened by ghost 4
  • Widget doesn’t appear to work.

    Widget doesn’t appear to work.

    Lists as not active and ip finding on the widget, the app itself and vpn status indicate this is incorrect. The widget appears completely non functional as taps do nothing at all. iPhone 8 Plus ios 12.3

    opened by milesmcclane 4
  • A simple logger

    A simple logger

    I don't know if this is difficult or if apple limits this, but it would be very handy to see connections being made to iOS and add them accordingly to block.

    opened by Dac1d 3
  • NEDNSProxyProvider as alternative to VPN

    NEDNSProxyProvider as alternative to VPN

    I would like to use my own VPN while also getting ads blocked. Instead of intercepting DNS via a VPN, could the official DNS network extension API be used?


    opened by tmm1 0
  • Unable to Block URLS in Firewall

    Unable to Block URLS in Firewall

    I was able to compile and run the app. I added some URLs to block. The firewall is connected properly, but URLs are not blocked.

    I'm getting logs from PacketTunnelProvider. PacketTunnelProviderLogs.log

    • startTunnel function called with protected file access
    • Proxy server started
    • LockdownTunnel: error on stopping configurationDisabled

    I'm getting this as soon as I connect the firewall and put the app in the background and foreground again. LockdownTunnel: error on stopping configurationDisabled @hijohnnylin

    opened by anismansuri63 0
  • Firewall Blocking iMessage #images GIF Search

    Firewall Blocking iMessage #images GIF Search

    On iOS 12.5.5, Lockdown 1.3.4, enabling the Lockdown Firewall blocks the iMessage #images GIF search, #images shows error “Could not load results.”, and no Lockdown Block Log entry is written to indicate what is being blocked. Even after disabling all of the built in Block Lists, #images remains blocked, so it appears that it’s inherent to the VPN in use for the firewall. The firewall needs to be completely disabled for #images to work. No other VPN’s or firewalls are active or installed.

    opened by rudewire 0
  • Cannot block

    Cannot block "apple.com"

    It seems Lockdown is not able to block Apple even when "apple.com" is manually added to the Custom tab in Block List. As far as I understand, this should block http://apple.com in Safari and Brave.

    PS. I do realize that long-term blocking access to apple.com is not a good idea, but not being able to do that effectively makes me wonder what other urls cannot be blocked (for whatever reason).

    Tested on: iOS 15.4 (iPhone 12-13), Lockdown v1.3.3

    opened by adam-jan-82 0
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