Ready to go biometric verification for the internet.


Perse SDK Lite iOS

From CyberLabs.AI.
Ready to go biometric verification for the internet.

The Perse CocoaPods SDK Lite:

  • Top notch facial detection model;
  • Anti-spoofing;
  • Feedback on image quality;
  • Compare the similarity between two faces;
  • Doesn't store any photos;

For more details, you can see the Official Perse.

Soon voice biometric verification.

Content of Table


This SDK provides abstracts the communication with the Perse's API endpoints and also convert the response from json to a pre-defined responses.

Want to test the endpoints?

You can test our endpoints using this Swagger UI Playground.

Want to test a web live demo?

You can test our web live demos in the CyberLabs.AI CodePen or in the Perse Oficial Docs. Do not forget your API Key.

Want to try a backend client?

We have some examples in Python, Go and javaScript. You can see documented here.

Get Started


  1. Create a Podfile. You may need install CocoaPods in your environment.

  2. Add the following line to your Podfile file:

pod 'PerseLite'
  1. And run in the project root the following command line:
pod install
  1. Now, you can open and build your project with the extension .xcworkspace;

How to create a Xcode project with CocoaPods?

To create a Xcode project with CocoaPods you can see in the Official CocoaPods Guide.


Perse API authenticates your requests using an API Key.
We are currently in Alpha. So you can get your API Key:

  1. Sending an email to;
  2. Or in the Perse official site;


We have a Demo in this repository for you:

  • Feel free to change the Demo code;
  • Not forget to get your API KEY;
  • To run, the Demo, it is necessary to follow the Install steps;


Face Detect

Detect allows you process images with the intent of detecting human faces.

import PerseLite

func detect(_ file: String) {
    let perseLite = PerseLite(apiKey: "API_KEY")

    perseLite.face.detect(filePath) {
        detectResponse in
    } onError: {
        error in

Face Compare

Compare accepts two sources for similarity comparison.

import PerseLite

func compare(
    _ firstFile: String,
    _ secondFile: String
) {
    let perseLite = PerseLite(apiKey: "API_KEY")
    ) {
        compareResponse in
    } onError: {
        error in        

Camera Integration

Here we have a example in code how to detect a face from a camera. See the complete code in the Demo application.
Just follow the Installation in the Yoonit Camera.

import UIKit
import PerseLite
import YoonitCamera

class PerseLiteCameraViewController:
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.cameraView.cameraEventListener = self

    func onImageCaptured(
        _ type: String,
        _ count: Int,
        _ total: Int,
        _ imagePath: String,
        _ darkness: NSNumber?,
        _ lightness: NSNumber?,
        _ sharpness: NSNumber?
    ) {
        self.perseLite.face.detect(imagePath) {
            detectResponse in
        } onError: {
            error in


Running Tests


You access it by clicking its icon in the navigator selector bar, located between the issue navigator and the debug navigator. When you have a project with a suite of tests defined, you see a navigator view similar to the one shown here.


This section describes the Perse SDK Lite iOS API's, methods, your responses and possible errors.


The Perse is in alpha version and for now, only the Face module is available.


  • Has the intent of detecting any number of human faces;
  • Can use this resource to evaluate the overall quality of the image;
  • The input can be the image file path or his Data;
  • The onSuccess return type is DetectResponse struct;
  • The onError return type can see in the Errors;
func detect(
    _ filePath: String,
    onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void,
    onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
func detect(
    _ data: Data,
    onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void,
    onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void

  • Accepts two sources for similarity comparison;
  • The inputs can be the image file paths or his Data's;
  • The onSuccess return type is CompareResponse struct;
  • The onError return type can see in the Errors;
func compare(
    _ firstFilePath: String,
    _ secondFilePath: String,
    onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void,
    onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
func compare(
    _ firstFile: Data,
    _ secondFile: Data,
    onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void,
    onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void


We recommend considering a match when similarity is above 71.



Attribute Type Description
similarity Float Similarity between faces. Closer to 1 is better.
timeTaken Float Time taken to analyze the image.
raw String? The API response in string.


Attribute Type Description
totalFaces Int Total of faces in the image.
faces Array Array of FaceResponse.
imageMetrics MetricsResponse Metrics of the detected image.
timeTaken Float Time taken to analyze the image.
raw String? The API response in string.


Attribute Type Description
landmarks LandmarksResponse Detected face landmarks.
boundingBox Array Array with the four values of the face bounding box. The coordinates x, y and the dimension width and height respectively.
faceMetrics MetricsResponse Metrics of the detecting face.
livenessScore Long Confidence that a detected face is from a live person (1 means higher confidence).


Attribute Type Description
underexpose Float Indicates loss of shadow detail. Closer to 0 is better.
overexpose Float Indicates loss of highlight detail. Closer to 0 is better.
sharpness Float Indicates intensity of motion blur. Closer to 1 is better.


Attribute Type Description
rightEye Array Right eye landmarks.
leftEye Array Left eye landmarks.
nose Array Nose landmarks.
mouthRight Array Right side of mouth landmarks.
mouthLeft Array Left side of mouth landmarks.


The onError:

  • First parameter is the Error Code;
  • Second parameter is a raw text message;
Error Code Description
400 The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 API key is missing or invalid.
402 The parameters were valid but the request failed.
415 The content type or encoding is not valid.

To Contribute and Make It Better

Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR.
For commit messages we use Conventional Commits.

Contributions are always welcome!

Made with by the Cyberlabs AI

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  • User enroll

    User enroll

    💥 Breaking Changes

    Complete breaking changes in the Responses, Methods and your usages. Motivations:

    • Improve cohesion;
    • Patterning with the methods;
    • Prepare for future features, like the "vox"s;

    API Responses

    | Deprecated | New Usage | - | - | CompareResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare | DetectResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect | FaceResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Face | MetricsResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Metrics | LandmarksResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Landmarks


    | Deprecated | New | - | - | func detect( _ filePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func detect( _ filePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func detect( _ data: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func detect( _ data: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func compare( _ firstFilePath: String, _ secondFilePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func compare( _ firstFilePath: String, _ secondFilePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func compare( _ firstData: Data, _ secondData: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func compare( _ firstData: Data, _ secondData: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)

    ✨ New Feature

    Face Enrollment

    Enrolled faces are persisted and can be used for saving biometric facial features for future use. The enrollment's methods allow you to create, update, delete and get enrolled faces.


    • Responsible for creating new enrollment;
    • Extract the facial features of the largest face;
    • Faces that are not completely inside the image will not be considered;
    • The input can be the image file path or his Data;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Create struct;
    func create(
        _ filePath: String,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Create) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func create(
        _ data: Data,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Create) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void


    • Responsible for update a face enrollment with a new face image;
    • Extract the facial features of the largest face;
    • Faces that are not completely inside the image will not be considered;
    • The input can be the image file path or his Data;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Update struct;
    func update(
        _ filePath: String,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Update) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func update(
        _ data: Data,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Update) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void


    • Responsible for delete an enrollment;
    • This endpoint expects a "user token" in the url;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Delete struct;
    func delete(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Delete) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func delete(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Delete) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void

    • Responsible the complete list of the created "user tokens";
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Read struct;
    func read(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Read) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func read(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Enrollment.Face.Read) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void

    🐛 Bug Fix

    Fix terms "underexpose" to "underexposure" in the Demo project.

    ⚡️ Improvements

    Change the tests names to the camel case pattern for better reading. This changes has no impact in tests usage.

    opened by TeruyaHaroldo 0
  • Improve demo and tests

    Improve demo and tests

    ⚡️ Improvements

    • Add Development.xcconfig;
    • Add API_KEY and BASE_URL in the info.plist;
    • Add "base url" usage to init Perse in the example;
    • Add "base url" usage in the tests;
    opened by TeruyaHaroldo 0
  • Improve development mode

    Improve development mode

    ⚡️ Improvements

    • Add Development.xcconfig;
    • Add API_KEY and BASE_URL in the info.plist;
    • Add "base url" usage to init Perse in the example;
    • Add "base url" usage in the tests;
    opened by TeruyaHaroldo 0
  • Feature: update tests

    Feature: update tests

    ✨ New Feature

    • Add optional second parameter on init:
    public init(apiKey: String, baseUrl: String = "")

    ⚡️ Improvements

    • Add code comments in the whole project;
    • Update and improve tests based on the previous release 0.1.1;
    opened by TeruyaHaroldo 0
  • 0.3.1(Aug 31, 2021)

  • 0.3.0(Aug 30, 2021)

    💥 Breaking Changes

    Complete breaking changes in the Responses, Methods and your usages. Motivations:

    • Improve cohesion;
    • Patterning with the methods;
    • Prepare for future features, like the "vox"s;

    API Responses

    | Deprecated | New Usage | - | - | CompareResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare | DetectResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect | FaceResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Face | MetricsResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Metrics | LandmarksResponse | PerseAPIResponse.Face.Landmarks


    | Deprecated | New | - | - | func detect( _ filePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func detect( _ filePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func detect( _ data: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (DetectResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func detect( _ data: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Detect) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func compare( _ firstFilePath: String, _ secondFilePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func compare( _ firstFilePath: String, _ secondFilePath: String, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void) | func compare( _ firstData: Data, _ secondData: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (CompareResponse) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)| func compare( _ firstData: Data, _ secondData: Data, onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Compare) -> Void, onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void)

    ✨ New Feature

    Face Enrollment

    Enrolled faces are persisted and can be used for saving biometric facial features for future use. The enrollment's methods allow you to create, update, delete and get enrolled faces.


    • Responsible for creating new enrollment;
    • Extract the facial features of the largest face;
    • Faces that are not completely inside the image will not be considered;
    • The input can be the image file path or his Data;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Create struct;
    func create(
        _ filePath: String,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Create) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func create(
        _ data: Data,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Create) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void


    • Responsible for update a face enrollment with a new face image and user token;
    • Extract the facial features of the largest face;
    • Faces that are not completely inside the image will not be considered;
    • The input can be the image file path or his Data;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Update struct;
    func update(
        _ filePath: String,
        _ userToken: String,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Update) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void
    func update(
        _ data: Data,
        _ userToken: String,
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Update) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void


    • Responsible for delete an enrollment;
    • This endpoint expects a "user token" in the url;
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Delete struct;
    func delete(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Delete) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void

    • Responsible the complete list of the created "user tokens";
    • The onSuccess type is PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Read struct;
    func read(
        onSuccess: @escaping (PerseAPIResponse.Face.Enrollment.Read) -> Void,
        onError: @escaping (String, String) -> Void

    🐛 Bug Fix

    Fix terms "underexpose" to "underexposure" in the Demo project.

    ⚡️ Improvements

    Change the tests names to the camel case pattern for better reading. This changes has no impact in tests usage.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(Aug 16, 2021)

    ⚡️ Improvements

    • Add Development.xcconfig;
    • Add API_KEY and BASE_URL in the info.plist;
    • Add "base url" usage to init PerseLite in the example;
    • Add "base url" usage in the tests;
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Aug 5, 2021)

    ✨ New Feature

    • Add optional second parameter on init:
    public init(apiKey: String, baseUrl: String = "")

    ⚡️ Improvements

    • Add code comments in the whole project;
    • Update and improve tests based on the previous release 0.1.1;
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.1(Jul 28, 2021)

    ♻️ Refactor

    Changes in the API Responses:

    • Change overexpose to overexposure;
    • Change underexpose to underexposure;
    • Change underexposeThreshold to undexposure;
    • Change overexposeThreshold to overexposure;
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Jul 22, 2021)

  • 0.0.4(Jul 13, 2021)

  • 0.0.3(Jul 7, 2021)

    ⚡️ Improvements

    For the face.detect and onError closure:

    • add new parameter for raw text message;
    • default value is "";

    📝 Update Readme

    • Update face.detect and onError closure usage;
    • New section to run the tests: Running Tests;
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.2(Jul 5, 2021)

  • 0.0.1(Jun 29, 2021)

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