Turbo-iOS base project that's entirely driven from your backend Rails app.



Turbo-iOS base project that's entirely driven from your backend Rails app.


There were five main goals for this project:

  1. reusable base project that can be pointed to any Rails app
  2. app styling, tabs and navbar buttons driven from the server
  3. handle both authenticated and unauthenticated users
  4. all logic and functionality contained in a single Swift file
  5. no need for other developers to write any Swift code

Disclaimer: It's been over six years since I've written anything in Objective-C, and I've never written any Swift prior to this, so the code has lots of room for improvement, refactoring, cleanup, etc.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend you read the following articles about Turbo-iOS.

Clone Repo

Clone this repo locally to get started.

git clone https://github.com/dalezak/turbo-ios-base.git

Update Target Information

  • open App.xcodeproj
  • click on App project
  • select App under Targets
  • change Display Name to the name of your app
  • change Bundle Identifier to your reverse domain name

Update Info.plist URLs

  • open Info.plist file
  • expand TURBO_URL item
  • change development to your local environment
  • change production to your production environment

Replace Asset Images

  • visit https://appicon.co
  • upload 1024 x 1024 image
  • click Generate button
  • replace Assets.xcassets in the project with downloaded file

Add Turbo Gem

Add turbo-rails to your Gemfile.

gem "turbo-rails"

Add Turbo Javascript

If you are using Yarn, then run

yarn add @hotwired/turbo-rails

If you are using NPM, then run

npm add @hotwired/turbo-rails

Import Turbo Javascript

Add the following code to your application.js file.

import { Turbo } from "@hotwired/turbo-rails";
window.Turbo = Turbo;

Add any custom javascript to turbo/bridge.js in your javascript folder.

Hello!" } } ">
export default class Bridge {
  static sayHello() {
    document.body.innerHTML = "


} }

Then import this in your application.js file.

import Bridge from "../turbo/bridge.js";
window.bridge = Bridge;

Add Rails Helpers

In your Rails app, add the following helpers to your application_helper.rb

def turbo?

def turbo_ios?

def turbo_android?

Add Authenticated Header

Add the following metatag to your so the app knows if a user is logged in or not.

<meta name="turbo:authenticated" content="<%= user_signed_in? %>">

Hide Page Navigation

Since Turbo-iOS handles the native navbar, you don't need to show your page navigation anymore. Add unless turbo? check around where you usually render your navbar in your Rails app.

<%= render 'partials/navbar' %> <% end %> ">
<% unless turbo? %>
  <nav class="d-block">
    <%= render 'partials/navbar' %>
<% end %>

Add Turbo Controller

Add turbo_controller.rb which will return turbo.json used for rules and settings, here's a sample to get you started.

class TurboController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render json: {
      "settings": {
        "navbar": {
          "background": "#888888",
          "foreground": "#ffffff"
        "tabbar": {
          "background": "#888888",
          "selected": "#ffffff",
          "unselected": "#bbbbbb"
        "tabs": [
            "title": "Home",
            "visit": "/",
            "icon_ios": "house",
            "protected": false
            "title": "Profile",
            "visit": "/profile",
            "icon_ios": "person",
            "protected": true
        "buttons": [
            "path": "/",
            "side": "left",
            "icon_ios": "line.horizontal.3",
            "script": "window.bridge.showMenu();",
            "protected": false
            "path": "/",
            "side": "right",
            "title": "Add",
            "visit": "/posts/new",
            "protected": true
      "rules": [
          "patterns": [
          "properties": {
            "presentation": "modal"
          "patterns": [
          "properties": {
            "presentation": "modal"
          "patterns": [
          "properties": {
            "presentation": "replace"

To see all the available iOS icons you can use for navbar buttons or tabbar icons, visit https://hotpot.ai/free-icons?s=sfSymbols.

Add Turbo Route

In your routes.rb add route pointing to turbo#index.

get 'turbo', to: "turbo#index", as: :turbo

Write Beautiful Ruby

And that's it! Everything should now be configured including the app colors, tabs, navbar buttons, etc which are all driven from the turbo.json returned from turbo_controller.rb.

Now the app tabs and navbar buttons should appear according to the protected property if the user is authenticated or not. Your navbar buttons can either visit a page or trigger javascript on your server.

The best part is you shouldn't need to write any Swift code, so you can focus on your backend Rails application. This is something I've dreamt about ever since I first started using Rails, and it's now possible thanks to Turbo-iOS!

If you find this project useful or have suggestions on improvements, please let me know!

  • Settings not loading from turbo.json

    Settings not loading from turbo.json

    Hey thanks for the awesome starting point for us who know nothing about Swift!

    I'm not sure if this issue is related to my rails setup. I created a new project and followed the instructions from the readme.

    CleanShot 2021-06-25 at 18 10 01

    CleanShot 2021-06-25 at 18 13 26

    opened by aviderambo 6
  • Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    Hi, I'm trying to integrate your TurboController into my turbo ios app and I'm getting the error: Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value on line 224:

    let environment = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["ENVIRONMENT"]! as String

    When I ran your demo on my local machine no problems, so is this a configuration issue on my end or code compatibility with newer version of iOS? I noticed under Deployment target your demo is set to 14.5, while mine is 15.2, but even if I change mine to 14.5 I keep getting the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    opened by estebanutz 3
  • App Crashes with Error on fetching env variable on TestFlight

    App Crashes with Error on fetching env variable on TestFlight

    So I was able to deploy my app to testflight, but when I tried testing the app it started crashing and the report points me to this code. Any easy fix, anything I'm missing here?

    opened by jensnowww 2
  • Fix isReplace method

    Fix isReplace method

    Hi, thank you so much for releasing this. It's a great starting point for me! I noticed that "replace" wasn't working even though it was configured.

    Please let me know if this PR fixes it correctly.

    opened by yanshiyason 0
  • turbo-android-base equivalent ?

    turbo-android-base equivalent ?

    @dalezak First of all many many thanks for creating this wonderful repository.

    Second of all would you know of an equivalent repository to get started with the android counterpart e.g. turbo-android-base?

    opened by iamonkara 0
  • Incompatibility from turbo-ios 7.0.0-rc.6

    Incompatibility from turbo-ios 7.0.0-rc.6

    Thanks for putting this together! I was trying this out with a web app I've been experimenting with turbo on, and I noticed the turbo-ios version referenced is an older beta release. I tried switching to the main branch, but the build fails with 'TurboController' does not conform to protocol 'SessionDelegate'. It appears to stem from a change in release 7.0.0-rc.6 if you have a chance to look at it. I have next to zero experience with Swift, so not sure I can be of much help. =/

    Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 11 05 26 PM
    opened by unRARed 0
  • leftBarButtonItem not showing on modal

    leftBarButtonItem not showing on modal

    In the turbo-ios demo when you open a link on modal you can see there is a "Cancel" button on the top left corner. How would you implement that into your TurboController main file? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!

    opened by estebanutz 0
  • Local rails app won't load

    Local rails app won't load

    I've been able to get this working with the app at https://turbo-native-demo.glitch.me, but when I try to connect to a local development rails app at http://localhost:3000 things go wrong.

    I've set TURBO_URL->development to http://localhost:3000 and App Transport Security Settings->Allows Local Networking is YES. When building and launching the app, I get the following output in the Xcode console:

    2022-02-08 11:38:09.881444-0500 App[87765:101296449] [Storyboard] Unknown class _TtC3App14ViewController in Interface Builder file.
    2022-02-08 16:38:09 +0000 - [ColdBootVisit] startVisit()
    2022-02-08 16:38:10 +0000 - [Bridge] โ† pageLoadFailed
    2022-02-08 11:38:10.138793-0500 App[87765:101296449] [Loading] 0x157030818 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=6, PID=87769] WebPageProxy::didFailLoadForFrame: frameID=3, domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=-999
    2022-02-08 16:38:10 +0000 - [Bridge] โ† pageLoaded

    This looks to me like there's something in iOS preventing the webview from loading from localhost. Note this is using http, not https. I tried enabling NSAllowsArbitraryLoads but that didn't help either.

    Am I missing something really simple here?

    opened by johndbritton 1
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