From TOML to Swift Codable types.



Swift 5.3 & 5.3.1
Amazon Linux 2
CentOS 8
macOS 11.15
Ubuntu Bionic
Ubuntu Focal

TOML parser for your Swift Codables.

struct Team: Codable {
    struct Player: Codable {
        let id: String
        let health: Int
        let joinDate: Date

    let players: [Player]

let team = try TOMLDecoder().decode(Team.self, from: tomlData)

TOMLDecoder has a relatively simple set of APIs. Learn more in the introduction.


With SwiftPM

.package(url: "", from: "0.2.1")


MIT. See

  • How do subtables work?

    How do subtables work?

           let toml = """
      id = '33968bc5c8a95'
      health = 80
      joinDate = 2019-03-10 17:40:00-07:00
      id = '33968bc5c8a95'
      health = 80
      joinDate = 2019-03-10 17:40:00-07:00
            struct Team: Codable {
                struct Player: Codable {
                    let id: String
                    let health: Int
                    let joinDate: Date
                let players: [Player]
            let team = try! TOMLDecoder().decode(Team.self, from: toml)
    Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Swift.DecodingError.valueNotFound(Swift.UnkeyedDecodingContainer, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [CodingKeys(stringValue: "players", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "Cannot get unkeyed decoding container -- found null value instead."
    opened by publicarray 2
  • In release builds, literal strings incorrectly include opening `'`

    In release builds, literal strings incorrectly include opening `'`

    A trivial TOML file like this:

    foo = 'bar'

    is parsed incorrectly in release builds (but correctly in debug builds). The problem doesn’t occur with basic/double-quoted strings.

    import Foundation
    import TOMLDecoder
    let toml = """
    foo = 'bar'
    struct Decoded: Codable, Equatable {
        let foo: String
    let decoded = try! TOMLDecoder().decode(Decoded.self, from: toml)
    switch decoded {
    case Decoded(foo: "bar"):
    case Decoded(foo: "'bar"):
        print(#"Observed error: "\#(""#)
        print(#"Other error: "\#(""#)
    opened by JensAyton 1
  • Throws an error instead of crash when single value container is used

    Throws an error instead of crash when single value container is used


    When a single value decoding container is used and try to decode and fails, instead of throws an error, crash due to a force unwrap.

    What does this PR do?

    changes all of the force unwraps from decodes methods in SingleValueDecodingContainer and throws an error instead.

    opened by guseducampos 1
  • Support Xcode 11

    Support Xcode 11

    Support Xcode 11. Don't worry, this project can be still built on Xcode 10.2. Current Swift syntax is still 5.0.

    • Open this project with Xcode 11 then generates xcworkspace
    • Add platforms to Package.swift
    • Avoid warning
    opened by giginet 1
  • Float parsing skips frac parsing if 0 is first digit after decimal

    Float parsing skips frac parsing if 0 is first digit after decimal


    The function normalFloat(_ input: inout Substring) does not correctly parse floats. After parsing the decimal, it calls decIntTextUTF8(_ utf8: inout Substring.UTF8View) again. This function checks to make sure the first digit is not zero. However, with the fractional component of floats this is allowed.

    The result of this bug is that floats parsed that fit this condition (ex: 12.02, -325.0021) will return without the digits following the first 0, and those remaining digits will be left on input causing a parsing error.

    Suggested solution:

    Create a separate function to be called after the decimal which does not perform this first-digit zero-check.

    opened by Solidsilver 0
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