Quizzer App
The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern.
SuperLayout is a library that adds a few custom operators to Swift that makes using the amazing NSLayoutAnchor API for Auto Layout a breeze. SuperLayo
AutoLayoutContentHugging Swift 5 and Xcode 12. Content Hugging Priority settings using Auto Layout. Content Hugging Priority give you granular control
Particle Emitter An experiment creating a particle emitter using the new Timelin
Pachinko A simple game application using SpriteKit, physics, blend modes, radian
Using the UIKitChain framework, You can create a UIKit component in one line of code. Installation CocoaPods CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Coc
Storyboard Using Custom Views Vista creada con: Storyboard + Constraints + Progr
PhotoCatalog Project Setup Clone the project from this link git@github.com:islam
Flash Chat 💁🏽♂️ Overview This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface. ⚙️ How it works The user needs to first
VerticalFlowLayout This implementation is built using a UICollectionView and a custom flowLayout. Table of contents Requirements Installation CocoaPod
Yoga Building Yoga builds with buck. Make sure you install buck before contributing to Yoga. Yoga's main implementation is in C++, with bindings to su
browserid-ios Almost a clone of https://github.com/amedia/browserid For generating and providing a browser id and a browser visit id to a WebView. Use
How to build and sign your iOS application using Azure DevOps Sample source code
KivaLoan Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Using Kiva's free API, the demo app
VIPERtoSwiftUI GOAL This app presents few examples for common patterns using purer (from authors experience) SwiftUI code. LITERATURE https://www.appy
UIKit Checklist App Data Persistence Icon Selector Notification Scheduling Multi
AppStoreClone Understanding the complex layout of app store using UICompositiona
Composing custom layouts with SwiftUI Arrange views in your app's interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides. Overview This sample app demonst
An awesome Swift CSS DSL library using result builders.
SwiftBox A Swift wrapper around Facebook's implementation of CSS's flexbox. Example let parent = Node(size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 300),