Say goodbye to the Fat ugly singleton Network Manager with this Network Layer



Protocol Oriented Network Layer Aim to avoid having bloated singleton NetworkManager

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the main philosophy behind MHNetwork is to have a single responsibility. it makes it much easier to determine where is the problem located in your code if every class in your code have only one task and one task only to do. so in the beginning..


$ pod install MHNetwork

or in your podfile

pod 'MHNetwork'

also you can use Swift Package Manager


let's say you have movies API .. and you need to make a request call to get the movies list..

you will need to create two files for your feature MoviesRequests.swift and MoviesTasks.swift

in the request it should be something like this

import Foundation
import MHNetwork

enum MoviesRequests: Request {
    case getMoviesList

    var path: String {
        return "movies/list/"

    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .getRandomQuote:
            return .get

    var parameters: RequestParams {
        return .url(["year" : "2018"])
        // can use .body(["year": "20018"]) if the api require body parameters

    var headers: [String : Any]? {
        return ["Authorization": "xyz"]

then add your task

class MovieTasks <T: Codable>: Operations {

    var request: Request {
        return MoviesRequests.getMoviesList

    func execute(in dispatcher: Dispatcher, completed: @escaping (Result<T, NetworkError>) -> Void) {

        do {
            try dispatcher.execute(request: self.request, completion: { (result) in
               switch result {
                               case .success(let response):
                                   switch response {
                                       case .data(let data):
                                           do {

                        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                        //                        decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                        //                        uncomment this in case you have some json properties in Snake Case and you just want to decode it to camel Case... workes only for swift 4.1 or higher
                        let object = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
                                           } catch let error {
                                               print("error Parsing with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                                       case .error(let error):
                               case .failure(let error):
        } catch {
          completed(.failure(.error(code: nil, error: error, data: nil)))

that's it you finished your basic setup for the request.. now you can call it from your code like that

func getMoviesList(onComplete: @escaping (Movie) -> Void, onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void) {
    let environment = Environment(host: "")
    let networkDispatcher = NetworkDispatcher(environment: environment, session: URLSession(configuration: .default))
    let moviesTask = MoviesTasks<Movie>() // Movie Model should be codable
    moviesTask.execute(in: networkDispatcher) { (result) in
          switch result {
            case .success(let users):
            case .failure(let error):

that's it.. one last note.. when creating the instance of MoviesTask you noticed the comment that Movie Model should be Codable well.. it's not a must but my preferable way.. just suit yourself in the task itself and make it less restricted if you like but you'll need to handle the returned data in another way.


  • need to support JSON return type without depending on any 3rd party
  • need to fix & clean the example test cases and code


fork / edit / and Pull request to Develop Branch... you know what to do ;)

  • How to create a request with varying params?

    How to create a request with varying params?

    For example in your code with getMoviesList I want to pass an additional param - "year". I send the same requests but with different year value specified from outside. How to implement it?

    opened by gerchicov-bp 5
  • Bug in NetworkDispatcher

    Bug in NetworkDispatcher

    return URLQueryItem(name: element.key, value: element.value as? String) This allows to pass string params only. But if you replace element.value as? String with \(element.value) it will accept for example int and bool values too.

    Additionally NetworkDispatcher is protected from inheritance and I should create a copy of it

    opened by gerchicov-bp 1
  • Broken CocoaPods

    Broken CocoaPods

    [!] Error installing MHNetwork
    [!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/sy/4_wxmzmj75j733p9k30rms7d7rjblp/T/d20191121-37386-1mduuyp --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 1.1
    Cloning into '/var/folders/sy/4_wxmzmj75j733p9k30rms7d7rjblp/T/d20191121-37386-1mduuyp'...
    warning: Could not find remote branch 1.1 to clone.
    fatal: Remote branch 1.1 not found in upstream origin
    opened by gerchicov-bp 1
  • Mistake in readme

    Mistake in readme


    case .error(_, let networkError):

    case .error(let error):

    And the last one is compileable only

    opened by Gargo 1
  • Feature request - add log

    Feature request - add log

    Currently I try to connect to API with GET requests. The problem is when I get an error I don't see the final request URL - it is hidden somewhere inside this library. What about to add some log (at least for visible url part)?

    I could inherit from NetworkDispatcher but: Cannot inherit from non-open class 'NetworkDispatcher' outside of its defining module

    opened by gerchicov-bp 0
  • Feature request - optional params

    Feature request - optional params

    For example I need a library to collect rss from different websites. I need to specify single url only and get/post method only for each website. You library requires to setup all params even if they are not necessary

    opened by Gargo 2
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