Fast Multi-store Redux-like architecture for iOS/OSX applications



Highway is implementation of Redux-like architecture pattern using Swift.

If you were looking for a something like this:

  • TEA (The Elm Architecture)
  • MVU (Model-View-Update)
  • MVI (Model-View-Intent)
  • Redux-like
  • Flux-like
  • UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow)
  • e.t.c

...but on Swift. Then you have found it!


  • Multistore support (single state sharing)
  • Fast state change and sync
  • 100% business logic code coverage
  • Lightweight
  • Do not use 3rd party libraries
  • Can be used with SwiftUI
  • Support structs & classes for state (structs preferred)


  • Counter: Lighweight multi store app (Single view controller with multiple child view controller)
  • SwiftUI: SwiftUI View with updates
  • SocketPingPong: An app with stream of events (like web socket or server side events)
  • ReusableViewControllers: Reuse view controller or view which was written with imperative style
  • Animation: View animation triggered by state change
  • TableViewsSync: TableView with animations (deletions/insertions) and syncronisation (run on iPad)
  • InfiniteScroll: Enterprise solution app (with Dependency Injection, Flow Coordinator e.t.c.) (run on iPad)



  • iOS: 13.0
  • Swift: 5.4

Installation (Cocoapods / SPM)

Highway is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Highway'

Also you can integrate framework as SPM package



  • Visual Scheme
  • App tests examples (E2E, Unit)
  • Update UIStack to UITableView in Animation example
  • Reusable views with ViewStore
  • UIView modules
  • Collapsable UITableView


Dmitrii Cooler,

Credits and thanks

The following people gave feedback on the library at its early stages and helped make the library what it is today:

Special thanks to:


Highway is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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