How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.



Carthage compatible CocoaPods Compatible
License Platform Language Language Language

Build Status MIT

How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work. A collection of useful extensions for the Swift Standard Library, Foundation, and UIKit.

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Example Usage

Easily get an object at a specified index:

var myArray = ["charmander","bulbasaur","squirtle"]
print(myArray.get(1)) // "bulbasaur"

Easily access a random element:

var myArray = ["charmander","bulbasaur","squirtle"]
print(myArray.random()) // bulbasaur or something else

Easily find the indexes of an object:

var myArray = ["charmander","bulbasaur","squirtle","charmander"]
print(myArray.indexesOf("charmander")) // [0,3]

Easily check if an array contains another array:

var myArray = ["charmander","bulbasaur","squirtle"]
print(myArray.containsArray(["charmander","bulbasaur"])) // true
print(myArray.containsArray(["string"])) // false

Block Objects These objects use completion blocks instead of selectors, taken from: CEMKit-Swift Easily initialize a BlockButton:

Void in print("Block button clicked!") } // There are also BlockWebView, BlockTap, BlockPan, BlockSwipe, BlockPinch, BlockLongPress ">
let button = BlockButton(x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100) { (sender) -> Void in
    print("Block button clicked!")
let button1 = BlockButton(x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100)
button1.addAction { (sender) -> Void in
    print("Block button clicked!")

// There are also BlockWebView, BlockTap, BlockPan, BlockSwipe, BlockPinch, BlockLongPress

Easily convert between different types:

var myCGFloat = myInt.toCGFloat
var myString = myInt.toString
var myDouble = myString.toDouble
var myInt = myDouble.toInt

Easily toggle it:

var myBool: Bool = true
print(myBool.toggle()) // false

Easily initialize your objects:

let myView = UIView(x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100)
print(myView.frame) // (0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0)

Easily access your ViewController on top of your view stack:

ez.topMostViewController?.presentViewController(myAlertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
// topMostViewController is your rootViewController
// Intended for showing small VCs like UIAlertControllerstring.length, string.capitalizefirst, string.trim, string.isemail, 

Easily initialize your colors:

let myColor = UIColor(r: 100, g: 100, b: 100) // Default alpha is 1

Easily run block of codes after a certain delay:

Timer.runThisAfterDelay(seconds: 2) { () -> () in
    print("Prints this 2 seconds later in main queue")

Easily run code every seconds:

var count = 0
Timer.runThisEvery(seconds: 1) { (timer) -> Void in
    print("Will print every second")
    if count == 3 {
    count += 1

Easily access your projects version and build numbers:

print(ez.appVersion) // 0.3
print(ez.appBuild) // 7
print(ez.appVersionAndBuild) // v0.3(7)

Easily track screen shots:
ez.detectScreenShot { () -> () in
    print("User took a screen shot")


Manually (~10 seconds)

  1. Download and drop '/Sources' in your project.
  2. Congratulations!

Install via CocoaPods (~10 seconds)

You can use CocoaPods to install EZSwiftExtensions by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'EZSwiftExtensions' #Stable release for Swift 3.0

pod 'EZSwiftExtensions', :git => '' #Latest release for Swift 3.0
pod 'EZSwiftExtensions', :git => '', :branch => 'Swift2.3' #For Swift 2.3
pod 'EZSwiftExtensions', '~> 1.6' #For Swift 2.2

To get the full benefits import EZSwiftExtensions wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import EZSwiftExtensions

Install via Carthage

Create a Cartfile that lists the framework and run carthage bootstrap. Follow the instructions to add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/EZSwiftExtensions.framework to an iOS project.

github "goktugyil/EZSwiftExtensions"


  • Swift 2 or later

Possible features

  • More extensions! Please if there is an extension you are constantly using, send a pull request now!
  • Fancy pictures and jpgs in documentation.
  • Documentations inside code
  • List of contents inside readme
  • Completing TODOs in source code.
  • OSX compatibility and add here

Sources Used

And countless gists and stackoverflow answers.


EZSwiftExtensions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


swift, extension, uikit, exswift, foundation, library, framework, tool

  • Consider refactoring to protocol extensions

    Consider refactoring to protocol extensions


    as a follow on from #386 I wanted to know if any consideration has been given to refactoring the framework to use protocol extensions. This could allow per-file limited imports of specific features.

    As an example, currently Array.get is defined as:

    extension Array {
        ///EZSE: Get a sub array from range of index
        public func get(at range: ClosedRange<Int>) -> Array {
            var subArray = Array()
            let lowerBound = range.lowerBound > 0 ? range.lowerBound : 0
            let upperBound = range.upperBound > self.count - 1 ? self.count - 1 : range.upperBound
            for index in lowerBound...upperBound {
            return subArray
        /// EZSE: Gets the object at the specified index, if it exists.
        public func get(at index: Int) -> Element? {
            guard index >= 0 && index < count else { return nil }
            return self[index]

    This seems to be imported into a file without any explicit import EZSwiftExtensions declaration.

    Could this be refactored to:

    public protocol EZArray : Collection { 
    extension EZArray where Self.Index == Int, Self.IndexDistance == Int  {
        public func get(at index: Int) -> Self.Iterator.Element? {
            guard index >= 0 && index < count else { return nil }
            return self[index]
        public func get(at range: ClosedRange<Int>) -> Array<Self.Iterator.Element> {
            var subArray = Array<Self.Iterator.Element>()
            let lowerBound = range.lowerBound > 0 ? range.lowerBound : 0
            let upperBound = range.upperBound > self.count - 1 ? self.count - 1 : range.upperBound
            for index in lowerBound...upperBound {
            return subArray

    which would allow a file to either

    1. import protocol EZSwiftExtensions.EZArray (limited import)
    2. import EZSwiftExtensions (full import)

    I'm not sure this would solve the problem (I don't really understand the subtleties of swift's import mechanism) or why a file would import EZSwiftExtensions without an explicit import EZSwiftExtensions declaration.

    Thanks again!

    opened by DanielAsher 15
  • Add some cool extensions to Array and Dictionary

    Add some cool extensions to Array and Dictionary

    I'd love to use this extension at the project that I've been using at work but in order to do that I need those cool extensions to be added. They're pretty useful and some were extracted from ExSwift project.

    opened by DulMephistos 15
  • Uiview fade animate

    Uiview fade animate


    • [x] New Extension
    • [ ] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by vilapuigvila 14
  • Added base64 to UIImageExtensions

    Added base64 to UIImageExtensions

    fixes #355


    • [x] New Extension
    • [ ] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by lfarah 13
  • <Description> : Release candidate for v1.9

    : Release candidate for v1.9

    : release


    • [ ] New Extension
    • [ ] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [x] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by Khalian 12
  • File manager extension

    File manager extension


    • [x] New Extension
    • [x] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by vilapuigvila 12
  • Some file names should drop NS Prefix

    Some file names should drop NS Prefix

    Some file names and implementations isn't match. e.g.

    extension Date {

    So i think we should rename some files.

    Target is below.

    • NSBundleExtensions.swift
    • NSDateExtensions.swift
    • NSUserDefaultsExtension.swift
    • NSTimerExtensions.swift
    • NSURLExtensions.swift
    • each test file
    opened by furuyan 12
  • Load View/ViewController from Nib file

    Load View/ViewController from Nib file

    Now it looks like the following

    let filterHeaderView = UINib(nibName: FilterHeaderView.className, bundle: nil).instantiateWithOwner(self, options: nil).last as? FilterHeaderView

    Not as Swifty as it could be. Should we have an extension for that?

    Well I don't actually know yet how it could be more swifty. Could anybody give an example? Something like let filterHeaderView = UINib.instantiate(view: FilterHeaderView) - loads nib from nil bundle with class name name, searches for view with passed class and returns it. Or something more controllable.

    new extension 
    opened by piv199 12
  • A shorter release this time?

    A shorter release this time?

    Our last release took longer. IMO releases should be frequent for OSS projects to formalize recent changes.

    We have had some decent set of features of going in till now (not as much as 1.8 though). Would the maintainers be interested in releasing now ?

    opened by Khalian 11
  • support tvOS

    support tvOS


    • [x] New Extension
    • [ ] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by KenShih522 11
  • <Description> : Adding day, month and year extensions to date.

    : Adding day, month and year extensions to date.


    • [x] New Extension
    • [x] New Test
    • [ ] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by Khalian 11
  • Swift 5 and New Collaborators

    Swift 5 and New Collaborators

    Hey guys

    Quite a few people have asked for an upgrade to swift 5.

    @Khalian and I have been out of the swift scene since swift 3 and mostly kept up with maintenance work on the project.

    However the swift 5 upgrade is much, much harder than the swift 4 one since its no longer backwards compatible.

    Is there anyone who could take over, make this project Swift 5 compatible? We need a few reviewers as well.

    @lfarah @thellimist @piv199 @Yu-w @furuyan @inket @Daniel-Lopez @vilapuigvila @bcylin @ceeyang @495929699

    opened by goktugyil 2
  • ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - UIWebView

    ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - UIWebView

    Apple is blocking our app that uses EZSE. Will there be support to replace all references of UIWebView with WKWebView soon?

    The only references are in the BlockWebView.swift file.

    opened by JaceTan 7
  • Swift5.0



    • [x] New Extension
    • [x] New Test
    • [x] Changed more than one extension, but all changes are related
    • [ ] Trivial change (doesn't require changelog)
    opened by ceeyang 1
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