Simple and Elegant Range(A,B) to Range(P,Q) mapper in less then five lines of code.



CI Version



HSRangeConvertor Simple and Elegant Range[A,B] to Range[P,Q] mapper in less then three lines of code. E.g. Suppose we have Range[10,90] and Range[20,80], Value 60 of Range[10,90] will be mapped to value 57.5 of Range[20,80].

HSColorRangeConvertor Simple and Elegant Range[A,B] to ColorRange[Color1, Color2] mapper in less then five lines of code.


HSRange HSColorRange

Example Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Swift XCode Tag/Pod version
4.0 to 5.4 9.0 to 12 5.4.0
3.x >= 8.x 1.1

How to use HSRange | HSRangeConvertor?

  1. Create object of HSRangeConverter by passing two object of HSRange
    • Object of first range [A,B]
    • Object of second range [P,Q]
  2. Convert your value from one range to other range.
let firstRange = HSRange(low: 10, high: 80)
let secondRange = HSRange(low: 0.5, high: 0.9)

let rangeConverter = HSRangeConverter(range1: firstRange, range2: secondRange)  
let valueInFirstRange = rangeConverter.toRange2(of: 45) //this will give 0.7
let valueInSecondRange = rangeConverter.toRange1(of: 0.9) //this will give 80

How to use HSColorRange | HSColorRangeConvertor?

Check the demo project. Its has identical steps as above example, just second range is a range of two colors instead of two double values.


HSRange is available through CocoaPods. To install it follow below steps.

  1. simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'HSRange'
  1. Open terminal, change your current directory to project directory using cd.
  2. Install pod.
pod install
Possible Error:

[!] Unable to find a specification for 'HSRange'

pod setup

Major Release

pod version 5.4.0 support swift 4 and swift 5 both as well XCode9 to XCode12 all versions.


Hitendra Solanki, | twitter: @hitendrahckr


HSRange is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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