Sugar is a sweetener for your Cocoa implementations.



Sugar is a sweetener for your Cocoa implementations.

CI Status Version Carthage Compatible License Platform Swift

Table of Contents

Hue Icon



let appName =             // CFBundleDisplayName : String
let appVersion = Application.version       // CFBundleShortVersionString : String
let appExecutable = Application.executable // CFBundleExecutable : String
let appBundle = Application.bundle         // CFBundleIdentifier : String
let appSchemes = Application.schemes       // CFBundleURLSchemes : [String]
let mainAppScheme = Application.mainScheme // CFBundleURLSchemes.first : String?

Gain easy access to main bundle information.


let pixelSize = Screen.pixelSize // CGSize(width: screenWidth * scale, height: screenHeight * scale)

Get the actual pixel information of the device screen.


if !Simulator.isRunning {
  // add device specific operations here

To easily exclude operations from when you as a developer runs the application in the simulator, not subscribing to push notification or running analytics operations etc.

Keyboard Observer

Observe keyboard showing and hiding events, and handle it

let handler = BasicKeyboardHandler() = { [weak self] height in
  // move text fields up

handler.hide = { [weak self] in
  // move text fields back to original position

keyboardObserver = KeyboardObserver(handler: handler)

Currently support

  • BasicKeyboardHandler: basic UIView animation
  • InsetKeyboardHandler: animate UIScrollView insets
  • ConstraintKeyboardHandler: animate bottom layout constraint
  • CustomKeyboardHandler: custom handling

iOS Extensions


let view = UIView.optimize
  clipsToBounds = true
  layer.drawsAsynchronously = true
  opaque = true


+Rendering mode
image.original // imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysOriginal)
image.template // imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)



let first: Int? = items.findFirst({ $0 > 10 })



if date1 < date2 {
  // do something
} else if date1 >= date2 {
  // do something else


let _ =
let _ = 3.week


let view = UIView()
view.width = 200
view.height = 200
view.x = 25
view.y = 25

print(view.width) // prints 200
print(view.height) // prints 200
print(view.x) // prints 25
print(view.y) // prints 25

Grand Central Dispatch

dispatch {
  // dispatch in main queue

dispatch(queue: .Background) {
  // dispatch in background queue

lazy var serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("serialQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
dispatch(queue: .Custom(serialQueue)) {
  // dispatch in a serial queue

Easy dispatching with grand central dispatch. Support all the regular global queues: Main, Interactive, Initiated, Utility, Background. And .Custom() for your own dispatch queues.


let string = localizedString("My Profile")
let formattedString = localizedString(key: "%d numbers", arguments: 10)

Swift access (pun intended) to NSLocalizedString, you will get more valid auto completion with this one, we promise.


let once = Once() {
  // do something
} {
  // no effect


var url = NSURL(string: "")!
url ?= NSURL(string: "\\/http")
// url is equal to

The ?= only assigns values if the right is not nil.


let acceptable = 200..<300
if acceptable.contains(response.statusCode) {
  // Status code is between 200 and 299.


if "[email protected]".isEmail() {
  // Is email

let stringNumber = "1984"
if stringNumber.isNumber() {
  // Is a number

if stringNumber.matches("^[0-9]+$") {
  // Is a number

Shared Extensions


struct Object: Queueable {

  func process() -> Bool { return true }

let myQueue = [Object(), Object()]

Make your own processing queue with ease, just make your object conform the Queueable.

public protocol Queueable {
  func process() -> Bool


let urlString = ""
let url = urlString.url

Highly inspired by / borrowed from Alamofire's implementation of URLStringConvertible.

Core Foundation

let string = "hyper/oslo"
string.length // 10
string.truncate(5) // hyper...
string.split(/) // ["hyper", oslo]

if string.isPresent {
  // do something

if string.contains("hyper") {
  // found hyper

var dirtyString = "   hyper   "
print(dirtyString.trim()) // prints "hyper"

Just some extra sugar on top of String for getting the length, truncating, trimming or splitting a String.

isPresent is the opposite of isEmpty.

contains and be used to check if a string contains a word or pharse.


Bool { return true } func swizzled_method() -> Bool { return false } } let object = Swizzled() object.method() // false ">
class Swizzled: NSObject {

  override class func initialize() {
    struct Static {
      static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0

    if self !== Swizzled.self {

  dispatch_once(&Static.token) {
    Swizzler.swizzle("method", cls: self)

  dynamic func method() -> Bool {
    return true

  func swizzled_method() -> Bool {
    return false

let object = Swizzled()
object.method() // false

Everyday we are swizzling, this use to be mundane, now it just Swiftling, we mean, super fast.


let UIView().then {
  $0.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()

This implementation is brought to you by @devxoul by his awesome Then repository.

Type Alias

public typealias JSONArray = [[String : AnyObject]]
public typealias JSONDictionary = [String : AnyObject]


if UITesting.isRunning {
  // tests are running
} else {
  // everything is fine, move along

To easily include or exclude operations for when you are running UI tests.


if UnitTesting.isRunning {
  // running test

func testPerformance() {
  let measurement = measure {
    // run operation

Check if you are running UniTests and to measure performance.


Sugar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Sugar'

Sugar is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "hyperoslo/Sugar"

Sugar is also available through Swift Package Manager.

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.1")),


Hyper Interaktiv AS, [email protected]


Sugar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Handling gesture the easy way

    Handling gesture the easy way

    This make handling gesture more easily, with block

    It works this way

    • ViewController -strong-> GestureSense -strong-> Target -strong-> handler block
    • UIGestureRecognizer -weak-> Target
    • It won't attach the same kind of gesture twice
    let sense = GestureSense()
    let view = UIView()
    sense.tap(view) { gr in
    sense.pan(view) { gr in
    sense.pan(view) { gr in
    opened by onmyway133 12
  • Adress the elephant in the room, is Sugar starting to get obese ?

    Adress the elephant in the room, is Sugar starting to get obese ?

    As @vadymmarkov brought up in (, Sugar is growing out of proportion, one can even start to call it obese.

    We need to come up with a good strategy to tackle this problem. As I wrote in #78;

    I think we need to adress this is a good way, maybe splitting it out in to separate repos where it makes sense and then starting to mark things as deprecated and then remove extract and remove bits and pieces from the Sugar core.

    That could be one way of handling it. But we need to find a good middle ground to find what goes into Sugar and what does not. Do we see Sugar as a incubator for future pods, exposing where there could be potential for more components or is it more like the name implies, a syntax sugar for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch were we feel that Apple default implementation is falling short.

    Regardless of that, the issue needs solving so, without further ado, discuss peoples!


    opened by zenangst 7
  • Feature/split string extension

    Feature/split string extension

    With this PR, you can easily split up String’s into multiple parts by calling split().

    // ["root", "path", "file"]
    opened by zenangst 7
  • Contains method in Range

    Contains method in Range

    I was doing some Networking and wanted to check if the status code was in a range, did this tiny thing. You call it like this:

    let OK = 200..<300


    opened by RamonGilabert 6
  • Add support for all global queues

    Add support for all global queues

    This PR adds some functionality to dispatch. Now you can select between all global queues by just passing an enum value;

    It still defaults to .Main so the public API does not change.

    # Main queue
    dispatch {}
    # Interactive
    dispatch(queue: .Interactive) {}
    # Interactive
    dispatch(queue: .Initiated) {}
    # Interactive
    dispatch(queue: .Utility) {}
    # Background
    dispatch(queue: .Background) {}

    You can still add your own custom queue by doing this;

    # Custom
    dispatch(queue: .Custom(myQueue)) {}
    opened by zenangst 6
  • Please create a 2.3 branch.

    Please create a 2.3 branch.

    The only change required to support swift 2.3 is self.init(CGImage: image!.CGImage!) in the branch instead of self.init(CGImage: image.CGImage!) in the file UIImage+Extensions.swift

    opened by navisingh 5
  • Add KeyboardObserver and Handler to handle keyboard events

    Add KeyboardObserver and Handler to handle keyboard events

    • Observer keyboard will show and will hide events
    • Currently support handler for basic animation, custom block, scrollview insets, layout constraint
    • Add new handler by conforming to KeyboardHandler protocol
    opened by onmyway133 5
  • Can release a tagged version for Swift 3?

    Can release a tagged version for Swift 3?

    I'm working with CocoaPods package in there isn't possible point to a branch, is there possible release a tagged version of Sugar package to Swift 3 users?

    opened by RafaelPlantard 4
  • Add/isPresent on String

    Add/isPresent on String

    This is the reverse of isEmpty but it will help improve the implementation in your application.

    So instead of:

    if !value.isEmpty {}

    You could do:

    if value.isPresent {}
    opened by zenangst 3
  • Upgrade project to swift 4.2

    Upgrade project to swift 4.2

    I have made all the necessary changes to upgrade this project to swift version 4.2. This included all API changes in actual application code as well as test code. The projects produces no warnings.

    Further discussion: Sugar currently offers the computed property .length on the String type. This was added to avoid typing .character.count everytime someone wanted to access the character count of a string. Since the original implementation of Sugar, Swift has since reverted back to using .count on the string type directly which renders this property meaningless. I did not want to remove it to avoid breaking existing code, but I would like to propose removing this completely.

    opened by technocidal 2
  • Swift 3 Date is comparable. These operators will conflict with Swift 3 operators.

    Swift 3 Date is comparable. These operators will conflict with Swift 3 operators.

    If you use current Sugar with Swift 3 environment and use >, <, >=, <= operators, it will lead to compile error like follows.

    Ambiguous use of operator '<'

    We shouldn't have these operators in Sugar anymore.

    opened by yfujiki 2
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