Generate passwords and save them in Keychain. Made with SwiftUI.



Generate strong passwords and save them in Keychain.

Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 12 - 2021-06-10 at 23 49 11

Join lockd Beta on TestFlight:


  • Generate strong custom passwords
  • Save passwords on Keychain
  • Haptic feedbacks
  • Password strenght calculator (entropy)
  • Privacy mode (hides content in app switcher)
  • Animations
  • Search for passwords
  • Sort by alphabetical order or reverse alphabet
  • Add passwords
  • Copy passwords & username to clipboard
  • Secure app with FaceID, TouchID & iPhone passcode
  • App lock itself in background
  • Dark & light mode
  • Change accent color
  • Sync to iCloud keychain (not tested yet)
  • Clear all keychain
  • Support english & French languages


  • KeychainSwift
  • SwiftUIX
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