Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.


SwiftUI Examples


Examples projects using SwiftUI & Combine.
Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.

See projects files in Files & Other Projects folders. If you have project, make a pull request or create issue with link to repo.

Interested in UI and animations in UIKit?
See awesome-ios-ui pack with UI elements.

If you like the project, do not forget to put star ★
and follow me on GitHub:



Other projects

Also include:

  • Movie
  • InstaFake
  • TempusRomanumII
  • SwiftUI + Redux
  • React Meets SwiftUI
  • Webview
  • UINote
  • SplitView
  • Card Animation

Animatable Cards


For add 3D rotation for back cards use code:

	Angle(degrees: dragState.isActive ? 0 : 60), axis: (x: 10.0, y: 10.0, z: 10.0)

For medium card use 30 angles.


In preview I am use Spring animation for all cards:


Area to Card


For button using SFSymbols pack with ready-use icons. Also support customisable weight:

Image(systemName: show ? "slash.circle.fill" : "slash.circle")


For change state using @State as property:

@State var show = false

Transition And Blur

2048 Game



Creating And Combining Views

Building Lists And Navigation


Handling User Input

Composing Complex Interfaces

Working With UIControls

Example To-Do App

iPadOS Scenes

Combine using GitHub API

Async image loading

Interfacing With UIKit

GitHub Search

Time Travel

Drawing Paths And Shapes

Animating Views And Transitions





SwiftUI SideMenu


SwiftUI Currency


SwiftUI Weather

Source and Tutorial

DesignCode SwiftUI




Currency Converter & Calculator




Light Dark





Light Dark

SwiftUI Weather App with MVVM and CoreML


Growing text view in SwiftUI





Thanks for Jinxiansen, ra1028, timdonnelly, TwoLivesLeft, devxoul, cmtrounce, unixzii, ra1028 for examples project.

Other Projects


You can find this alerts in AppStore after feedback or after added song to library in Apple Music. Contains popular Done, Heart presets and many other. Done preset present with draw path animation like original. Also available simple present message without icon. Usage in one line code.


Animation of widgets from iOS 14. 3D transform with dynamic shadow. Look video preview. Available deep customisation 3D and shadow. Also you can use static transform without animation.


Using for request and check state of permissions. Available native UI for request multiple permissions at the same time. Simple integration and usage like 2 lines code.


Simplifies working with animated changes in table and collections. Apple's diffable API required models for each object type. If you want use it in many place, you pass time to implement it and get over duplicates codes. This project help do it elegant with shared models and special cell providers. Support side bar iOS14 and already has native cell providers and views.


Collection of native Swift extensions to boost your development. Support tvOS and watchOS.


Floating indicator, mimicrate to indicator which appear when silent mode turn on / off. Support large texts and has ready-use animatable icons like done and error.

Russian-specking Community

В телеграм-канале Код Воробья пишу о iOS разработке. Помощь можно найти в нашем чате. Видео-туториалы выклыдываю на YouTube:

Tutorials on YouTube

  • Alphabetical or Historical Ordering

    Alphabetical or Historical Ordering

    Hello 👋

    Can you please order the README.md either alphabetically or historically, some canny people have been already merged their projects in first places.

    opened by mustafaozhan 4
  • Add a SwiftUI project for iPadOS

    Add a SwiftUI project for iPadOS


    I created a Calculator App mimicking the iOS Calculator, for iPadOS, using SwiftUI.
    It looks like the enlarged version of the iOS Calculator on iPads, and have the basic functions like simple calculations and copy/paste.

    Not sure if it can be added to this repo as an example (https://github.com/bofeiw/ios-calculator-clone-for-ipados), so just making an issue instead of PR.


    opened by bofeiw 1
  • Xcode 11 beta4

    Xcode 11 beta4


    here are two commits to update the repo for Xcode 11 beta4. The second commit is optional, removing most deprecation warnings. There is still one error which seems to be a toolchain bug in project 2048 where the interface file does not compile and will need to be followed up with a radar.

    opened by johnno1962 1
  • Add Clendar Calendar sample

    Add Clendar Calendar sample


    • [x] Only one for pull request
    • [ ] UI Library
    • [ ] Installed correct via Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods
    • [x] Clean Readme
    • [x] Preview
    • [x] Added to bottom
    opened by vinhnx 0
  • new UI developed, new colors collection added, some small functions i…

    new UI developed, new colors collection added, some small functions i…



    • [ ] Only one for pull request
    • [ ] UI Library
    • [ ] Installed correct via Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods
    • [ ] Clean Readme
    • [ ] Preview
    • [ ] Added to bottom
    opened by KanishkVijaywargiya 0
  • ADD SpotlightSearch

    ADD SpotlightSearch

    Thanks for this repository, it is really helpful in many ways for SwiftUI tasks.

    I wrote some library using SwiftUI, Combine, and I've found good SwiftUI repository. While It has got still less stars, it is now queued in cocoa-controls to be rolled out. I Hope that it will be accepted!!


    opened by boraseoksoon 0
  • Update CalculatorBrain.swift

    Update CalculatorBrain.swift

    Added an "AC" function, as well as a modulus ("%") function - in the calculator.swift I changed the layout as well, not sure if it was really wanted but got bored - I also changed calculator.swift to work with this

    opened by thom-bahm 0
  • Update Calculator.swift

    Update Calculator.swift

    Changed layout of calculator UI, and added Modulus function with an "AC" (clear) function (also removed some others) - I also changed calculatorBrain, so you'll need to approve both for either to work

    opened by thom-bahm 0
  • Workaround for beta 5+.

    Workaround for beta 5+.

    There was a slight regression in beta5 which meant the isFavourite star in the WWDC Player example stopped updating. This workaround fixes this for now. I have a radar open.

    opened by johnno1962 0
  • Minimum changes for Xcode 11 beta 5

    Minimum changes for Xcode 11 beta 5


    Best I can do for beta 5. "2048" is still broken this time with timeout type checking and Hiking badges and apparently anything to do with paths is broken this beta so I've commented it out. Haven't followed through on deprecation messages so as much as possible works with beta 4.

    opened by johnno1962 0
  • Redundant property wrappers in GitHub user search

    Redundant property wrappers in GitHub user search

    I've looked into GitHub user search project and found out that views contain unnecessary property wrappers (@State). According to WWDC sessions those shouldn't appear in such context. I removed them and search continued working correctly. I assume it'd be helpful removing them from repo to prevent newbies in Combine study on project with mistakes. Also I found out that project contains parts that are not used at all. I guess I can provide PR if needed)

    Thank you for this amazing repo btw! I also speak Russian if that helps.

    opened by glassomoss 0
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