Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.

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Location Elseweather


App that displays current weather at a random location.


Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practical purpose in mind. Made with SwiftUI, Apple’s latest framework and targets iOS 14.0 or higher. Feel free to use, modify, redistribute it without any restrictions.


  1. Get a free API key at
  2. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Put your API key in Config/Config.swift
let apiKey = ""
  1. Build, run, enjoy!

Version History

1.0.0. Initial release.


  • Metric and Imperial measurement units.
  • Continuous mode (Play button).
  • Support for system light and dark mode.


Distributed under MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Weather data provided by WeatherAPI.
  • World cities database by SimpleMaps.
  • Elseweather utilizes BlurHash decoding algorithm by Wolt.


Drop me a line at

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